Dictionary English German: [smoker]

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

English German
closet {adj} [attr.] [secret, e.g. smoker, homosexual, communist, gambler]
heimlich [z. B. Raucher, Homosexueller, Kommunist, Spieler]
heavy {adj} [e.g. rain, accent, scent, smoker]
stark [z. B. Regen, Akzent, Geruch, Raucher]
puffer [smoker]Paffer {m} [ugs.]
puffer [smoker]Schmauchlümmel {m} [selten] [wird J. W. v. Goethe zugeschrieben]
agr. entom. tools smokepot [bee smoker]Smoker {m} [Imkereigerät]
chain smoker [Br. also: chain-smoker]Kettenraucher {m}
insur. smokers' annuity [also: smoker's annuity]Raucherrente {f}
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