Dictionary English German: [sell]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
to hawk sth. [sell]
etw.Akk. verhökern [ugs.]
to hawk sth. [coll.] [sell off]
etw.Akk. verscherbeln [ugs.]
comm. to distribute sth. [sell]
etw.Akk. absetzen [verkaufen]
to flog sth. [Br.] [coll.] [sell off]
etw.Akk. verramschen [ugs.]
to hawk sth. [coll.] [sell]
etw.Akk. verticken [ugs.] [verkaufen]
econ. to cannibalize sth. [a company] [split it up and sell the profitable parts]
etw.Akk. filetieren [fig.] [ein Unternehmen] [die profitablen Bereiche aus dem Unternehmen herauslösen und gewinnbringend weiterverkaufen]
to flog sth. [Br.] [coll.] [sell off]
etw.Akk. losschlagen [ugs.] [billig verkaufen]
RadioTV to syndicate sth. [to sell a program, series, etc. directly to independent stations]
[etw. (eine Sendung, Serie usw.) direkt an unabhängige Sender verkaufen]
to shift sth. [Br.] [coll.] [sell]
etw.Akk. absetzen [verkaufen]
mus. to chart [to sell enough copies to enter the music charts]es in die Charts schaffen
to fence sth. [coll.] [sell stolen goods]mit etw.Dat. hehlen
to flog sth. [Br.] [coll.] [sell cheaply]etw. verquanten [schweiz.] [verramschen]
to flog sth. [Br.] [sl.] [to sell sth.]etw.Akk. verkümmeln [ugs.] [etw. zu Geld machen]
to oversell sth. [sell too many]von etw. [Dat.]zu viel verkaufen
to sacrifice [sell at a loss]mit Verlust verkaufen
hist. jobs [woman who bought food products from farmers in order to sell them in town]Reeftragerin {f} [fränk.]
2 Words
stocks at market {adv} [sell order]bestens
Roll up! [exclamation used to get people's attention to sell something]Treten Sie näher! [formelle Anrede] [als Aufforderung bes. bei Verkaufsveranstaltungen]
to dispose of sth. [sell]etw. verkaufen
to flog (off) [Br.] [coll.] [sell]verscherbeln [ugs.] [verkaufen]
to sell off sth. [sell quickly and cheaply]etw.Akk. verschachern [pej.]
market. long tail [the large number of products that sell in small quantities]Long Tail {m} [Umsatz mit Nischenprodukten]
3 Words
stocks at the market {adv} [sell order]bestens
by the barrel {adv} [e.g. to buy, to sell]faßweise [alt] [z. B. kaufen, verkaufen]
by the barrel {adv} [e.g. to buy, to sell]fassweise [z. B. kaufen, verkaufen]
ind. to bring sth. to market [to sell something]etw.Akk. an den Mann bringen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to get rid of sth. [coll.] [sell]etw.Akk. losbekommen [ugs.] [verkaufen können]
4 Words
idiom to sell sb. up the river [less common for: to sell sb. down the river]jdn. verraten
5+ Words
comm. to be stuck with the goods [coll.] [unable to sell / dispose of]auf der Ware sitzen bleiben
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