| English  | German |  |
 | math. increasing {adj} [sequence of σ-algebras] | 366 aufsteigend [Folge von σ-Algebren] |  |
 | letter {adj} [attr.] [e.g. code, game, sequence] | 103 Buchstaben- [z. B. Code, Spiel, Folge] |  |
 | numerical {adj} [e.g. example, sequence, series, symbolism, value] | 7 Zahlen- [z. B. Beispiel, Folge, Reihe, Symbolismus, Wert] |  |
Nouns |
 | order [sequence] | 82 Abfolge {f} |  |
 | cycle [sequence] | 77 Takt {m} [Zyklus] |  |
 | ling. mus. cadence [sequence of notes or chords; fall in pitch of the voice (at the end of a sentence phrase)] | 46 Kadenz {f} [Harmonielehre: Akkordfolge, Schlussphrase; Linguistik: das Abfallen der Stimme (am Ende eines Satzes oder Satzglieds)] |  |
 | womyn [spv.: used chiefly in feminist literature to avoid the suggestion of sexism perceived in the sequence m-e-n] | 46 Frauen {pl} |  |
 | run [sequence, cycle] | 45 Ablauf {m} |  |
 | scenario [imagined sequence of events] | 43 Gedankenspiel {n} |  |
 | chapter [in a series, sequence] | 32 Folge {f} [in einer Serie] |  |
 | cycle [periodic sequence] | 32 Ablauf {m} [periodisch] |  |
 | cycle [work sequence] | 18 Arbeitsablauf {m} |  |
 | film mus. take [a scene or sequence, particularly when recording] | 11 Version {f} [Fassung, Interpretation, bes. bei Aufnahmen] |  |
 | cycle [work sequence] | 10 Arbeitsvorgang {m} |  |
 | theatre [sequence of scenes in a play] | 8 Szenenaufbau {m} |  |
 | mus. spec. alternatimpraxis [performance by different groups in sequence] | Alternatimpraxis {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | MedTech. dark-blood {adj} [e.g. sequence, technique] | Dark-Blood- [z. B. Sequenz, Technik] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | comp. publ. counter number [sequence number] | Zählnummer {f} |  |
 | med. crash induction [dated or less frequent than: rapid sequence induction] | Crash-Induction {f} [veraltend bzw. seltener für: Blitzeinleitung / Blitzintubation] |  |
 | med. crash induction [dated or less frequent than: rapid sequence induction] | Crush-Intubation {f} [veraltend bzw. seltener für: Blitzeinleitung / Blitzintubation] |  |
 | math. fundamental sequence [Cauchy sequence] | Fundamentalfolge {f} |  |
 | working schedule [sequence of operations] | Arbeitsablauf {m} |  |
 | astron. yellow dwarf [coll.] [G-type main-sequence star] | Gelber Zwergstern {m} [auch: gelber Zwergstern] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | a series of sth. [sequence of items] | eine Serie {f} von etw.Dat. |  |
 | clean-in-place <CIP, CiP> [totally automatic cleaning sequence with no manual involvement] | Reinigung {f} vor Ort [vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen] |  |
 | cleaning in place <CIP, CiP> [totally automatic cleaning sequence with no manual involvement] | Reinigung {f} vor Ort [vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen] |  |
 | geogr. geol. island arc sequence [also: island-arc sequence] | Inselbogenfolge {f} |  |
 | agr. wheat after wheat [wheat-wheat sequence, second wheat crop] | Weizen {m} nach Weizen [Weizen in Selbstfolge] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | comp. carriage return / line feed [command sequence or combined command] <CRLF, CR+LF, CR/LF> | Wagenrücklauf / Zeilenvorschub [Befehlsfolge oder kombinierter Befehl; auch: Carriage-Return/Line-Feed] <CRLF, CR+LF, CR/LF> |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to give the floor to sb. [next speaker in a sequence] | das Wort an jdn. weitergeben |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | law system of parentelic succession [sequence of parentelic succession] | Parentelsystem {n} [Ordnungssystem, Erbrecht] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | film F Puppet on a Chain [Geoffrey Reeve, Don Sharp (boat sequence)] | Die Ratten von Amsterdam |  |