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 | Cave! [Br.] [school sl., dated for: Look out!] | 130 Aufgepasst! |  |
 | educ. secondary {adj} [school] | 54 weiterführend [Schule] |  |
 | rural {adj} [e.g. church, community, school, store] | 9 Dorf- [z. B. Kirche, Gemeinschaft, Schule, Laden] |  |
 | coxy {adj} [Br.] [public school sl.] | 5 eingebildet [arrogant] |  |
 | bibl. Bible {adj} [attr.] [e.g. criticism, edition, lessons, school, study, translation] | Bibel- [z. B. Kritik, Ausgabe, Unterricht, Schule, Studium, Übersetzung] |  |
 | country {adj} [attr.] [rural] [e.g. curate, pub, school] | Dorf- [z. B. Pfarrer, Kneipe, Schule] |  |
 | public {adj} [publicly administered: school, hospital] | in öffentlicher Trägerschaft [nachgestellt] |  |
 | regimented {adj} [school, society etc.] | straff organisiert |  |
 | educ. secondary {adj} [e.g. education, school] | Sekundar- [z. B. Ausbildung od. Bildung, Schule] |  |
 | educ. truant {adj} [esp. from school] | unentschuldigt abwesend [bes. Schule] |  |
Verbs |
 | to attend sth. [school, religious service etc.] | 8350 etw. besuchen [Veranstaltung, Schule] |  |
 | to admit sb./sth. [in a school, club etc.] | 1278 jdn./etw. aufnehmen [in Schule, Verein etc.] |  |
 | to finish sth. [school, education, task] | 788 etw. abschließen [beenden, fertigstellen] |  |
 | to admit sb. [to hospital, a school etc.] | 236 jdn. aufnehmen [in Krankenhaus, Schule etc.] |  |
 | to finish sth. [school, one's degree, etc.] | 132 etw.Akk. absolvieren [die Schule, sein Studium etc.] |  |
 | to tattle [esp. Am.] [report another's wrongdoing, esp. at school] | 129 petzen [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | to start [school, concert etc.] | 90 angehen [beginnen] |  |
 | educ. to cover sth. [topic at school] | 61 etw. durchnehmen [Thema in der Schule] |  |
 | to quill [Br.] [Winchester School sl.] | 35 schmeicheln |  |
 | to finish [to finish school at a time of the day, e.g. "When do they finish?"] | 16 aushaben [ugs.] [Schulschluss haben, z. B. „Wann haben sie aus?“] |  |
 | to muzz [Br.] [public school sl.] | 12 lesen |  |
 | educ. [to have time off from school on account of excessively hot weather] | hitzefrei haben |  |
 | to clipe [Br.] [public school sl.] | sich herausreden |  |
 | educ. to graduate [Am.] [from secondary / high school] | den Schulabschluss machen |  |
 | to jig [Aus.] [skip school] | Schule schwänzen |  |
 | to pants sb. [Am.] [sl.] [typical school prank: to yank sb's pants down (or off completely) in a public or semi-public venue] | jdm. die Hosen herunterziehen [oft in der Öffentlichkeit] |  |
 | to pepper [Br.] [public school sl.] | pfeffern [in einer Griechischaufgabe die Akzente einsetzen] |  |
 | to rag [Br.] [school sl.] | Streiche aufführen [Schul- oder Studentenslang] |  |
 | to rag [Br.] [school sl.] | Unfug machen |  |
 | educ. to take sth. [a subject in school] | etw.Akk. haben [als Unterrichtsfach in der Schule lernen] [ugs.] |  |
Nouns |
 | educ. fin. tuition [esp. Am.] [tuition fee; of school] | 1605 Schulgeld {n} |  |
 | educ. essay [in school] | 1466 Aufsatz {m} [Schulaufsatz etc.] |  |
 | educ. grade [Am.] [Can.] [year at school] | 1203 Klasse {f} [Jahrgang] |  |
 | educ. grade [mark at school] | 824 Note {f} |  |
 | educ. student [school pupil] | 614 Schüler {m} |  |
 | educ. assessment [school, university] | 459 Einstufung {f} |  |
 | educ. grade [mark at school] | 380 Schulnote {f} |  |
 | educ. lessons {pl} [classes, school] | 356 Unterricht {m} [in oder außerhalb der Schule] |  |
 | educ. playground [at school] | 295 Schulhof {m} |  |
 | educ. grade [mark at school] | 256 Zensur {f} [Benotung] |  |
 | educ. [an academic high school, Br. grammar school, in German-speaking countries] | 242 Gymnasium {n} |  |
 | dropout [from society, school, etc.] | 206 Aussteiger {m} [aus Gesellschaft, Schule, etc.] |  |
 | attending [school, etc.] | 176 Besuch {m} [Schule usw.] |  |
 | educ. classes {pl} [school, lessons] | 169 Unterricht {m} |  |
 | [school leaving examination] | 126 Abitur {n} |  |
 | educ. Abitur [secondary school leaving examination] [in Germany] | 110 Abitur {n} |  |
 | educ. jobs principal [Am.] [head of a school] | 104 Schulleiter {m} |  |
 | educ. [type of secondary / junior high school for ages 10 to 16] | 97 Realschule {f} |  |
 | students [school pupils] | 79 Schüler {pl} |  |
 | gastr. squish [Br.] [public school sl.: marmelade] | 77 Mus {n} |  |