| English  | German |  |
 | calm {adj} [showing no strong emotions] | 3812 gelassen [ruhig] |  |
 | determined {adj} [strong-willed] | 603 willensstark |  |
 | ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 410 veraltet |  |
 | stout {adj} [strong, stock, corpulent] | 270 stark [kräftig, stämmig, korpulent] |  |
 | calm {adj} [showing no strong emotions] | 148 gefasst [ruhig, gelassen] |  |
 | stout {adj} [strong in structure or substance] | 91 robust [Material, Schuhe etc.] |  |
 | potent {adj} [strong] | 69 stark |  |
 | squinting {adj} {pres-p} [reacting to strong light] | 68 blinzelnd |  |
 | hefty {adj} [strong] | 62 stark [kräftig, groß] |  |
 | flavorful {adj} [Am.] [having a strong flavor] | 35 geschmacksintensiv |  |
 | brawny {adj} [strong] | 34 stark [kräftig, bullig] |  |
 | husky {adj} [big and strong, burly] | (groß und) kräftig [Person] |  |
 | lethal {adj} [coll.] [strong, e.g. drink] | tödlich stark [ugs.] |  |
 | sinophile {adj} [Am.] [friendly to or having a strong liking for China or the Chinese] | chinafreundlich [sinophil] |  |
 | skookum {adj} [Chinook jargon] [Pacific Northwest] [strong, powerful] | stark |  |
 | very [strong, fast etc.] | affen- [ugs.] [sehr] [affenstark, affenschnell etc.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to squint [reaction to strong light] | 1718 blinzeln |  |
 | to move [arouse a strong feeling in sb.] | 45 rühren [fig.] [emotional bewegen] |  |
 | to plotz [Am.] [coll.] [from Yiddish] [with a strong emotion] | 10 platzen [z. B. vor Wut, Neugier, Freude] |  |
Nouns |
 | pol. sociol. xenophobia [strong antipathy to strangers] | 1020 Fremdenfeindlichkeit {f} [Einstellung] |  |
 | box [made of wood or strong cardboard] | 488 Kiste {f} [Behälter] |  |
 | forte [strong point] | 358 Stärke {f} [starke Seite, Force] |  |
 | pol. sociol. xenophobia [strong antipathy to foreigners] | 235 Ausländerfeindlichkeit {f} [Einstellung] |  |
 | psych. [state of strong emotional turmoil] | 27 Ergriffenheit {f} |  |
 | gastr. TrVocab. [medium strong coffee with hot milk, partly frothed] | 13 Melange {f} [österr.] [klassisch] |  |
 | civet [strong musky perfume] | 11 Zibetparfüm {n} |  |
 | bruiser [coll.] [big strong man] | Lackel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [österr.] [südd.] [auch: Lackl] [großer, starker Mann] |  |
 | VetMed. elastration [bloodless castration (as of a lamb) by fitting a strong rubber band about the scrotum] | Kastration {f} mittels eines Elastrators |  |
 | meteo. hooley [strong wind] | Sturm {m} [starker Wind] |  |
 | brew Maibock [a strong German lager] | Maibock {m} |  |
 | peter [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: Peter Pan = can = safe, strong-box] | [Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Safe] |  |
 | vividness [strong, clear images in the mind] | Plastizität {f} [fig.] [geh.] [Anschaulichkeit] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to brace up [Br.] [be strong or brave] | sich aufraffen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | audio background noise [strong] | Hintergrundlärm {m} |  |
 | body blow [fig.] [a strong, almost disabling action, e.g. "he dealt a body blow to the idea's adoption"] | schwerer Schlag {m} [fig.] |  |
 | coffin nails [coll.] [cigarettes, especially strong unfiltered ones] | Sargnägel {pl} [ugs. für: Zigaretten] [hum.] [fig.] |  |
 | phys. coupling expansion [strong or weak] | Kopplungsentwicklung {f} [starke bzw. schwache] |  |
 | pharm. drastic (agent) [strong purgative] | Drastikum {n} [starkes Abführmittel] |  |
 | pharm. drastic agents [strong purgatives] | Drastika {pl} |  |
 | hard stuff [coll.] [strong liquor] | hartes Zeug {n} [ugs.] [Schnaps] |  |
 | hot contender [coll.] [strong contender] | heißer Anwärter {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | print tech. textil. linen tester [strong magnifier with a measuring scale] | Messlupe {f} [Fadenzähler] |  |
 | oenol. liqueur wine [dark strong, sweet or dry fortified wine] | Likörwein {m} |  |
 | math. ultrastrong topology [also: σ-strong topology, ultrastrong topology, strongest topology, strongest operator topology] | ultrastarke Topologie {f} [σ-starke Topologie] |  |
 | math. ultrastrong* topology [σ-strong* topology] | ultrastarke* Topologie {f} [σ-starke Topologie] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to have an impact on sb./sth. [fig.] [strong influence, esp. negative] | jdn./etw. beeinflussen [bes. negativ] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | math. strong perfect graph conjecture <SPGC> [dated] [strong perfect graph theorem] | starker Perfekte-Graphen-Satz {m} |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | idiom a mountain of a man [a very tall and strong guy] | ein Brecher {m} von einem Mann [ugs.] |  |
 | analysis of strong and weak points [strong and weak points analysis] | Stärken-Schwächen-Analyse {f} [Stärken-/Schwächenanalyse] |  |