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|  |
 | swag {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [style, behaviour] | 587 cool [ugs.] [Stil, Auftreten] |  |
 | bold {adj} [colours, patterns etc.] [also style, brushstroke etc.] | 452 kräftig |  |
 | fussy {adj} [pej.] [design, style] | 337 überladen [fig.] |  |
 | camp {adj} [appearance, style] | 324 aufgedonnert |  |
 | wooden {adj} [style of acting etc.] | 311 papieren [trocken, unlebendig, steif (im Stil, Ausdruck)] |  |
 | naff {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [without style, taste or quality] | 308 billig [pej.] [geschmacklos] |  |
 | discursive {adj} [style] | 277 weitschweifig |  |
 | vapid {adj} [style] | 243 kraftlos [Stil] |  |
 | ling. elevated {adj} [style] | 188 gehoben <geh.> [Stil] |  |
 | acerbic {adj} [remark, comment, style] | 171 bissig [Bemerkung etc.] |  |
 | emotive {adj} [speech, style] | 140 pathetisch |  |
 | racy {adj} [speech, style, play, wine] | 139 feurig |  |
 | racy {adj} [speech, style, play] | 133 schwungvoll |  |
 | journ. lit. racy {adj} [style] | 131 flott [Stil] |  |
 | barren {adj} [style, subject] | 98 trocken [Stil, Thematik] |  |
 | stilted {adj} [style, conversation] | 79 gespreizt [geziert, affektiert] |  |
 | outlandish {adj} [prose, style, description] | 62 eigenwillig |  |
 | ling. orotund {adj} [pompous] [language style] | 50 geschwollen [Sprachstil, Rede usw.] |  |
 | antiquated {adj} [writing style, dress, etc.] | 44 altertümelnd |  |
 | dashing {adj} [style, dress] | 44 rasant [ugs.] |  |
 | functional {adj} [building, style, etc.] | 41 sachlich [nüchtern] |  |
 | otiose {adj} [elevated style] | 37 nutzlos |  |
 | rarified {adj} {past-p} [spv. of rarefied] [elevated in style] | 36 anspruchsvoll [Stil] |  |
 | flatulent {adj} [style] | 29 geschwollen [Stil] |  |
 | pompous {adj} [style etc.] | 26 hochgestochen [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | luxuriant {adj} [furnishings, style] | 24 prunkvoll |  |
 | managerial {adj} [e.g. skills, functions, level, style, staff] | 23 Führungs- [z. B. Qualitäten, Aufgaben, Ebene, Stil, Personal] |  |
 | sports attacking {adj} [style of play, player] | 21 offensiv |  |
 | redundant {adj} [style] | 21 weitschweifig |  |
 | art Egyptianesque {adj} [art history, a retro-style] | 17 ägyptisierend [Kunstgeschichte] |  |
 | ling. orotund {adj} [pompous] [language style] | 15 pompös [Sprachstil, Rede usw.] |  |
 | epistolary {adj} [e.g. form, correspondence, style, novel] | 13 Brief- [z. B. Form, Wechsel, Stil, Roman] |  |
 | homely {adj} [Br.] [person, style etc.] | 13 hausbacken [pej.] [Person, Stil etc.] |  |
 | ling. orotund {adj} [bombastic] [language style] | 13 bombastisch [Sprachstil] |  |
 | pithily {adv} [style, comment] | 13 kernig |  |
 | flatulent {adj} [style] | 12 schwülstig [Stil] |  |
 | facile {adj} [art, style] | 11 gefällig |  |
 | redundant {adj} [style] | 11 überladen [fig.] |  |
 | inexpressive {adj} [word, style] | 8 blass |  |
 | stiff {adj} [style, behaviour] | 7 steifleinern [veraltend] |  |
 | barren {adj} [style, subject] | 6 strohtrocken [oft ugs.] [Stil, Thematik: sehr trocken, unangenehm trocken] |  |
 | dégagé {adj} [easy in manner or style] | 5 ungezwungen |  |
 | furn. Adirondack {adj} [style] [esp. chairs] | Adirondack- |  |
 | after {prep} [in the style] | nach Art von |  |
 | camp {adj} [performance, style, appearance] | (bewusst) übertrieben |  |
 | ling. euphuistic {adj} [style] | euphuistisch [Stil] [schwülstig] |  |
 | facile {adj} [style, performance] | mit leichter Hand |  |
 | footnoting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. style, ritual, system] | Fußnoten- [z. B. Stil, Ritual, System] |  |
 | Georgian {adj} [architecture, house, style, period] | georgianisch |  |
 | Gilbertian {adj} [in the style W. S. Gilbert] [ludicrously comic] | aberwitzig komisch |  |