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|  |
 | short {adj} [of a person: small in height] | 1067 klein [Person] |  |
 | petty {adj} [small-minded] | 568 kleinkariert [ugs.] |  |
 | delicate {adj} [slender, small-boned] | 464 feingliedrig |  |
 | contracted {adj} [fig.] [pej.] [small-minded] | 316 kleingeistig [pej.] |  |
 | slim {adj} [small in amount or quality] | 192 gering [nicht sehr groß] |  |
 | mite [very small amount] {noun} | 182 bisschen {n} [sehr kleine Menge] {Pronomen} |  |
 | bare {adj} [narrow, small] | 134 knapp |  |
 | pinpoint {adj} [extremely small] | 127 stecknadelkopfgroß |  |
 | petty {adj} [small-minded] | 75 engherzig |  |
 | dinky {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [small and neat] | 63 zierlich |  |
 | pokey {adj} [spv.] [poky] [small, narrow] | 59 eng |  |
 | compartmentalized {adj} {past-p} [consisting of small, isolated parts] | 33 kleinteilig [aus kleinen, isolierten Teilen bestehend] |  |
 | picayune {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [small] | 15 klein [unbedeutend] |  |
 | pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind] | 14 Klein- |  |
 | fractional {adj} [formal] [unimportant, inconsiderable, very small] | 7 unbedeutend [geringfügig, sehr klein, minimal] |  |
 | Pooterish {adj} [Br.] [small-minded] | 6 kleinkariert [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | peerie {adj} [Scot.: small] | 5 klein |  |
 | pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind] | 5 Mini- |  |
 | -ette {suffix} [small] [e.g. kitchenette] | -lein [klein] [z. B. Büchlein] |  |
 | atomic {adj} [very small] | winzig klein |  |
 | picaninny {adj} [archaic] [very small] | winzig |  |
 | picayune {adj} [coll.] [very small] | minimal [sehr klein] |  |
 | biol. entom. setuliferous {adj} [having small bristles or setae] | kleinborstig [z. B. Insektenbeine] |  |
 | biol. entom. setulose {adj} [having small bristles or setae] | kleinborstig [z. B. Insektenbeine] |  |
 | biol. entom. setulous {adj} [having small bristles or setae] | kleinborstig [z. B. Insektenbeine] |  |
Verbs |
 | to swipe sth. [coll.] [steal sth. small, unimportant] | 527 etw.Akk. mopsen [ugs.] |  |
 | to swipe sth. [coll.] [steal sth. small, unimportant] | 486 etw.Akk. stibitzen [ugs.] |  |
 | to split [break into small pieces] | 346 zersplittern |  |
 | to brick sth. [coll.] [usually small objects like phones, computer components] | 82 etw. schrotten [ugs.] [unbrauchbar machen] |  |
 | to spot sb. sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to lend sb. sth. (money, esp. a small amount of it)] | 57 jdm. etw. leihen [Geld, bes. eine kleinere Summe] |  |
 | gastr. to mince sth. [cut into small pieces with a mezzaluna] | 51 etw.Akk. wiegen [mit dem Wiegemesser klein schneiden] |  |
 | to drift [of small objects] | 40 wehen |  |
 | to pepper sb./sth. [fig.] [shoot at, extensively, mostly with small caliber arms] | 37 jdn./etw. beschießen |  |
 | to graze [to eat small portions of food throughout the day] | 31 schnausen [regional] [schweiz.] |  |
 | to spray sth. [with small particles of sth.] | 27 etw.Akk. bestäuben |  |
 | to chip sth. [cut into small pieces] | etw.Akk. klein schneiden |  |
 | games sports to edge sb. [Am.] [defeat by a small margin] | jdn. knapp besiegen |  |
 | naut. to launch [small boat, lifeboat] | zu Wasser lassen |  |
 | gastr. to mince sth. [cut into very small pieces] | etw.Akk. ganz klein schneiden |  |
 | gastr. to mince sth. [cut into very small pieces] | etw.Akk. sehr klein schneiden |  |
 | to pepper [shoot, extensively with small caliber arms] | pfeffern [österr.] [schießen] |  |
Nouns |
 | geogr. hydro. stream [small river] | 2022 Bach {m} [kleiner Fluss] |  |
 | purse [small pouch for carrying money] | 1807 Geldbeutel {m} |  |
 | froth [small bubbles on liquid, also of saliva] | 1320 Schaum {m} [auf Flüssigkeit, vor dem Mund] |  |
 | log [small length of a tree trunk or thick branch] | 1001 Holzklotz {m} |  |
 | sample [small quantity] | 853 Probe {f} [kleine Menge] |  |
 | trinkets {pl} [small objects of little value] | 812 Nippes {m} [Nippesfiguren] |  |
 | bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)] | 646 Lätzchen {n} |  |
 | purse [small pouch for carrying money] | 600 Portemonnaie {n} |  |
 | motte [Am., esp. Texas] [also: mott] [copse or small grove of trees] | 554 Baumgruppe {f} |  |