| English  | German |  |
 | pol. unitary {adj} [state, system] | 481 zentralistisch |  |
 | public {adj} [state] | 398 staatlich |  |
 | rough {adj} [violent, unfrefined] [also state, draft, sketch] | 397 roh [gewalttätig, ungehobelt] [auch: Zustand, Entwurf etc.] |  |
 | critical {adj} [being in a state of crisis] | 332 krisenhaft |  |
 | panicked {adj} [e.g. panicked state] | 321 panisch [z. B. panischer Zustand] |  |
 | forlorn {adj} [miserable, wretched] [e.g. house, state] | 101 elend [erbärmlich, armselig] [z. B. Behausung, Zustand] |  |
 | desolate {adj} [state] | 99 verwahrlost [Zustand] |  |
 | national {adj} [state, federal state] | 85 staatlich |  |
 | psych. manic {adj} [state, depression] | 54 manisch |  |
 | exuberant {adj} [state of mind] | 33 wirbelig |  |
 | pol. Excelsior [USA] [New York state motto: Ever upward] | 30 [Motto des US-Staates New York: Höher hinaus / Höher hinauf] |  |
 | law constitutional {adj} [pertaining to the constitution of a state] | 18 staatsrechtlich |  |
 | constr. ruinous {adj} [state of a building] | 13 baufällig |  |
 | pol. Eureka [USA] [California state motto: I have found it.] | 12 [Motto des US-Staates Kalifornien: Heureka. / Ich habe (es) gefunden.] |  |
 | exuberant {adj} [state of mind] | 9 wirblig |  |
 | miniature {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fruit, pinscher, rose, schnauzer, state] | 7 Zwerg- [z. B. Obst, Pinscher, Rose, Schnauzer, Staat] |  |
 | member {adj} [attr.] [e.g. country, state, firm] | 6 Mitglieds- [z. B. Land, Staat, Firma] |  |
 | hallucinatory {adj} [state, effect, vision, experience] | 5 halluzinatorisch |  |
 | law ["Federal law overrides state law." - Article 31, Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany; similar to the rule "Federal law supersedes state law." in the U.S. Constitution] | Bundesrecht bricht Landesrecht. [Artikel 31, Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland] |  |
 | pol. Alki [also: Al-ki] [USA] [Washington state motto (Chinook Jargon): By and by / Some day] | [Motto des US-Staates Washington; Chinook-Jargon: Irgendwann] |  |
 | pol. proverb Dirigo. [USA] [Maine state motto: I Lead.] | [Motto des US-Staates Maine: Ich führe. / Ich leite.] |  |
 | pol. Forward [USA] [Wisconsin state motto] | Vorwärts [Motto des US-Staates Wisconsin] |  |
 | quantum {adj} [attr.] [e.g. jump, mechanics, number, physics, state, theory] | Quanten- [z. B. Sprung, Mechanik, Zahl, Physik, Zustand, Theorie] |  |
 | rough {adj} [attr.] [draft, layout, state, etc.] | Roh- [Rohentwurf, -fassung, -zustand usw.] |  |
 | Russian {adj} [pertaining to the state] | russländisch [Neologismus] |  |
 | geogr. Victorian {adj} [relating to Victoria, the state or any of the cities] | victorianisch [auf den austral. Bundesstaat Victoria oder eine Stadt dieses Namens bezogen] |  |
Verbs |
 | comm. to quote sth. [state price of] | 567 etw. angeben [Preis] |  |
 | law to represent sth. [state, indicate] | 386 etw. erklären [aussagen, mitteilen] |  |
 | law to represent sth. [set forth, state, declare] | 381 etw. angeben [erklären] |  |
 | to set [harden into a solid or semi-solid state] | 363 erstarren [fest werden] |  |
 | med. psych. to recover [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength; also: economy etc.] | 190 genesen [geh.] [gesund werden; auch: sich erholen (Wirtschaft etc.)] |  |
 | to explain sth. [state reasons] | 171 etw. begründen [eine Behauptung] |  |
 | to declare sth. [to state explicitly] | 100 etw.Akk. kundtun [Wunsch, Absicht] |  |
 | to manifest sth. [state, testify] | 42 etw. bekunden |  |
 | ecol. to rewild sth. [restore to a natural state] | 26 etw.Akk. renaturieren |  |
 | to reintegrate sth. [restore to state of integration] | 16 etw. wiederherstellen |  |
 | to deteriorate [towards a worse state] | 14 rückwärtsgehen [ugs.] [fig.] [schlechter werden, sich verschlechtern] |  |
 | to explain sth. [state, demonstrate] | 12 etw.Akk. dartun [geh.] [veraltet] [erklären] |  |
 | gastr. to pacotize [process, which mixes and purees deep frozen food stuff directly in its frozen state] | 5 pacossieren [Tiefgefrorenes ohne Auftauen mit dem Pacojet® pürieren] |  |
 | to carry sth. [Am.] [e.g., a state] | etw.Akk. gewinnen [in einer Wahl für sich entscheiden] |  |
 | pol. relig. to disestablish [a state church] | entstaatlichen [eine Staatskirche] |  |
 | to proclaim sth. [state publicly, announce officially] | etw. bekannt machen [öffentlich, offiziell] |  |
 | ecol. to reclaim sth. [restore to a natural state] | etw.Akk. renaturieren |  |
 | to set [harden into a solid or semi-solid state] | fest werden |  |
 | to specify sth. [state in detail] | etw. genau angeben |  |
Nouns |
 | condition [state] | 2831 Zustand {m} |  |
 | country [state, nation] | 2086 Land {n} [Staat, Nation] |  |
 | math. equality [state of being equal] | 998 Gleichheit {f} |  |
 | condition [state] | 782 Verfassung {f} [Zustand] |  |
 | temper [state of mind, disposition] | 637 Gemüt {n} [Naturell] |  |