Dictionary English German: [sounds]

Translation 1 - 18 of 18

English German
jarring {adj} [sounds, colours]
full {adj} [colours, sounds, also person after eating]
satt [Sättigungsgefühl, auch von Farben, Klang etc.]
to absorb sth. [e.g. sounds]
etw. verschlucken [fig.] [z. B. Geräusche]
chimes {pl} [melodious ringing sounds]
Glockengeläute {n}
pleasantness [e.g. of sounds]
Angenehmheit {f}
[sudden loud sounds]Lärmstöße {pl} [auch fig.]
[whispering sounds in or from a confessional]Beichtstuhlgeflüster {n} [auch fig.]
ling. aphaeresis [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word]Aphärese {f}
ling. aphaeresis [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word]Aphäresis {f}
ling. apheresis [Am.] [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word]Aphärese {f}
ling. apheresis [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word]Aphäresis {f}
2 Words
Sweet as. [NZ] [coll.] [in response to a proposal: yes, sounds good, etc.]Klingt gut. [als Antwort auf einen Vorschlag]
to carry over [sounds etc.] [away from observer]hinüberdringen [Töne usw.]
to carry over [sounds etc.] [towards observer]herüberdringen [Töne usw.]
med. adventitious sounds [abnormal auscultatory sounds]Nebengeräusche {pl} [beim Abhören der Lunge]
ling. proto sounds [also: proto-sounds]Protolaute {pl}
med. tracheal rale [breath sounds]Trachealrasseln {n} [Atemgeräusche]
3 Words
to reach sb.'s ear / ears [sounds]an jds. Ohr dringen [Töne]
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