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|  |
 | select {adj} [of special quality] | 27 ausgesucht [erlesen] |  |
 | indifferent {adj} [middling, nothing special] | 24 mäßig [Qualität] |  |
 | philat. spec. adapted {adj} {past-p} [special philatelic term] | aptiert <apt.> [fachspr., z. B. in der Philatelie bzw. veraltet] |  |
 | thyself {pron} [archaic except special contexts] | dich selbst |  |
Verbs |
 | to train [teach, esp. for a job, special field] | 136 schulen |  |
Nouns |
 | knowledge [in a special field] | 344 Fachwissen {n} |  |
 | property [special attribute] | 87 Besonderheit {f} |  |
 | knowledge {sg} [in a special field] | 79 Fachkenntnisse {pl} |  |
 | accommodations [adaptions to special needs] | 53 Anpassungen {pl} [an spezielle Bedürfnisse] |  |
 | designation [of a place for a special purpose] | 27 Bestimmung {f} [eines Orts, z. B. als Austragungsort, Konferenzort] |  |
 | signposting [of special route, diversion] | 21 Ausschilderung {f} |  |
 | law [special facility for dangerously disturbed prisoners] | 14 Sonderstrafanstalt {f} |  |
 | fin. hist. cess [Ind.] [Scot.] [Br., Irish: archaic] [special tax] | 14 Sondersteuer {f} |  |
 | jobs law [a special form of unemployment insurance in Germany for employees of bankrupted companies] | 5 Insolvenzgeld {n} |  |
 | [a special type of sledge from Küttigen, Switzerland] | Küttiger Frosch {m} [Schlittentyp] |  |
 | [a special type of sledge in Hamburg-Blankenese, Germany] | Kreek {f} [Rodelschlitten; traditioneller Kastenschlitten in Hamburg-Blankenese] |  |
 | hist. mil. rail [a special wartime locomotive (Kriegslokomotive) for employment on military field railways] | Heeresfeldbahnlokomotive {f} |  |
 | educ. [Austrian type of grammar school (Br.), 9th - 12th form, with special emphasis on music, sport, science etc.] | Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium {n} <BORG> |  |
 | [German special police forces] | Spezialeinsatzkommando {n} <SEK> |  |
 | electr. [grounding without a special grounding conductor] [Am.] | klassische Nullung {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | pol. [politician with special expertise in subject relevant to context] | Fachpolitiker {m} |  |
 | law [special facility for dangerously disturbed prisoners] | Anstalt {f} für geistig abnorme Rechtsbrecher [österr.] |  |
 | gastr. tools [special knife for removing the stalk from a cabbage prior to shredding it for sauerkraut] | Storzmesser {n} |  |
 | gastr. tools [special knife for removing the stalk from a cabbage prior to shredding to make sauerkraut] | Strunkmesser {n} |  |
 | law [special retirement scheme for manual workers and long-time insured people] | Hacklerregelung {f} [österr.] |  |
 | [special tumbler for apple wine, Hesse] | Geripptes {n} [hessisch] [Apfelweinglas] |  |
 | [Vienna special police force] | WEGA {f} [Sondereinheit der Wiener Polizei] |  |
 | philat. spec. adaption [special philatelic term] | Aptierung {f} <Apt.> [fachspr., z. B. in der Philatelie bzw. veraltet] |  |
 | comm. doorbuster [Am.] [coll.] [a special discount price available for a limited period] | Lockvogel-Angebot {n} |  |
 | journ. extra [special edition] | Extraausgabe {f} |  |
 | geogr. Macao <.mo> [special administrative region] | Macao {n} [chin. Sonderverwaltungszone] |  |
 | geogr. Macau <.mo> [special administrative region] | Macao {n} [chin. Sonderverwaltungszone] |  |
 | constr. hydro. piping [tunnel erosion, special type of gully erosion] | Tunnelerosion {f} |  |
 | hist. Sonderbehandlung ['special treatment', the Nazi euphemism for bureaucratized, state-organized murder] | Sonderbehandlung {f} <S.B.> [NS-Tarnbezeichnung für staatl. angeordneten Mord] |  |
 | mil. Spetsnaz [Russian special purpose regiments] | Speznas {pl} [russische Spezialeinheiten] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to special-case sth. [also: to special case sth.] | etw.Akk. als Sonderfall behandeln |  |
 | to tell sb. off [as for a special duty] | jdn. einteilen [zu einer Sonderaufgabe etc.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | gastr. alphabet biscuits {pl} [Br.] [here: made of a special dough] | Russischbrot {n} |  |
 | gastr. alphabet biscuits {pl} [Br.] [here: made of a special dough] | Russisch Brot {n} [fachspr.] [Russischbrot] |  |
 | gastr. alphabet cookies {pl} [Am.] [here: made of a special dough] | Russischbrot {n} |  |
 | gastr. alphabet cookies {pl} [Am.] [here: made of a special dough] | Russisch Brot {n} [fachspr.] [Russischbrot] |  |
 | hist. mil. arm shield [award for service in some special campaigns, WW II German Armed Forces] | Ärmelschild {m} [Auszeichnung für die Teilnahme an besonderen Einsätzen, 2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] |  |
 | big hand [special applause for sb.] | Sonderapplaus {m} |  |
 | carnival greetings [special greetings among carnival revellers] | Narrenrufe {pl} [im Karneval] |  |
 | econ. hist. coal penny [special tax paid on electricity to subsidize the German hard coal industry] | Kohlepfennig {m} |  |
 | tech. compensating chuck [special lathe chuck] | Ausgleichsfutter {n} [Drehfutter in Sonderausführung] |  |
 | admin. EKO-Cobra [Austrian special police force] | Einsatzkommando {n} Cobra <EKO-Cobra> [Österreich] |  |
 | archi. gastr. med. functional room [e.g. bathroom, or a special room in a hospital, hotel, etc.] | Funktionsraum {m} [z. B. Badezimmer] |  |
 | Internet Google doodle [modified logo for special occasions on Google's homepage] | Google-Doodle {n} [verändertes Logo zu besonderen Anlässen auf der Startseite von Google] |  |
 | mil. Green Berets [coll.] [U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers] | Green Berets {pl} [ugs.] [Soldaten der Spezialeinheit (Special Forces) der US Army] |  |