Dictionary English German: [standing]

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
déclassée {adj} [rare.: of a woman, having lost social standing]
heruntergekommen [ugs.]
herald. statant {adj} [upright standing posture of heraldic animals in crests]stehend [Aufrechtstellung von Wappentieren in Wappen]
surrounding {adj} [attr.] [standing around]umherstehend
to stop [remain standing, end activity]
stoppen [stehen bleiben, aufhören]
agr. meteo. to lodge sth. [of wind or rain: flatten a standing crop, etc.]
etw. flachlegen [Wind oder Regen: Getreide, Gras etc.]
agr. meteo. to lodge sth. [of wind or rain: flatten a standing crop, etc.]
etw.Akk. umlegen [Wind oder Regen: Getreide, Gras etc.]
to obtain sth. [esp. knowledge, social standing etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. erwerben [Wissen, Reputation etc.]
to surround sb./sth. [while standing]jdn./etw. umstehen [stehend umgeben]
cane [stick for aid in walking or standing]
Stock {m}
peer [person of the same rank or standing]
Ebenbürtiger {m}
peer [person of the same rank or standing]
Gleichstehender {m}
peer [female person of the same rank or standing]
Ebenbürtige {f}
peer [person of the same rank or standing]
Standesgenosse {m} [veraltet]
comm. film market. standee [self-standing display]
Aufsteller {m} [mit Werbung]
gastr. [a liter of beer which is consumed while standing in an aisle as opposed to at a table, e.g. at Oktoberfest]Stehmaß {f}
[cafe where coffee and pastries are consumed standing up]Stehcafé {n}
[firm, hotel or restaurant with a long-standing tradition]Traditionshaus {n}
hist. jobs [sb. standing at a street corner, waiting for odd jobs to do]Eckensteher {m}
educ. [Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany]Ständige Konferenz {f} der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Kultusministerkonferenz]
[the way something or somebody is standing]Standart {f} [Art, wie etwas oder jemand steht]
games sports klootschieten [standing-style ball shooting, played along the coast and borders of North Germany]Klootschießen {n} [nordd.] [eine Art Eisschießen]
jobs naut. oldster [Br.] [midshipman of four years' standing in the British navy][ein schon vier Jahre dienender Seekadett der British Navy]
peer [female person of the same rank or standing]Standesgenossin {f} [veraltet]
furn. washstand [dated] [free standing, not connected to plumbing]Waschgestell {n} [veraltet]
2 Words: Verbs
to be stood [coll.] [to be standing]stehen
to stay up [e.g. trousers on sb. standing; voice in a sentence]oben bleiben [z. B. Hose bei jdm., der steht; Stimme in einem Satz]
2 Words: Nouns
archi. hist. cloth hall [cloth-traders' hall] [free-standing guildhall]Gewandhaus {n}
conference member [here: member of a standing conference]Mitglied {n} einer Konferenz
isolated tree [standing by itself]Einzelbaum {m}
mil. weapons offhand (position) [also: offhand standing position]Stehendanschlag {m}
pillar box [Br.] [free-standing postbox]Postkasten {m}
ponding water [standing water]stehendes Wasser {n}
audio phys. pressure antinode [of a standing wave]Druckbauch {m} [einer stehenden Welle]
gastr. prime rib [coll. for: standing rib roast]Hohe Rippe {f}
esot. mus. resting bell [less common for: standing bell]Klangschale {f}
mil. weapons standing position [also: offhand standing position]Stehendanschlag {m}
furn. wash basin [dated] [free standing, not connected to plumbing]Waschgestell {n} [veraltet]
3 Words: Others
All seats sold. <SRO> [abbreviation is for: standing-room only]Alle Sitze sind verkauft.
3 Words: Verbs
to uncross one's legs [when standing or sitting]die / seine Beine wieder nebeneinander stellen [alt]
to uncross one's legs [when standing or sitting]die / seine Beine wieder nebeneinanderstellen
3 Words: Nouns
man of quality [standing, status]Mann {m} von Rang
4 Words: Verbs
to sit below the salt [idiom] [be of lower social standing or worth]beim Fußvolk sitzen [Redewendung] [von Personen: nicht wichtig sein]
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