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 | mus. sophomore {adj} [attr.] [esp. Am.] [second] [e.g. album] | 113 Zweit- [z. B. Album] |  |
 | matchless {adj} [second to none] | 72 unschlagbar [ugs.] [einmalig gut] |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. seconds {pl} [coll.] [second helping] | 94 Nachschlag {m} [zusätzliche Portion] |  |
 | unit hertz <Hz> [cycles per second] | 92 Hertz {n} <Hz> [Schwingungen pro Sekunde] |  |
 | jumble [Br.] [articles for a rummage sale] | 79 Ramsch {m} [ugs.] [Second-Hand-Ware] |  |
 | comm. thrifting [esp. Am.] [coll.] [second-hand shopping] | 36 Trödeln {n} [ugs.] [Einkauf in Trödel- oder Secondhandläden] |  |
 | jobs sideline [second occupation] | 28 Nebenerwerb {m} |  |
 | agr. aftermath [second-growth crop] | 17 Zweitmahd {f} |  |
 | jumble [Br.] [articles for a rummage sale] | 16 Trödel {m} [ugs.] [Second-Hand-Ware] |  |
 | gastr. lunch [before noon, second breakfast] | 13 Gabelfrühstück {n} [veraltend] |  |
 | anat. axis <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra] | 9 Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel] |  |
 | comp. telecom. unit baud <Bd> [transmission rate: symbols per second] | 7 Baud {n} <Bd> [Übertragungsrate: Symbole pro Sekunde] |  |
 | copy [duplicate, second copy] | 7 Zweitschrift {f} |  |
 | tens [second decade of a century] | 7 Zehnerjahre {pl} |  |
 | hunting zool. pricket [a buck in the second year of life] | 6 Spießer {m} [Rehbock im 2. Lebensjahr] |  |
 | ling. antepenult [antepenultima] [second-from-last syllable] | 5 Antepänultima {f} [vorvorletzte / drittletzte Silbe] |  |
 | gastr. honeycomb [tripe from the second stomach of a ruminant] | 5 Netzmagen {m} [als Kuttelspezialität] |  |
 | dance mus. ['after dance', second of a pair of dances, usually in fast triple metre] | Nachtanz {m} [fachspr.] |  |
 | hunting zool. [female roe deer in the second year of life] | Schmalreh {n} [jägerspr.] [weibliches Reh im zweiten Lebensjahr] |  |
 | [one sixtieth of a meridian second] | Meridiantertie {f} <mtr> |  |
 | RadioTV [second channel of German television broadcasting] | Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen {n} <ZDF> |  |
 | relig. [second Friday after Easter] | Dreinagelfreitag {m} [bes. österr.] [selten] |  |
 | educ. [second year of a German Gymnasium] | Quinta {f} [veraltend] |  |
 | sports [second yellow card in association football] | gelb-rote Karte {f} |  |
 | educ. [student during the second semester (in the historical sense)] | Brander {m} [Brandfuchs] |  |
 | [student during the second semester (in the historical sense)] | Brandfuchs {m} [ursprüngliche Bedeutung für einen Fuchs (Jungmitglied einer Studentenverbindung) im zweiten Semester] |  |
 | urban [Vienna's second district] | Glasscherbeninsel {f} |  |
 | [Vienna's second district] | Mazzesinsel {f} [veraltend] |  |
 | sports B team [generally second rate players chosen for unimportant matches] | B-Elf {f} |  |
 | unit cusec [short for: cubic foot per second] <cu ft/s, ft3/sec, cfs> | Kubikfuß {m} je Sekunde |  |
 | comp. megaflop {sg} | Mega-FLOPS {pl} [Mega-Floating Point Operations per Second] |  |
 | Nisei [Am.] [second generation of immigrants from Japan in the U.S.A and Canada] | Nisei {m} {f} [die zweite Generation von Einwanderern aus Japan] |  |
 | print reprint [second edition] | Zweitdruck {m} |  |
 | med. secundigravida <gravida II> [woman in her second pregnancy] | Sekundigravida {f} [Frau, die zum zweiten Mal schwanger ist] |  |
 | mil. shavetail [Am.] [sl.] [second lieutenant] | Leutnant {m} [in der US Armee] |  |
 | hydro. streamflow [discharge in cubic meters per second] | Abflussmenge {f} [Wasserfluss in Kubikmeter pro Sekunde] |  |
 | agr. teg [also: tegg] [fleece cut from a sheep in its second year] | Jährlingswolle {f} |  |
 | agr. twifallowing [obs.] [plowing for the second time] | Zwiebrache {f} [veraltet] [zweites Pflügen des Brachackers] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a feminine noun] | jede zweite |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a masculine noun] | jeder zweite |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a neuter noun] | jedes zweite |  |
 | next best {adj} [second best] | zweitbeste |  |
 | next to {prep} [with comparisons, e.g. "It's the second largest city in Illinois next to Chicago."] | nach [zur Angabe einer Reihenfolge oder Rangfolge] |  |
 | second last {adj} [also: second-last] | vorletzter |  |
 | second last {adj} [also: second-last] | vorletztes |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | anat. VetMed. axis vertebra <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra] | Dreher {m} [ugs.] <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel, Axis] |  |
 | mil. naut. boatswain's mate [German navies, petty officer second class of the boatswain career] | Bootsmannsmaat {m} [deutsche Seestreitkräfte, Maat der Bootsmannslaufbahn] |  |
 | hist. Boer War [also: Second Boer War] [1899-1902] | Burenkrieg {m} [auch: Zweiter Burenkrieg] |  |
 | film jobs clapper loader [esp. Br.] [second assistant camera] | Materialassistent {m} [2. Kameraassistent] |  |
 | naut. coxswain's mate [petty officer second class of the coxswain career] | Steuermannsmaat {m} |  |