Dictionary English German: [short ]

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at a minute's notice {adv} [fig.] [at short notice, in the short term](auch) kurzfristig
cloth. (a pair of) knickers {pl} [Am.] [short for: knickerbockers] [loose-fitting short pants gathered at the knee]Kniebundhose {f}
to puff [person: breathe in repeated short gasps; wind: blow with short, quick blasts]pusten [ugs.] [Person: schwer und schnaufend atmen; Wind: kräftig wehen]
MedTech. tomo {adj} [short: tomographic]tomographisch
address [short speech]Ansprache {f}
lit. novelette [short novel]Kurzroman {m}
med. polio [short: poliomyelitis]Kinderlähmung {f}
stocks shorting [short selling]Leerkauf {m}
stocks shorting [short selling]Leerverkauf {m}
specs [short: specifications]Spezifikationen {pl}
spell [short period]Weilchen {n}
thread [short, thin]Fädchen {n}
psych. vore [short] [vorarephilia]Vorarephilie {f}
journ. press item [short]Zeitungsnotiz {f}
cropped {adj} {past-p} [cut off short]abgestutzt
comp. math. hex {adj} [short for: hexadecimal]hexadezimal
pursy {adj} [short of breath]kurzatmig
MedTech. tomo {adj} [short: tomography, tomographic]Tomographie-
electr. telecom. to mux [short for: multiplex]multiplexen
to recon [short for: reconnoitre]auskundschaften
to rep [short for: represent]vertreten
anat. audio auditory [short] [auditory nerve]Gehörnerv {m}
gastr. brack [short for: barmbrack]Barmbrack {n}
electr. engin. cap [short for capacitor]Kondensator {m}
biochem. carb [short for carbohydrate]Kohlehydrat {n}
biochem. FoodInd. carb [short for: carbohydrate]Kohlenhydrat {n}
carbs [short for: carbohydrates]Kohlehydrate {pl}
carbs [short for: carbohydrates]Kohlenhydrate {pl}
zool. T
collarette [short necklace]kurzes Collier {n}
coord [short for: coordination]Koordination {f}
aviat. cyclic [short: cyclic stick]Steuerknüppel {m}
tech. cyl [short for cylinder]Zylinder {m}
decal [short for decalcomania]Abziehbild {n}
tech. dyno [short for: dynamometer]Dynamometer {n}
med. flu [short for: influenza]Grippe {f}
gastr. gibs [short for giblets]Innereien {pl}
phys. tech. gyro [short for: gyroscope]Gyroskop {n}
sports hopper [short for: groundhopper]Groundhopper {m}
name Jud [short for: Judith]Judith {f}
myth. lycan [short for lycanthrope]Lykaner {m}
meg [short for: megaphone]Megafon {n}
comp. mod [short for: module]Modul {n}
weapons nade [short for: grenade]Granate {f}
acad. nanotech [short for nanotechnology]Nanotechnologie {f}
ling. natives [short: native speakers]Muttersprachler {pl}
sports off [short: kick-off]Anpfiff {m}
material ply [short for plywood]Sperrholz {n}
prereq [short for prerequisite]Voraussetzung {f}
film theatre props [short for: properties]Requisiten {pl}
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