| English | German |  |
 | moth-eaten {adj} [shabby-looking] [fig.] | schäbig [wie von Motten zerfressen] |  |
Partial Matches |
 | caring {adj} {pres-p} [looking after sb.] | sorgend |  |
 | eye [act of looking] | Blick {m} |  |
 | [best-looking] {adj} | bestaussehendste [FALSCH für: bestaussehende] |  |
 | anat. med. sleek {adj} [healthy looking] | wohlgenährt [gesund aussehend] |  |
 | examination [inspection, looking through] | Sichten {n} [Sichtung] |  |
 | [people looking for rest and relaxation] | Erholungssuchende {pl} |  |
 | squinting {adj} {pres-p} [Am.] [looking at sth./sb. with envy] | missgünstig blickend |  |
 | at a glance {adv} [immediately upon looking] | sofort [mit einem Blick] |  |
 | saucy {adj} [Am.] [smart-looking] | schmissig [ugs.] [flott, von Ausehen, Kleidung etc.] |  |
 | at a glance {adv} [immediately upon looking] | auf den ersten Blick [sofort] |  |
 | lit. F Humpty Dumpty [Through the Looking-Glass] | Goggelmoggel [Alice hinter den Spiegeln] |  |
 | [person looking something up in a reference text/source] | Nachschauer {m} [ugs.] [selten] |  |
 | looking up {adj} {pres-p} [pred.] [literal, e.g. he was looking up] | aufschauend [aufblickend] |  |
 | handsome {adj} [good-looking of a girl, woman] | sauber [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [hübsch, schmuck] |  |
 | sonsy {adj} [also: sonsie] [Scot.] [Irish] [Br. dial.] [good-looking] | ansehnlich [stattlich und attraktiv] |  |
 | cherry {adj} [Am] [sl.] [looking new] [esp. used car] | wie neu [Aussehen, Zustand] [bes. Gebrauchtwagen] |  |
 | at a glance {adv} [immediately upon looking] | mit einem Blick [auf den ersten Blick, sofort] |  |
 | to be on the pull [Br.] [coll.] [looking for a sexual partner] | auf Aufriss aus sein |  |
 | [cuss word for foreigners, foreign looking people, punks, lefties etc.] | Zecken {pl} [ugs.] [Ausdruck der rechtsradikalen Szene] |  |
 | head-turner [coll.] [good-looking person] | Hingucker {m} [ugs.] [Person] |  |
 | idiom sb. is smokin' hot [sl. for: good-looking and sexy] | jd. ist verdammt heiß [ugs. für: attraktiv / begehrenswert] |  |
 | nottie [sl.] [person who is not good-looking] | Vogelscheuche {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] [hässliche Person] |  |
 | dingy {adj} [shabby] | schäbig |  |
 | mean {adj} [shabby] | schäbig |  |
 | ratty {adj} [coll.] [shabby] | schäbig |  |
 | mangy {adj} [coll.] [shabby] | schäbig [ugs.] |  |
 | comm. small-time outfit [shabby] | Klitsche {f} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | fleapit [Br.] [coll.] [small, shabby cinema] | Flohkino {n} [ugs.] [kleines, schmuddeliges Kino] |  |