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|  |
 | somebody {pron} <sb.> [subject] | 1235 jemand <jd.> |  |
Others |
 | someone {pron} <so.> [subject] | 2790 jemand <jd.> |  |
 | you {pron} [singular and plural subject and direct object] [formal] | 1432 Sie [formelle Anrede] |  |
 | compulsory {adj} [e.g. contributions, insurance, lecture, subject] | 937 Pflicht- [z. B. Beiträge, Versicherung, Vorlesung, Fach] |  |
 | an [masculine subject / neuter subject or direct object] | 494 ein |  |
 | an [feminine subject / direct object] | 428 eine |  |
 | exhausted {adj} {past-p} [possibilities, potential, subject] | 371 ausgereizt [fig.] |  |
 | topical {adj} | 297 thematisch [relating to a particular subject] |  |
 | econ. law conditioned {adj} [subject to conditions] | 284 eingeschränkt |  |
 | anybody {pron} [subject] | 156 jemand <jd.> |  |
 | touchy {adj} [subject] | 148 heikel |  |
 | anyone {pron} [subject] | 132 jemand <jd.> |  |
 | under {prep} [subject to] | 128 gemäß [+Dat.] |  |
 | broached {past-p} [subject / theme] | 119 angeschnitten [Thema] |  |
 | barren {adj} [style, subject] | 98 trocken [Stil, Thematik] |  |
 | recalcitrant {adj} [material, subject] | 48 spröde [Material, Materie] |  |
 | equivocal {adj} [subject to multiple interpretations] | 47 doppelsinnig |  |
 | about {prep} [on the subject of] | 14 wegen [+Dat.] [ugs.] |  |
 | elective {adj} [e.g. subject, course, office, monarchy] | 9 Wahl- [z. B. Fach, Amt, Monarchie] |  |
 | sorest {adj} [subject] | 8 heikelste |  |
 | unrewarding {adj} [work, subject] | 8 unergiebig [fig.] [nicht lohnend] |  |
 | barren {adj} [style, subject] | 6 strohtrocken [oft ugs.] [Stil, Thematik: sehr trocken, unangenehm trocken] |  |
 | sorer {adj} [subject] | 6 heikler |  |
 | [subject to recoupment of public money spent on local public infrastructure] {adj} | erschließungsbeitragspflichtig |  |
 | herself {pron} [subject or direct object] | sich [Dat. oder Akk.] selber [meist ugs.] |  |
 | herself {pron} [subject or direct object] | sie selbst |  |
 | moot {adj} [subject to debate] | zu erörtern [nur prädikativ] [strittig] |  |
 | someone {pron} <so.> [female] [subject] | eine [jemand (weiblich)] |  |
 | someone {pron} <so.> [male] [subject] | einer [jemand (männlich)] |  |
 | touchiest {adj} [subject] | heikelste |  |
 | yourself {pron} [subject or direct object] | Sie selbst [formelle Anrede] |  |
 | yourself {pron} [subject] | du selbst |  |
Verbs |
 | to raise sth. [money, subject] | 1233 etw. aufbringen [Geld, Thema] |  |
 | to broach sth. [a subject] | 915 etw. ansprechen [zur Sprache bringen] |  |
 | to master sth. [field of knowledge, subject] | 814 etw.Akk. beherrschen [Wissens-, Sachgebiet] |  |
 | to treat sth. [a topic or subject] | 270 etw.Akk. abhandeln [Thema etc.] |  |
 | to straggle [digress from a subject] | 146 abschweifen |  |
 | educ. to teach sth. [subject] | 19 etw. geben [Unterrichtsfach] |  |
 | to funk [to subject to offensive smoke] [obs.] | 11 einräuchern [in stinkenden Rauch hüllen] |  |
 | ecol. [to be subject to an invasion of fringe species into grasslands after abandonment of grazing or mowing] | 10 versaumen [Geobotanik] |  |
 | to concern sth. [be about a particular subject] | von etw. handeln |  |
 | to exhaust sth. [a subject] | etw. erschöpfend abhandeln |  |
 | to exhaust sth. [a subject] | etw. erschöpfend behandeln |  |
 | educ. to flunk sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [an examination subject, e.g. biology] | in etw.Dat. durchfliegen [ugs.] [einem Prüfungsfach, z. B. Biologie] |  |
 | to immerse sb. [fig.] [in a subject] | jdn. gründlich vertraut machen [mit einem Thema] |  |
 | to shine [in a particular subject] | eine Leuchte sein [auf / in] |  |
 | educ. to take sth. [a subject in school] | etw.Akk. haben [als Unterrichtsfach in der Schule lernen] [ugs.] |  |
 | to touch sth. [a subject etc.] | an etw. rühren [Thema etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | educ. education [includes subject mastery, cultural, and personal maturation aspects] | 5352 Bildung {f} |  |
 | approach [to a topic, subject] | 2067 Ansatz {m} [Ausgangspunkt, Grundgedanke] |  |