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| pectoral {adj} [e.g. muscles, fin, cross, tea] | 111 Brust- [z. B. Muskeln, Flosse, Kreuz, Tee] | |
| pharm. medicinal {adj} [e.g. plant, product, substance, tea] | 20 Arznei- [z. B. Pflanze, Mittel, Stoff, Tee] | |
| gastr. bottomless {adj} [Am.] [with tea, coffee, soft drinks] | 18 [kostenloser Nachschank bei Tee, Kaffee, Softdrinks in Lokalen] | |
| brewed {adj} {past-p} [tea, coffee] | 18 aufgebrüht | |
| fruit {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cup, quark, tea, fasting] | 10 Früchte- [z. B. Cocktail, Quark, Tee, Fasten] | |
| sb. brewed [tea, coffee] | jd. brühte auf | |
| sb. brews [tea, coffee] | jd. brüht auf | |
| FoodInd. tealike {adj} [also: tea-like] | teeähnlich | |
Verbs |
| agr. hort. to pick sth. [flowers, apples, cotton, tea, etc.] | 437 etw. pflücken [Blumen, Äpfel, Baumwolle, Tee etc.] | |
| gastr. to make sth. [tea, coffee] | 328 etw.Akk. aufbrühen [Tee, Kaffee] | |
| gastr. to brew sth. [tea, coffee] | 265 etw. kochen [Tee, Kaffee] | |
| gastr. to brew sth. [immediately, by pouring hot water over] [e.g. tea, coffee] | 123 etw.Akk. aufbrühen | |
| to brew [tea] | 63 brühen | |
| gastr. to brew [tea] | 34 aufgießen [Tee] | |
| gastr. to make sth. [tea, coffee] | 17 etw.Akk. aufgießen [Tee, Kaffee aufbrühen] | |
Nouns |
| gastr. char [Br.] [coll.] [tea] | 24 Tee {m} | |
| caddy [small container, e.g. tea caddy] | 20 Büchse {f} [Behälter, z. B. Teebüchse] | |
| gastr. chai [spiced tea] | 17 Chai {m} [Tee] | |
| smoko [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [tea break] | 15 Teepause {f} | |
| gastr. [tea spiked with fruit schnapps or rum] | 8 Jagatee {m} [österr.] [südd.] | |
| billy [Aus., NZ: rustic tea kettle] | 8 Blechbüchse {f} [rustikaler Teekessel] | |
| gastr. [tea spiked with fruit schnapps or rum] | 7 Jägertee {m} | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Jagertee [also: Jägertee] [black tea with overproof ersatz rum; popular as an après-ski drink] | 7 Jagertee {m} [österr.] [südd.] | |
| rolling [of wheels, trains, boats, waves, etc.; also of tea] | 7 Rollen {n} [der Räder, des Zugs, des Bootes etc.; auch Tee] | |
| caddy [esp. Br.] [tea caddy] | 5 Teedose {f} | |
| pharm. [herbal tea for coughs and sore throats] | Halstee {m} | |
| gastr. [tea] | Thee {m} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Tee] | |
| [watered-down lemonade or tea] [on German maritime vessels] | Kujambel {m} [Seemannssprache] | |
| [watered-down lemonade or tea] [on German maritime vessels] | Kujambelwasser {n} [selten] [Seemannssprache] | |
| bot. T | | |
| gastr. dishcloth [rare for: tea towel, dish towel] | Geschirrtuch {n} | |
| hist. drum [evening tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century] | Abendgesellschaft {f} [bes. im späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert] | |
| entom. T | | |
| mycol. T | | |
| pol. Teabagger [Am.] [pej.] [hum.] [Tea Party movement member] | [Spitzname für ein Mitglied der US-Tea-Party-Bewegung] | |
| neol. pol. Tealiban {pl} [pej.] [portmanteau of Taliban and Tea party movement] | [Kunstwort von politischen Gegnern der Tea-Party-Bewegung] | |
| biochem. theine [caffeine contained in the leaves of the tea shrub] [C8H10N4O2] | Teein {n} [in Blättern des Teestrauches enthaltenes Koffein] | |
| biochem. theine [caffeine contained in the leaves of the tea shrub] [C8H10N4O2] | Tein {n} [in Blättern des Teestrauches enthaltenes Koffein] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to have sb. round [for tea etc.] [Br.] | jdn. zu Besuch haben [zum Abendessen etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. boba (tea) | Bubble Tea {m} [auch: Bubble-Tea] | |
| gastr. brewing process [tea, coffee] | Aufbrühvorgang {m} [Tee, Kaffee] | |
| brewing process [tea, coffee] | Brühprozess {m} [Tee, Kaffee] | |
| brewing process [tea, coffee] | Brühvorgang {m} [Tee, Kaffee] | |
| gastr. med. brightening agent [for coloring tea mixtures] | Schmuckdroge {f} [um eine Teemischung zu färben] | |
| bun fight [Br.] [tea party] | Teegesellschaft {f} [Kaffeekränzchen] | |
| hist. Coercive Acts | [Britische Zwangsgesetze nach der Boston Tea Party] | |
| gastr. cup color [Am.] [can also refer to color of contents, usually tea] | Tassenfarbe {f} [kann sich auch auf die Farbe des Inhalts, meist Tee, beziehen] | |
| cup colour [Br.] [can also refer to colour of contents, usually tea] | Tassenfarbe {f} [kann sich auch auf die Farbe des Inhalts, meist Tee, beziehen] | |
| gastr. steeping time [for tea] | Ziehzeit {f} [für Tee] | |
| gastr. tea egg [chiefly Br.: egg-shaped tea infuser] | Teeei {n} | |
| pol. Tea Partier [Am.] | [Mitglied der amerikanischen Tea-Party-Bewegung] | |
3 Words: Others |
| Neither (, thanks). [answering, e.g. "Would you like tea or coffee?"] | Weder noch. (Danke.) [Antwort, z. B. auf "Möchtest du Tee oder Kaffee?"] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to have high tea [Br.] [to eat a light meal in the early evening, often including sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea] | Abendbrot essen | |
| gastr. to leave to draw [tea etc.] | ziehen lassen | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |