| English  | German |  |
 | med. mycol. fungal {adj} [e.g. infection, infestation, species, spores, toxin] | 100 Pilz- [z. B. Infektion, Befall, Art, Sporen, Gift] |  |
 | zool. bear {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cub, pit, species] | 80 Bären- |  |
 | ash {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bark, cicada, grove, leaf, species, wood] | 25 Eschen- [z. B. Rinde, Zikade, Wäldchen, Blatt, Art, Holz] |  |
 | eagle {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capital, chick, feather, species] | 23 Adler- [z. B. Kapitell, Junges, Feder, Art] |  |
 | bee {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colony, species, allergy, hotel] | 19 Bienen- [z. B. Volk, Art, Allergie, Hotel] |  |
 | fox {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cub, family, fur, hunt, species] | 14 Fuchs- [z. B. Welpe, Familie, Pelz, Jagd, Art] |  |
 | biol. alien {adj} [species] | 8 gebietsfremd [Arten] |  |
 | bot. zool. endangered {adj} [species, animal, plant] | vom Aussterben bedroht |  |
 | bot. zool. moribund {adj} [species] | im Aussterben begriffen |  |
Verbs |
 | ecol. [to be subject to an invasion of fringe species into grasslands after abandonment of grazing or mowing] | 10 versaumen [Geobotanik] |  |
Nouns |
 | race [ethnic group, species] | 986 Rasse {f} |  |
 | zool. T | 628 |  |
 | fish T | 479 |  |
 | biol. distribution [of a species] | 58 Ausbreitung {f} [einer Tier- oder Pflanzenart] |  |
 | zool. dog [adult male of a canine species] | 36 Rüde {m} |  |
 | fish zool. fishes [species] | 33 Fische {pl} [Arten] |  |
 | biol. genetics {sg} [of a specific individual or species] | 32 Erbanlagen {pl} |  |
 | bot. zool. T | 26 |  |
 | biol. bot. zool. distribution [of a species] | 25 Vorkommen {n} [Verbreitung einer Art] |  |
 | ecol. conservationist [campaigner for the protection of endangered species] | 12 Artenschützer {m} |  |
 | fern [attr.] [e.g. frond, green, species] | 9 Farn- [Wedel, Grün, Art] |  |
 | agr. bot. gastr. T | 8 |  |
 | biol. med. introduction [e. g. of foreign species, diseases] | 7 Einschleppung {f} [z. B. von fremden Arten, Krankheiten] |  |
 | lifer [birdwatching jargon for the first-ever personal sighting of a bird species] | 5 [Vogelbeobachtungsjargon für die allererste persönliche Sichtung einer Vogelart] |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | orn. [Columba species, indiscriminately called doves and pigeons for smaller and larger Columbidae] | Feldtauben {pl} |  |
 | entom. [expanded precostal field in Chorthippus species] | Chorthippus-Beule {f} [erweitertes Präcostalfeld] |  |
 | ecol. [invasion of fringe species into grasslands after abandonment of grazing or mowing] | Versaumung {f} [Geobotanik] |  |
 | [practice of intentionally raising a newborn animal with a parent of another species] | Ammenzucht {f} |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | fish T | |  |
 | med. VetMed. zool. coenurus [larval stage of some tapeworm species] | Drehwurm {m} [Coenurus cerebralis] [Finne einer Bandwurmart] |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | zool. countershading [of marine species] | Gegentönung {f} |  |
 | zool. countershading [of marine species] | Tarntönung {f} [von Meerestieren] |  |
 | gastr. darnes [thick slices cut from round fish species] | Darnes {pl} [Scheiben aus dem Mittelstück eines Rundfisches, z. B. Lachs] |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | zool. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |