Dictionary English German: [subjects]

Translation 1 - 11 of 11

English German
on sth. [subjects, styles, contributions etc.]
zu etw. [vor Substantiven im Plural wie z. B. zu den Themen, Beiträgen]
lit. essay [on cultural subjects]
Feuilleton {n} [österr.] [populärwissenschaftlicher Aufsatz]
hist. relig. [assurance that a change in the religion of the ruler would not require his subjects to also convert]Religionsversicherung {f}
educ. [form of pedagogy in which complex subjects are not simplified to students' levels]Abbilddidaktik {f}
educ. hist. [grammar school teaching esp. classical languages as main subjects] [Br.]humanistisches Gymnasium {n} [auch: Humanistisches Gymnasium]
educ. science {sg} [subjects in school]Realien {pl} [veraltet] [naturwissenschaftliche Fächer]
ling. trial [grammatically, three subjects]Trial {m}
2 Words
guinea pigs [fig.] [subjects of experiments]Versuchskaninchen {pl} [fig.]
med. pharm. sample size [number of subjects in a clinical trial]Fallzahl {f} [Anzahl der Teilnehmer an einer Studie]
work area [place where one's work is done as well as subjects one works on]Arbeitsfeld {n} [bezeichnet den Gegenstandsbereich der Arbeit, nicht den konkreten Arbeitsplatz]
5+ Words
to be left out of school [certain subjects]in der Schule nicht behandelt werden [bestimmte Themen/Fächer]
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