Dictionary English German: [rotation]

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left {adj} [e.g. arrow, click, liberalism, module, rotation, turn]Links- [z. B. Pfeil, Klick, Liberalismus, Modul, Rotation, Kurve]
turn [rotation]
Drehung {f}
turn [revolution, rotation]
Umdrehung {f}
agr. [position of a crop in crop rotation (and its yield)]Tracht {f} [Stellung einer Fruchtart in der Fruchtfolge (und ihr Ertrag)]
tech. speeds [rates of rotation]Drehzahlen {pl}
2 Words
tech. left-hand {adj} [thread, rotation]linksdrehend
rotationally invariant {adj} [invariant under rotation]rotationsinvariant
med. MedTech. antirotation screw [also: anti-rotation screw]Antirotationsschraube {f}
sports tech. ball rotationBallrotation {f} [auch: Ball-Rotation]
tech. counterclockwise rotation <CC rotation, CCW rotation>Linksdrehung {f}
med. inward rotation [Rotation interna]Innenrotation {f}
med. inwards rotation [Rotation interna]Innenrotation {f}
med. outward rotation [Rotation externa]Außenrotation {f}
med. outwards rotation [Rotation externa]Außenrotation {f}
3 Words
phys. tech. center of revolution [rotation] [Am.]Drehpol {m}
phys. tech. centre of revolution [rotation] [Br.]Drehpol {m}
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