Dictionary English German: [standard compliant]

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comp. standards-compliant {adj} [also: standard-compliant]standardkonform
yielding {adj} [compliant]nachgiebig
supple {adj} [compliant, docile]gefügig
buxom {adj} [obs.] [compliant, docile]fügsam
fin. participation account [compliant with interest-free Islamic principles]Beteiligungskonto {n}
complacent {adj} [Am.] [Br. obs.] [complaisant, compliant]willfährig [geh.] [oft pej.]
to supple sb./sth. [rare] [make compliant]jdn./etw. gefügig machen
sb./sth. has / had stoodjd./etw. ist / war gestanden [standard-südd.] [standard-österr.] [standard-schweiz.]
[standard] Standart {m} [FALSCH für: Standard]
cloth. hist. mil. Boots, General Service <BGS> [ammunition boots] [standard footwear for the British Army][britische Armeestiefel (Standard), ab ca. 1880 bis 1960]
Bluetooth® [standard for wireless data transmission]Bluetooth® {m} {n} [Standard zur kabellosen Datenübertragung]
living {adj} [attr.] [e.g. conditions, environment, processes, situation, standard]Lebens- [z. B. Umstände, Umfeld, Prozesse, Situation, Standard]
cloth. hist. mil. ammo boots [coll. for: ammunition boots] [standard footwear for the British Army][britische Armee-/Kampfstiefel (Standard), ab ca. 1880 bis 1960]
changes between ... and ... [e.g. standard x and standard y]Änderungen {pl} zwischen ... und ... [z. B. Norm x und Norm y]
MedTech. Health Level 7 / Health Level Seven <HL7> [standard]Health Level 7 {m} {n} [Standard, Norm]
Willi Becher glass [also: Willybecher] [German standard beer glassware]Willibecher {m} [auch: Willi-Becher] [Standard-Bierglas; 0,2 l, 0,25 l, 0,3 l, 0,4 l und 0,5 l]
impossible {adj} [standard, etc.]unerreichbar
received {adj} [accepted, standard]anerkannt
mil. bannerman [standard-bearer]Fahnenträger {m}
anat. med. bicep [non-standard]Bizeps {m}
condolescence [non-standard]Anteilnahme {f}
requirementAnspruch {m} [Voraussetzung, Standard]
rule [principle, standard]Richtlinie {f}
weight [standard mass]Gewichtstück {n}
received {adj} [accepted, standard]allgemein akzeptiert
comm. straight {adj}gewöhnlich [Standard, ohne Extras]
engin. phys. tech. etalon [fundamental measurement standard]Maßverkörperung {f}
comp. programming standardProgrammierstandard {m} [Programmier-Standard]
standard film [standard foil]Standardfolie {f}
unequivocably {adv} [non-standard spv.] [unequivocally]eindeutig
unequivocably {adv} [non-standard spv.] [unequivocally]unmissverständlich
yer {pron} [non-standard: for you]du
phys. unit etalon [metrological standard]Normal {n} [metrologischer Vergleichsgegenstand]
knowledge [standard, state of knowledge]Wissensstand {m}
noncompliance [to a standard]Nichteinhaltung {f} [einer Norm]
noncompliance [to a standard]Nichterfüllung {f} [einer Norm]
quality [high standard]Format {n} [hohes Niveau]
math. quasi-standardQuasistandard {m} [auch: Quasi-Standard]
tech. standard controllerStandardregler {m} [auch: Standard-Regler]
math. standard isometryStandardisometrie {f} [auch: Standard-Isometrie]
material standard productStandardprodukt {n} [auch: Standard-Produkt]
tech. standardization measure [rare] [standard measure]Kalibriermaß {n}
vanilla {adj} [fig.] [plain, conventional]durchschnittlich [Standard-, konventionell]
to undermine sth.etw.Akk. aufweichen [Standard etc.]
square [archaic] [pattern, standard]Muster {n} [fig.] [Vorbild]
clock time [standard time of day]Uhrzeit {f}
EU EPAL pallet [standard European pallet]Europoolpalette {f} [fachspr.]
hist. cornet (of horse) [standard bearer]Kornett {m} [Kavallerie]
irregardless {adv} [non-standard for: regardless][wie auch immer]
normalized {adj} [conforming to a social norm or standard]standesgemäß
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