Dictionary English German: [sb 's]

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Partial Matches
to taint sth. [sb.'s reputation, sb.'s memory, etc.]etw. beflecken [jds. Ruf od. Ansehen, jds. Andenken etc.]
to weigh upon sth. [sb.'s mind, sb.'s conscience, etc.]etw. belasten [jds. Seele, jds. Gewissen etc.]
to ruin sb./sth. [cause great damage or harm, wreck] [e.g. sb.'s life, sb.'s reputation]jdn./etw. vernichten [fig. für: ruinieren] [z. B. jds. Leben, jds. Ruf]
to overstrain sth. [sb.'s nerves, sb.'s patience, a budget, etc.]etw.Akk. überstrapazieren [jds. Nerven, jds. Geduld, ein Budget etc.]
consideration [for sb., sb.'s feelings etc.]Rücksicht {f}
to incur sth. [sb.'s hatred, sb.'s anger, etc.]etw.Akk. auf sichAkk. ziehen [jds. Hass, jds. Zorn etc.]
[to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)](jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart]
to channel sb. [be inspired by sb., sb.'s style]von jdm. inspiriert sein [bes. stilistisch]
to bug sb. [coll.] [bother sb., get on sb.'s nerves]jdm. auf den Wecker fallen [ugs.]
to keep sth. alive [sb.'s memory of sb./sth.]etw.Akk. wachhalten [die Erinnerung an jdn./etw.]
film pol. to pie sb. [coll.] [throw a pie or pies at sb. / sb.'s face]jdn. torten [ugs.] [mit Torten / einer Torte bewerfen]
mineral. selenopolybasite [[(Ag,Cu)6(Sb,As)2(S,Se)7] [Ag9Cu(S,Se)2Se2]]Selenopolybasit {m}
grievous blow [fig.] [sb.'s death, loss of one's job, etc.]schwerer Schlag {m} [fig.]
dark chapter [in sb.'s life, in a nation's hisory]dunkler Punkt {m} [Redewendung] [etwas Unklares, moralisch nicht ganz Einwandfreies, gern Verschwiegenes]
to restrain [sb.'s activities, power]einschränken
[news of sb.'s death]Todesnachricht {f}
bounty [on sb.'s head]Kopfgeld {n}
charge [entrusted to sb.'s care]Mündel {n}
furrow [on sb.'s forehead]Stirnfalte {f}
versatility [of sb.'s mind]Flexibilität {f}
expression [look on sb.'s face]Miene {f}
offence [to sb.'s feelings] [esp. Br.]Beleidigung {f}
place [coll.] [sb.'s house, flat]Wohnung {f}
sparing [of sb.'s feelings]Schonung {f} [Gefühle]
encroaching {adj} [on sb.'s personal space]übergriffig [Verhalten]
stripping {pres-p} [removing ones or sb.'s clothes]entkleidend
to assay [mineral, ore, value, sb.'s worth]prüfen
to copy sb. [sb.'s behaviour etc.]jdn. nachahmen
to paint sb. [sb.'s face, body]jdn. schminken
to style sb. [use sb.'s title]jdn. betiteln
to sway sb. [change sb.'s mind]jdn. überreden
to sway sb. [change sb.'s mind]jdn. umstimmen
jobs cleaner [person employed to clean sb's house]Putzhilfe {f}
presumptuousness [in connection with sb.'s abilities]Anmaßung {f}
turned away {past-p} [with one's back to sb.]abgewandt
to dishevel sth. [sb.'s hair]etw. zerzausen [jds. Haare]
to intrigue sb. [arouse sb.'s curiosity]jdn. neugierig machen
to intrigue sb. [arouse sb.'s interest]jdn. (sehr) interessieren
to poop sb. [coll.] [to exhaust sb.'s energy]jdn. auspumpen
to ruffle sth. [sb.'s hair]etw. zerzausen [jds. Haare]
to tousle sth. [sb.'s hair]etw. zerzausen [jds. Haare]
to tug [at sb.'s sleeve]zupfen [jdn. am Ärmel]
attempt [attack on sb.'s life]Anschlag {m} [gescheiterter Angriff]
charge [entrusted to sb.'s care]in Obhut befindliche Person {f}
feature [of sb.'s face, character]Zug {m} [Gesichtszug, Charakterzug]
features [of sb.'s face, character]Züge {pl} [Gesichtszüge, Charakterzüge]
fortune [fate, e.g. to tell sb.'s fortune]Schicksal {n}
mineral. hakite [Cu10Hg2(Sb,As)4(Se,S)13]Hakit {m}
to plead for [on sb.'s behalf]sprechen für [befürwortend]
to step in [take sb.'s place]jds. Platz einnehmen
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