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 | sb. bustled [about / around; in; out; (back) into sth., over to; round sth.] | 25 jd. hastete [herum; herein; hinaus; (wieder) in etw. hinein; hinüber zu; um etw. herum] |  |
 | [the other way round / around] {adv} | anders herum [FALSCH für: andersherum] |  |
Verbs |
 | to persuade sb. [talk sb. round] | 5103 jdn. überreden |  |
 | to rustle [Am.] [round up and steal cattle, horses or sheep] | 330 stehlen [Vieh, Pferde oder Schafe] |  |
 | to skew [turn round] | 73 umdrehen |  |
 | to trim sth. [remove sharp corners or round off] | 35 etw.Akk. abkanten |  |
 | to loose sth. [e.g. a shot, a missile or a round] | 20 etw.Akk. abfeuern [z. B. einen Schuss, eine Rakete oder eine Ladung] |  |
 | to necklace sb. [S.Afr.] [to kill sb. by placing a burning tyre round neck and arms; necklacing] | 8 [jdn. durch einen brennenden Autoreifen um Hals und Arme töten; Necklacing] |  |
 | to circle sth. [draw a circle round sth.] | 7 etw.Akk. einkringeln [ugs.] |  |
 | to circle sth. [draw a circle round sth.] | etw. einringeln [österr.] [schweiz.] [bayer.] [einkreisen, einkringeln] |  |
 | to circle sth. [move round sth.] | sich um etw. bewegen |  |
Nouns |
 | roundabout [Br.] [merry-go-round] | 341 Karussell {n} |  |
 | cloth. kerchief [round the neck] | 216 Halstuch {n} |  |
 | sweep [raid, round-up] | 177 Razzia {f} |  |
 | cloth. kerchief [tied round the head] | 120 Kopftuch {n} |  |
 | turn [stroll, round] | 67 Runde {f} [Rundgang] |  |
 | weapons shell [Am.] [cartridge, round] | 43 Patrone {f} |  |
 | gastr. cob [Br.] [round bread] | 42 Laib {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [rundes Brot] |  |
 | beat [regular path or habitual round of a policeman] | 18 Reviergang {m} [eines Polizisten] |  |
 | RealEst. grounds {pl} [land round a residential building] | 15 Umschwung {m} [schweiz.] |  |
 | gastr. bannock [a round, flat loaf, typically unleavened, associated with Scotland and northern England] | 8 Bannockbrot {n} [Fladenbrot, ursprüngl. aus Schottland] |  |
 | med. VetMed. scybalum [a hard round mass of inspissated feces] | 8 Skybalum {n} |  |
 | mus. catch [round] | 7 [engl. Kanon] |  |
 | dance [round dance in 3/4 time, similar to the Ländler] | Tirolienne {f} [auch: Tyrolienne] [einem Ländler ähnlicher Rundtanz im 3/4-Takt] |  |
 | gastr. [round yeast cake with currants] | Korinthenplatz {m} [regional] |  |
 | dance cuer [caller in a round dance] | Cuer {m} [Tanzleiter für Round Dance] |  |
 | gastr. darnes [thick slices cut from round fish species] | Darnes {pl} [Scheiben aus dem Mittelstück eines Rundfisches, z. B. Lachs] |  |
 | bot. gastr. T | |  |
 | rack {sg} [vulg.] [set of breasts particularly round and large] | (große) Titten {pl} [vulg.] |  |
 | roundabout [Br.] [merry-go-round] | Ringelspiel {n} [österr.] |  |
 | med. VetMed. scybala {pl} [a hard round mass of inspissated feces] | Skybala {pl} [„Kotballen“; eingedickter (wasserarmer) Stuhl im Dickdarm] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | looking round {pres-p} {adj} [also: 'round] | sich umschauend |  |
 | naturally rounded {adj} [round gravel] | rundgekullert [selten] [Kiesel] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | travel to be sb.'s guide [show round] | jdn. führen [durch etw.] |  |
 | to bring sb. round [talk round] | jdn. herumbringen [ugs.] |  |
 | sports to go through [to the next round] | weiterkommen |  |
 | to pull sth. round [esp. Br.] [turn round: game, match] | etw. herumdrehen [Spiel] |  |
 | to pull sth. round [esp. Br.] [turn round: game, match] | etw. umdrehen [Spiel] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | furn. ball foot [round bun foot] | Kugelfuß {m} |  |
 | gastr. chocolate cake [fine, esp. round] | Schokoladentorte {f} |  |
 | mus. circular canon [round] | Kanon {m} [endlos] |  |
 | anat. audio VetMed. circular window [Fenestra cochleae rotunda, Fenestra cochleae, Fenestra rotunda] [round window] | rundes Fenster {n} |  |
 | dance closed position | Closed Position {f} [Round Dance] |  |
 | hist. mil. weapons cloverleaf (bundle) [3-round ammunition container] | [3 Schuss Munitionscontainer] |  |
 | anat. audio VetMed. cochlear window [Fenestra cochleae rotunda, Fenestra cochleae, Fenestra rotunda] [round window] | Rundfenster {n} |  |
 | med. globular heart [round heart] | Kugelherz {n} |  |
 | pharm. pill carousel [round pill dispenser] | Pillenkarussell {n} [ugs.] [runde Pillenbox] |  |
 | rose cut [round, facetted stone without pavilion and 3 to 48 crown (upper part) facets] | Antwerpener Rose {f} [Raute; facettierter Stein ohne Unterkörper mit 3 bis 48 Oberteilfacetten] |  |
 | archi. round pillar [round-shafted pillar] | Rundpfeiler {m} |  |
 | round table [usually as modifier] [e.g. round-table talk, meeting] | Round Table {m} [Kurzform, z. B. für Round-Table-Gespräch, -Treffen] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | round and round sth. | rings um etw. herum |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | gastr. loaf of bread [round] | Laib {m} Brot |  |
 | med. round-cell infiltration [also: round cell infiltration] | Rundzelleninfiltration {f} |  |
 | med. round-cell infiltration [also: round cell infiltration] | Rundzellinfiltration {f} |  |
 | hist. yellow badge / patch [also Jewish badge, round or ring-shaped] | gelber Ring {m} [auch gelber Fleck, Judenring] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | This round is on sb. [a round of alcoholic beverages] | Diese Runde geht auf jdn. [eine Runde von alkoholischen Getränken] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | gastr. (German) sour milk cheese [when in small round or square shapes] | Handkäse {m} |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | textil. tools set of double-pointed needles [for knitting in the round, e.g. for socks] | Stricknadelspiel {n} [zum Rundstricken, z. B. für Socken] |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |