Dictionary English German: [spirit]

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dead {adj} [barren (planet, land, etc.); pej.: without vitality or spirit (city, party, etc.)]
öde [ohne Leben (Planet, Gegend etc.); pej.: langweilig (Stadt, Party etc.)]
congenial {adj} [suited in spirit, feeling, temper, etc.]
relig. soulical {adj} [rare] [concerning the soul, not the spirit]seelisch [betreffend die Seele, nicht den Geist]
tech. to center [Am.] [spirit bubble]
einspielen [zentrieren]
summoning [a spirit or demon]
Beschwörung {f}
myth. relig. demon [evil spirit]
Teufel {m} [böser Geist]
esot. manifestation [of a spirit]
Erscheinung {f} [Geistererscheinung]
genius [prevalent spirit of the age]
Zeitgeist {m}
myth. relig. bogy [evil spirit]
Teufel {m} [böser Geist]
philos. volksgeist [spirit of the people]
Volksgeist {m}
relig. descent [e.g. of the Holy Spirit]
Herabkunft {f}
chem. meths {sg} [Br.] [coll.] [methylated spirit]
Brennspiritus {m}
myth. [spirit of the Sudeten Mountains]
Rübezahl {m}
contrariness [spirit of contradiction]
Widerspruchsgeist {m}
philos. Weltgeist [world spirit]
Weltgeist {m}
[imaginary evil spirit that causes white fabric, paper, or paint to turn yellow]Gilb {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
gastr. [spirit distilled from spignel]Bärwurz {m} [Schnaps]
gastr. arrack [an alcoholic spirit made in Eastern countries from the sap of the coco palm or from rice]Arrack {m} [Rsv.] [Arrak] [Reisbranntwein]
spec. channeling [Am.] [conveying messages from the spirit realm in a trance]Channeling {n}
myth. drak [household spirit]Drak {m} [Hausgeist]
econ. entrepreneurship [spirit, attitude]unternehmerische Einstellung {f}
heroism [heroic spirit]Heldengeist {m} [selten]
gastr. korn [liquor] [grain spirit]Korn {m} [Kornbranntwein]
relig. pneumatology [doctrine of the Holy Spirit]Pneumatologie {f} [Lehre vom Heiligen Geist]
hist. relig. Pneumatomachi [sect denying the divinity of the Holy Spirit]Pneumatomachen {pl}
hist. relig. Pneumatomachians [sect denying the divinity of the Holy Spirit]Pneumatomachen {pl}
esot. relig. spirit [divine spirit]göttlicher Geist {m}
2 Words: Others
replete (with) {adj} [e.g. spirit]erfüllt (von) [z. B. Geist] [geh.]
2 Words: Verbs
to witch sb./sth. away [coll.] [spirit away]jdn./etw. weghexen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
bathtub gin [Am.] [pej.] [homemade spirit made in amateur conditions]Badewannen-Gin {m} [pej.] [zusammengepanschter Alkohol minderer Qualität]
chem. mineral spirit [Am.] [Can.] [petroleum spirit]Terpentinersatz {m}
chem. mineral spirit [Am.] [Can.] [petroleum spirit]Terpentinölersatz {m}
chem. petroleum spirit [white spirit or mineral spirit]Terpentinersatz {m}
chem. petroleum spirit [white spirit or mineral spirit]Terpentinölersatz {m}
portable stove [e.g. spirit stove]tragbarer Kocher {m} [z. B. Spirituskocher]
tech. robotic geologistRobot-Geologe {m} ["Spirit"]
esot. lit. relig. spirit world [seldom: spirit-world]Geisterreich {n} [Geisterwelt]
myth. relig. spirit-being [also: spirit being]Geistwesen {n}
spiritus rector [ruling or guiding spirit]Spiritus Rector {m} [geh.] [treibende Kraft, Kopf]
relig. spiritus sanctus [Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit]Spiritus Sanctus {m} [Heiliger Geist]
3 Words: Nouns
(sense of) solidarity [community spirit]Gemeinsinn {m}
gastr. Schinkenhäger® / Schinkenhaeger / Schinkenhager [German gin, a spirit flavoured with juniper berries; sold in earthenware (Steingut) bottles with blue cap]Schinkenhäger® {m} [ursprünglich "Steinhäger Urquell"; in brauner Steinzeugflasche mit blauer Verschlusskappe]
spirit of sloth [spirit of acedia]Geist {m} der Trägheit [Geist der Acedia]
gastr. Steinhäger® / Steinhaeger / Steinhager [German gin, a spirit flavoured with juniper berries; sold in earthenware (Steingut) bottles and in glass bottles made to look like earthenware, with red cap]Steinhäger® {m} [mit Wacholder aromatisierte Spirituose aus Steinhagen (Westfalen) in brauner Steinzeugflasche und roter Verschlusskappe]
5+ Words: Others
relig. in the spirit of petition {adv} [spirit of prayer]im Geiste des Gebets
constr. tech. The spirit bubble is centred. [Br.] [e.g. spirit level]Die Libellenblase ist eingespielt.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Spirit and soul become confused [also: Soul with spirit is bewildered]Geist und Seele wird verwirret [J. S. Bach, BWV 35]
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