Dictionary English German: [sheep]

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
agr. rigwelted {adj} {pres-p} [Br.: esp. Yorkshire] [of sheep: overturned]hilflos auf dem Rücken liegend [Schaf]
sheepish {adj} [like a sheep]wie ein Schaf [nachgestellt]
to tend [sheep etc.]
agr. to herd [tend, look after (sheep or cattle)]
hüten [Schafe, Vieh]
to rustle [Am.] [round up and steal cattle, horses or sheep]
stehlen [Vieh, Pferde oder Schafe]
agr. to muster sth. [sheep, cattle]
etw. zusammentreiben [Vieh]
to fleece [sheep etc.]
to poll [sheep etc.]
agr. zool. to yean [sheep]lammen
agr. biol. textil. fleece [the yield of wool shorn from a sheep at one time]
Wolle {f} [Schaffell, Vlies]
agr. mustering [of sheep, cattle]
Zusammentreiben {n}
fleece [tanned skin of sheep]
Schafpelz {m}
agr. muster [of sheep, cattle] [Aus.] [NZ]
Zusammentreiben {n}
agr. cote [dated] [for sheep]
Stall {m} [Schafstall]
gastr. lights {pl} [lungs of sheep, pigs, or bullocks as food]
Lunge {f}
VetMed. gid [a disease esp. of sheep and goats] [turn-sick]
Drehkrankheit {f}
zool. horns {pl} [of goats, sheep, cattle or antelope]
Gehörn {n} [Hörner von Ziegen, Schafen, Rindern oder Antilopen]
gastr. [black licorice from the north of Germany, shaped like sheep droppings]Schafskötel {pl} [nordd.] [Lakritzkugeln]
gastr. [bryndzové halušky: potato dumplings with sheep cheese]Brimsennocken {pl} [Nationalgericht der Slowakei]
VetMed. braxy [in sheep] [caused by the bacterium of genus Closteridium septicum] [in sheep]Labmagenpararauschbrand {m} [der Schafe]
zool. T
zool. T
VetMed. enterotoxaemia [Br.] [sheep, lambs]Breinierenkrankheit {f} [Schafe, Lämmer]
VetMed. enterotoxemia [Am.] [sheep, lambs]Breinierenkrankheit {f} [Schafe, Lämmer]
fank [Scot.] [sheep fold]Schafhürde {f}
zool. T
agr. zool. longwool [sheep of a breed with long wool]Langwollschaf {n}
agr. zool. longwool [sheep of a breed with long wool]langwolliges Schaf {n} [Langwollschaf]
zool. T
VetMed. scrapie [sheep disease]Scrapie {f}
VetMed. scrapie [sheep disease]Traberkrankheit {f} [Scrapie]
agr. store [sheep, steer, cow, or pig acquired or kept for fattening]Masttier {n} [zur Mast bestimmtes Tier, z. B. Schaf, junger Ochse, Schwein]
agr. teg [also: tegg] [fleece cut from a sheep in its second year]Jährlingswolle {f}
2 Words: Nouns
zool. baa-lamb [child's name for a lamb or sheep]Bähschaf {n} [Kindersprache] [Schaf]
VetMed. blackleg (disease) [Gangraena emphysematosa] [usually affecting cattle, sheep, and goats]Rauschbrand {m}
agr. hist. blade shears {pl} [for shearing sheep] [dated]Hand-Schafschere {f}
VetMed. caseous lymphadenitis [Lymphadenitis caseosa] [goats and sheep, sometimes in humans]Pseudotuberkulose {f}
VetMed. chlamydial abortion [esp. sheep]Chlamydienabort {m} [Schaf, Ziege]
agr. textil. dead wool [wool taken from dead sheep]Sterblingswolle {f}
agr. textil. fallen wool [wool rubbed off the backs of sheep and collected from the ground or elsewhere][Wolle, die sich Schafe abscheuern und die dann aufgelesen wird]
agr. textil. fallen wool [wool taken from dead sheep]Sterblingswolle {f}
VetMed. foot rot [sheep, goats, cattle]Fußfäule {f} [Schafe, Ziegen, Rinder]
agr. VetMed. rumen fistulation [in sheep and cattle]Fistulierung {f} [bei Schafen und beim Hausrind]
VetMed. scabby mouth [Ecthyma contagiosum] [orf] [viral disease of sheep, goats, etc.]Lippengrind {m} (der kleinen Wiederkäuer) [Orf]
VetMed. sore mouth [Ecthyma contagiosum] [orf] [viral disease of sheep, goats, etc.]Lippengrind {m} (der kleinen Wiederkäuer) [Orf]
cloth. wool socks [made from sheep's wool]Schafwollsocken {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
agr. flocks and herds [esp. Br.] [sheep and cattle]Schafe und Rinder {pl}
VetMed. heart water (disease) [caused by Cowdria ruminantium (rickettsia) in cattle, sheep, and goats]Herzwasser {n} [Flüssigkeitsansammlungen im Herzbeutel bei Schafen, Ziegen u. Rindern]
agr. rumen fistula (cannula) [in sheep and cattle]Pansenfistel {f} [bei Schafen und beim Hausrind]
4 Words: Nouns
agr. top and bottom blade [for sheep shearing] [with plural verb]Ober- und Untermesser [für Schafschur] [ein Obermesser und ein Untermesser] [mit Verb im Plural]
agr. top and bottom blades [for sheep shearing]Ober- und Untermesser [für Schafschur] [ein Obermesser und ein Untermesser; oder jeweils mehrere] [immer mit Verb im Plural]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Baa Baa Black Sheep [Season 1] / Black Sheep Squadron [Season 2]Pazifikgeschwader 214
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
Merino {m}
zool. T
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