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| primed {adj} {past-p} [person, surface] | 561 vorbereitet [für / auf etw.] | |
| primed {adj} {past-p} [for sth.] [person, surface, bomb] | 382 präpariert [für etw.] | |
| snowy {adj} [e.g. surface, landscape, weather] | 337 Schnee- [z. B. Fläche, Landschaft, Wetter] | |
| flat {adj} [surface] | 160 eben [Fläche, Land] | |
| flat {adj} [having a smooth and even surface] | 146 plan [bes. Fachsprache] | |
| lumpy {adj} [ground, surface] | 108 uneben | |
| painted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. wall, surface, canvas] | 25 bemalt | |
| gummy {adj} [substance, surface, food] | 24 klebrig | |
| uneven {adj} [surface, track, etc.] | 20 wellig | |
| flocked {adj} {past-p} [surface] | 15 beflockt | |
| rough {adj} [manners, surface, fabric] | 12 grob [Benehmen, Oberfläche, Stoff] | |
| lying {adj} [attr.] [e.g. comfort, meditation, surface, vase] | 11 Liege- [z. B. Komfort, Meditation, Fläche, Vase] | |
| tech. micropatterned {adj} [surface] | 11 mikrostrukturiert | |
| astron. Mercurian {adj} [e.g. atmosphere, crater, surface, year] | Merkur- [z. B. Atmosphäre, Krater, Oberfläche, Jahr] | |
| rippled {adj} {past-p} [surface of water, etc.] | gekräuselt [Wasseroberfläche usw.] | |
| seating {adj} [attr.] [e.g. accommodation, comfort, furniture, plan, surface] | Sitz- [z. B. Gelegenheit, Komfort, Möbel, Ordnung, Fläche] | |
| astron. Venusian {adj} [e.g. atmosphere, orbit, surface] | Venus- [z. B. Atmosphäre, Bahn, Oberfläche] | |
Verbs |
| to float [pigments on a paint surface] | 304 ausschwimmen | |
| to line sth. [cover the inside surface (of a container)] | 106 etw.Akk. ausschlagen [(ein Behältnis) mit Stoff etc. auskleiden] | |
| to ruffle sth. [ripple (the surface of water)] | 93 etw.Akk. kräuseln [die Wasseroberfläche] | |
| to coat sth. [a surface] | 66 etw. belegen [Oberfläche] | |
| to line sth. [cover the inner surface of] | 49 etw.Akk. auslegen [auskleiden] | |
| print to print sth. [mark sth. (a surface, typically a fabric or garment) with a coloured design or pattern] | 19 etw.Akk. bedrucken [einen Stoff, ein Kleidungsstück etc.] | |
| chem. to solvate sth. [to soften dirt / a surface using a solvent] | 5 etw. anlösen [Schmutz / eine Oberfläche mit einem Lösungsmittel aufweichen] | |
| gastr. [to use a baker's peel to remove loaves of bread from the hot surface of a traditional baking oven] | etw.Akk. ausschießen [Brotlaibe mit dem Brotschießer aus dem Backofen herausholen] | |
| to disintegrate [e. g. road surface] | rissig werden | |
| to finish sth. [give a surface treatment to sth.] | etw.Dat. ein Finish geben | |
| to sand sth. [e.g. irregularities of surface] | etw.Akk. verschleifen [z. B. Oberflächenunebenheiten] | |
| to topdress [gardening, agriculture - to spread fertiliser on the surface] | mit Kopfdünger düngen | |
Nouns |
| pothole [in a road surface] | 907 Schlagloch {n} | |
| tilt [sloping surface or position; sloping movement, inclination] | 698 Neigung {f} [Schrägfläche; Schrägstellung] | |
| constr. geol. dip [in a surface, road] | 142 Senke {f} | |
| top [surface] | 136 Oberfläche {f} | |
| face [surface] | 77 Oberfläche {f} | |
| screen [projection surface] | 52 Bildfläche {f} | |
| transp. rutting [in road surface] | 32 Spurrillen {pl} | |
| finish [topcoat applied to a surface] | 31 Lack {m} | |
| irregularities [of surface] | 26 Unebenheiten {pl} | |
| area [surface] | 23 Oberfläche {f} | |
| bump [on any surface] | 22 Hubbel {m} [regional] [Unebenheit, Buckel] | |
| constr. traffic pavement [esp. Am.] [road surface] | 22 Fahrbahndecke {f} | |
| tilt [sloping surface] | 18 Schrägfläche {f} | |
| superficies [surface] | 16 Oberfläche {f} | |
| med. tech. fraying [of edges, surface, etc.] | 14 Ausreißen {n} | |
| phys. spaser [surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation] | 14 Spaser {m} [Oberflächenplasmonen-Verstärkung durch stimulierte Emission von Strahlung] | |
| archi. diaper [diaper-work, surface decoration, carved or painted] | 13 [Waffelmuster auf Flächen, Waffelmusterverkleidung] | |
| tech. keying [a surface] | 11 Aufrauen {n} [z. B. Haftgrund] | |
| constr. irregularity [surface] | 10 Abweichung {f} [Oberfläche] | |
| constr. traffic pavement [Am.] [road surface] | 9 Decke {f} [Fahrbahndecke] | |
| phys. tech. ramp [inclined plane / surface] | 9 Schräge {f} [ugs.] [schräge / schiefe / geneigte Ebene] | |