| English | German | |
| any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 1487 irgendein | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past] | 890 einst [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] | |
| yet {adv} [up to now or until some other specific time] | 870 bislang | |
| any {pron} [some, no matter which] | 701 irgendwelche [pl] | |
| literally {adv} [coll.] [with some exaggeration] | 454 geradezu | |
| ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 408 veraltet | |
| any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 279 etwas | |
| some {adv} [some such] | 272 irgend [irgend ein] [+ indef. Artikel] | |
| any {pron} [some, no matter which] | 208 irgendeine [f. sing.] | |
| finished {adj} {past-p} [brought to an end; also: personally ruined or failed in some major role] | 208 erledigt [beendet, fertig; auch ugs.: ruiniert, am Ende (Person)] | |
| any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 206 irgendetwas | |
| quite {adv} [to some degree] | 163 recht [ziemlich, ganz] | |
| somewhen {adv} [some time] [rare, perceived as archaic or non-standard unless used as a stylistic device, esp. in combination with "somewhere" etc.] | 109 irgendwann | |
| over {adv} [at some distance, as in a direction indicated] | 72 drüben | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 64 einstmals [geh.] [früher (einmal)] | |
| some {pron} [some people] | 64 manche [manche Menschen, einige Leute] | |
| any {adj} [some, no matter which] | 54 irgendeiner [f. sing. Gen. und Dat.] | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 42 vormals <vorm.> | |
| sometimes {adv} [in some cases] | 39 teilweise [manchmal, in einigen Fällen] | |
| some {adv} [coll.] [in some degree] | 26 etwas | |
| fin. secured {adj} [guaranteed, typically by some other asset] | 20 gedeckt | |
| once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 18 einstens [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] | |
| any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 6 irgendeiner [m. sing.] | |
| hist. pol. ["Hail (to) victory!" Nazi salute; highly offensive; illegal in some German-speaking countries] | Sieg Heil! [anstößig u. in einigen deutschsprachigen Ländern strafbar] | |
| pol. Alki [also: Al-ki] [USA] [Washington state motto (Chinook Jargon): By and by / Some day] | [Motto des US-Staates Washington; Chinook-Jargon: Irgendwann] | |
| eventually {adv} [one day, some day] | dereinst [geh.] [künftig, später einmal] | |
| safely {adv} [with some certainty] | mit ziemlicher Sicherheit | |
| some {adv} [coll.] [a little, to some degree] | ein bisschen | |
| some {adv} [coll.] [a little, to some degree] | ein wenig | |
| somewhat {adv} [to some extent] | ein Stück weit [zum Teil, in gewisser Hinsicht] | |
| tarblish {adv} [Br.] [regional] [to some extent, reasonably, fairly] | halbwegs | |
Verbs |
| to crack [get a crack in some material] | 409 platzen [einen Riss etc. bekommen, zerspringen] | |
| to stay [spend some time] | 234 verweilen [geh.] | |
| to supervise sth. [an activity of some person or organization] | 87 etw. begleiten [fig.] [kritisch überwachen] | |
| to lack [Ex.: Some people lack humour.] | 45 jdm. abgehen [fehlen, mangeln] [Bsp.: Einigen Leuten geht der Humor ab.] | |
| to trouser sth. [some form of money] [coll.] | 23 etw. einstecken [Geld] | |
| comp. to dump [extract data from some source] | einen Auszug machen | |
| to fuss [put oneself to some bother] | sichDat. (viele) Umstände machen | |
| to spout [coll.] [pej.] [talk or speak at some length or in an oratorical manner] | große Reden halten [pej.] | |
| to waterlog sth. [that will take up some liquid, e.g. soil] | etw. sich mit Wasser vollsaugen lassen | |
Nouns |
| zool. doe [female of some herbivorous mammals] | 184 Weibchen {n} [von einigen pflanzenfressenden Säugetieren] | |
| disruption [interference in some activity] | 47 Behinderung {f} [Störung, Unterbrechung] | |
| comm. [a customer in a shop who just wants to inform himself, to compare prices, or to bridge some time] | 22 Sehkunde {m} | |
| jobs pol. burgomaster [title given to chief magistrates in some Dutch, Flemish, German or Austrian towns] | 16 Bürgermeister {m} [einer deutschsprachigen, flämischen oder niederländischen Stadt] | |
| cellophane [generic term in some countries] [Cellophane®] | 15 Cellophan® {n} [fachspr.] [Zellophan] | |
| hist. marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke] | 15 Marquis {m} | |
| ethn. wampum [strings or belts of shell beads, used as money etc. by some Native Americans] | 10 Wampum {n} [Gürtel aus Muscheln und Schnecken als Zahlungsmittel und Urkunde bei einigen Indianerstämmen Nordamerikas] | |
| hist. [political, social and economic agreements made between West Germany and some Eastern bloc countries in the early 1970s] | 9 Ostverträge {pl} | |
| VetMed. zool. poll [esp. the region between the ears of some quadrupeds (as a horse)] | 9 Genick {n} | |
| lump [amorphous mass of some substance, e.g. soil] | 6 Patzen {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [Klumpen] | |