Dictionary English German: [series]

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English German
serial {adj} [forming a series]
lit. publ. novel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cycle, form, reader, series, writer]
Roman- [z. B. Zyklus, Form, Leser, Reihe, Schriftsteller]
math. power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. function, iteration, line, set, series, sum]
Potenz- [z. B. Funktion, Gerade, Methode, Menge, Reihe, Summe]
numerical {adj} [e.g. example, sequence, series, symbolism, value]
Zahlen- [z. B. Beispiel, Folge, Reihe, Symbolismus, Wert]
serial {adj} [forming a series]aufeinander folgend
RadioTV to syndicate sth. [to sell a program, series, etc. directly to independent stations]
[etw. (eine Sendung, Serie usw.) direkt an unabhängige Sender verkaufen]
beating {sg} [series of blows]
Prügel {pl} [Schläge]
educ. workshop [class or series of classes]
Seminar {n} [Workshop, Kurs]
string [series]
Serie {f}
educ. workshop [class or series of classes]
Workshop {m} [österr. auch {n}] [Kurs, Seminar]
skein [succession, series]
Reihe {f} [Serie]
chapter [in a series, sequence]
Folge {f} [in einer Serie]
run [series]
Reihe {f}
math. med. mus. progression [e.g., chord, disease, mathematical series]
Fortschreitung {f} [z. B. Akkord, Krankheit, mathematische Serie]
[spiked collar, formed of a series of wooden balls linked into a chain by stiff wires bent into the form of hooks]Korallenhalsband {n} [Hundehalsband aus hölzernen Kugeln mit Spikes]
mineral. acadialite [Chabazite series]Acadialith {m} [Chabasit-Serie]
mineral. acadialite [Chabazite series]Chabasit-Serie {f}
mineral. aeschynite [mineral series (oxides) with Ce, Nd, Y]Aeschynit {m}
dance bourrées {pl} [series of small steps]Pas {m} de bourrée
math. center [of a power series]Entwicklungspunkt {m} [einer Potenzreihe]
mineral. chabazite [chabazite series]Chabasit {m} [Chabasit-Serie]
TrVocab. couchsurfing [also: couch surfing] [to stay overnight with a series of hosts who typically provide basic accommodations (such as a couch to sleep on) at no cost]Couchsurfen {n} [Übernachten auf fremden Sofas]
photo. Instamatic™ [a series of inexpensive, easy-to-load 126 and 110 cameras] ["Instamatic" became a generic term, esp. for cartridge-loading cameras]Instamatic-Kamera {f} [Instamatic®]
educ. MicroMasters® [a series of graduate level courses]MicroMasters® {m} [Befähigungsnachweis im Rahmen eines Diplom-Zertifikatsprogramms]
film games RadioTV reboot [new version of sth., e.g. a TV, film, or video game series]Reboot {m} {n} [Neufassung von etw., z. B. einer TV-Serie, Film- oder Videospielreihe]
sports sweep [Am.] [coll.] [win in a series of games without defeat]Sweep {m} [Sieg in einer Serie von Spielen ohne eigene Niederlage]
2 Words: Verbs
film RadioTV to binge-watch sth. [e.g. TV series]etw.Akk. bingen [z. B. TV-Serien]
to set off [series of events, alarm]auslösen
to set sth. up [a process, series of events]etw.Akk. auslösen
to set up sth. [a process, series of events]etw.Akk. auslösen
2 Words: Nouns
basic series [e.g. a basic series of math books]Grundreihe {f}
geogr. hist. Bleeding Kansas [series of violent confrontations mainly in the Kansas Territory (ca. 1854-1861); hence also old nickname for the State of Kansas][Serie gewalttätiger Konflikte vor allem im Kansas-Territorium Mitte des 19. Jhs.; daher auch alter Beiname für Kansas, USA; wörtlich: Blutendes Kansas]
law compound sentence [overall sentence for a series of offences]Gesamtstrafe {f}
theatre dress rehearsal [one of a series]Hauptprobe {f}
event series [e.g. concert series]Veranstaltungsreihen {pl}
acad. experimental series [series of experiments]Versuchsreihe {f}
acad. experimental series [series of experiments]Versuchsserie {f}
med. VetMed. first immunization [of a series]Erstimpfung {f}
med. VetMed. first vaccination [of a series]Erstimpfung {f}
math. hyperharmonic series [p-series]hyperharmonische Reihe {f}
personnel carousel [series of rapid personnel changes]Personalkarussell {n}
tech. production stage [i.e. one of many in a series]Produktionsschritt {m}
publ. publication series [also: series of publications]Publikationsreihe {f}
Rat Pack [group of entertainers, esp. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Dean Martin] [also film, TV series]Rat Pack {n} [Künstergruppe um Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr. und Dean Martin usw.] [auch Film, TV-Serie]
sports repeat champion [Am.] [series champion]Serienmeister {m}
electr. series resistor [a resistor in a series circuit]Längswiderstand {m} [Bauteil]
sports The Ashes [test cricket series played between England and Australia][Serie von Cricket-Testspielen zwischen Australien und England]
3 Words: Nouns
series of articles [more than one series]Artikelreihen {pl}
wave of explosions [series of explosions in close succession]Explosionswelle {f} [Reihe von Explosionen in dichter Folge]
4 Words: Others
quote RadioTV Space: the final frontier. [Star Trek (later: Star Trek: The Original Series); first words of introduction to each episode]Der Weltraum, unendliche Weiten. [Raumschiff Enterprise; erste Worte des Vorspanns vor jeder Folge]
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