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| future {adj} [e.g. the future tax rate] | kommend | |
Verbs |
| to levy [tax, fine] | 1082 erheben | |
| fin. to deduct sth. [e.g. an amount from a bill or invoice, from one's tax] | 644 etw.Akk. absetzen [z. B. einen Betrag von einer Rechnung, steuerlich] | |
| to exercise sth. [to tax its powers, i.e. under considerable physical or mental exertion] | etw.Akk. (stark) in Anspruch nehmen | |
| to itemize sth. [U.S. income tax] | etw. durch Einzelnachweis geltend machen | |
| to stretch sth. [also fig.] [to strain to the utmost, to tax] | etw.Akk. (maximal) strapazieren [auch fig.] [bis zum Äußersten belasten, anspannen usw.] | |
Nouns |
| acc. fin. jobs accountant [as a tax adviser] | 776 Steuerberater {m} | |
| admin. fin. fee [tax etc.] | 223 Abgabe {f} [Steuer etc.] | |
| jobs assessor [for tax purposes] | 193 Gutachter {m} [Taxator] | |
| econ. assessment [e.g. tax assessment] | 139 Veranlagung {f} | |
| fin. allowance [Br.] [tax] | 131 Freibetrag {m} [Steuer] | |
| fin. allowance [tax allowance] | 81 Abzug {m} [von Steuer] | |
| fin. rate [tax rate] | 63 Steuersatz {m} | |
| arrears {pl} [alimony, rent, tax, etc.] | 49 Rückstand {m} [Unterhalt, Miete, Steuer usw.] | |
| relief [tax reduction] | 41 Steuerermäßigung {f} | |
| econ. excise [tax levied on the manufacture or sale of a product within a country] | 38 Akzise {f} [früher für Verbrauchsteuer] | |
| econ. fin. [depreciation of assets as a tax-avoidance scheme] | 25 Abschreibungsprojekt {n} | |
| fin. impost [tax, duty etc.] | 24 Auflage {f} [Steuer etc.] | |
| hist. law farm [archaic] [tax farming] | 17 Repartitionssteuer {f} [ein Art Steuerpacht] | |
| fin. rate [Br.: municipal tax, usually: rates] | 15 Kommunalsteuer {f} | |
| admin. fin. [German tax law that equalizes total income between spouses] | 14 Ehegattensplitting {n} [Deutschland] | |
| fin. hist. cess [Ind.] [Scot.] [Br., Irish: archaic] [special tax] | 14 Sondersteuer {f} | |
| alienation [transfer of property and income for the purpose of tax avoidance] | 13 Hinterziehung {f} | |
| insur. [vehicle registration with tax authorities] | 12 Einsteuerung {f} | |
| fin. rates [Br.: municipal tax] | 9 Kommunalsteuern {pl} | |
| fin. hist. tallage [also: talliages] [tax] | 8 Steuer {f} | |
| admin. jobs transp. [Swiss commuter tax credit] | 7 Fahrkostenabzug {m} [schweiz.] | |
| fin. [annex tax] | 6 Annexsteuer {f} [Zuschlagsteuer] | |
| fin. impost [tax, duty etc.] | 6 Impost {m} [veraltet] [Abgabe, Steuer etc.] | |
| admin. hist. taxes [tax assessments] | 5 Schatzungen {pl} [veraltet] [Steuern] | |
| hist. pol. ['Jewish fine, penance', a penalty tax levied after the November 1938 Pogrom by the Nazi government on Jews in Germany and the occupied territories] | Judenbuße {f} | |
| hist. pol. [compulsory tax stamp on internal West German mail to support West Berlin] | Notopfermarke {f} [Steuermarke, Zusatzporto auf Post innerhalb der Bundesrepublik zur Unterstützung von West Berlin] | |
| [general tax form and additional tax forms] [for income tax return] | Mantelbogen und Anlagen [Steuererklärung] | |
| fin. hist. [historical excise tax on consumption, especially of alcohol] | Ungeld {n} | |
| [tax stamp for a trash can] | Müllmarke {f} | |
| admin. fin. [the splitting of combined income equally across members of a unit (couple, family, etc.) for purposes of income tax calculation] | Splitting {n} | |
| naut. dayage [obs.] [rare] [tax or duty levied on vessels in harbour, esp. charge for each day spent in port] | Liegegebühr {f} | |
| admin. exactor [tax collector] | Steuereintreiber {m} | |
| econ. pol. imposition [tax on imported food] | Oktroi {m} {n} [geh.] [Steuer auf eingeführte Lebensmittel] | |
| fin. hist. octroi [archaic] [tax on imported foodstuffs] | Oktroi {m} {n} [veraltet] [Steuer auf eingeführte Lebensmittel] | |
| fin. hist. octroi [tax] | Oktroy {m} {n} [Steuer] | |
| fin. the taxman [coll.] [tax authorities] | die Steuerbehörde {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| non-rated {adj} [tax] | steuerlich nicht bewertet | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| admin. fin. law accounting period [for tax purposes] | Ermittlungszeitraum {m} [Besteuerungszeitraum] | |
| fin. advance ruling [from tax authority] | verbindliche Auskunft {f} | |
| aggregate figures [e.g. of tax revenues] | Gesamtzahlen {pl} [z. B. der Steuereinnahmen] | |
| RealEst. basic abatement [Am.] [property tax reduction] | Steuerfreibetrag {m} [Grundsteuerreduktion] | |
| relig. church rate [church tax levied in some European countries] | Kirchenbeitrag {m} [österr.] [Kirchensteuer] | |
| ecol. CO2 tax [carbon tax] | CO2-Abgabe {f} | |
| ecol. CO2 tax [carbon tax] | CO2-Steuer {f} | |