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|  |
 | awkward {adj} [problem, question, situation] | 1877 heikel |  |
 | precarious {adj} [situation etc.] | 554 bedenklich [prekär, instabil] |  |
 | tricky {adj} [situation, problem] | 549 heikel |  |
 | opportunist {adj} [attr.] [using the advantage of a situation] | 531 Gelegenheits- [eine Gelegenheit nutzend, ausnutzend, z. B. Gelegenheitsdieb] |  |
 | volatile {adj} [situation] | 402 explosiv [fig.] |  |
 | dodgy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [situation] | 367 heikel [Situation] |  |
 | serious {adj} [situation etc.] | 364 bedenklich |  |
 | screwed {adj} {past-p} [in a hopeless situation] | 298 aufgeschmissen [ugs.] [verloren] |  |
 | volatile {adj} [situation, issue] | 267 brisant [fig.] |  |
 | appropriate {adj} [for a situation] | 182 situationsgerecht |  |
 | hairy {adj} [coll.] [situation] | 169 brenzlig [ugs.] [fig.] |  |
 | perilous {adj} [situation] | 131 bedrohlich |  |
 | risky {adj} [situation] | 76 brenzlig [ugs.] [fig.] |  |
 | desperate {adj} [situation, solution] | 75 extrem |  |
 | muddled {adj} [mixed up] | 62 verworren [Situation, Information, Ideen] |  |
 | screwed {adj} {past-p} [in a hopeless situation] | 55 geliefert [ugs.] [aufgeschmissen, verloren] |  |
 | embarrassing {adj} [situation, question, etc.] | 47 verfänglich |  |
 | relevant {adj} [to current situation] | 43 aktuell |  |
 | ironic {adj} [position, situation] | 41 paradox |  |
 | attractive {adj} [price, situation] | 38 günstig [Preis, Lage] |  |
 | acad. lit. publ. source {adj} [attr.] [e.g. material, criticism, edition, reference, situation] | 35 Quellen- [z. B. Material, Kritik, Edition, Hinweis, Lage] |  |
 | rueful {adj} [situation] | 34 beklagenswert |  |
 | relatable {adj} | 33 ansprechend [da mit der persönlichen Situation vergleichbar] |  |
 | ugly {adj} [fig.] [unpleasant situation / sky] | 27 bedrohlich |  |
 | ticklish {adj} [situation, problem, etc.] | 14 heiklig [österr.] |  |
 | kittle {adj} [archaic] [difficult to cope with, situation or person] | 8 heikel [Situation oder Person] |  |
 | trickily {adv} [situation, problem] | 7 heikel |  |
 | already {adv} [used to emphasize that a situation or problem exists] | eh schon [ugs.] |  |
 | already {adv} [used to emphasize that a situation or problem exists] | ohnehin schon |  |
 | already {adv} [used to emphasize that a situation or problem exists] | sowieso schon |  |
 | different {adj} [case, situation] | anders gelagert [Fall, Situation] |  |
 | archi. RealEst. housing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. benefit, complex, estate, situation, unit] | Wohn- [z. B. Geld, Komplex, Siedlung, Situation, Einheit] |  |
 | living {adj} [attr.] [e.g. conditions, environment, processes, situation, standard] | Lebens- [z. B. Umstände, Umfeld, Prozesse, Situation, Standard] |  |
 | trickiest {adj} [situation, problem] | heikelste |  |
 | unbearable {adj} [heat, situation, etc.] | unleidlich [Hitze, Situation usw.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to gauge [situation] | 718 abwägen |  |
 | to stand sth. [difficult situation etc.] | 477 etw.Akk. durchstehen |  |
 | to ease sth. [situation] | 175 etw. entspannen [Situation] |  |
 | to inflame [situation, public opinion] | 144 anheizen |  |
 | to compound sth. [make worse, intensify the negative aspects] | 121 etw.Akk. verschlimmern [(noch) schlimmer machen, komplizieren] [ein Problem, eine Situation etc.] |  |
 | to pitchfork sb. [fig.] [to forcibly thrust sb. into a particular situation] | 97 jdn. schubsen [ugs.] [fig.] [in eine bestimmte, bes. eine unangenehme Lage] |  |
 | to leaven sth. [situation, atmosphere etc.] [elevated style] | 61 etw. auflockern [Situation, Atmosphäre etc.] |  |
 | to aggravate [situation, condition] | sich verschlechtern |  |
 | to arise [opportunity, situation, etc.] | sich ergeben [Gelegenheit etc.] |  |
 | to change [person, situation etc.] | sich ändern |  |
 | to ease [situation] | sich entspannen [Lage] |  |
 | to exploit sth. [make use of a situation etc. in a way considered unfair or underhand] | sichDat. etw.Akk. zunutze machen [Redewendung] [bes. auf unfaire oder hinterlistige Weise] |  |
 | to handle sth. [situation, crowd, etc.] | etw.Gen. Herr werden |  |
 | to misbehave [say or do the wrong thing in a particular situation] | aus der Rolle fallen [Redewendung] |  |
Nouns |
 | issue [situation] | 2386 Sachverhalt {m} |  |