| English  | German |  |
 | comm. constr. for. timber {adj} [attr.] [e.g. industry, trade, yard, roof] | 393 Holz- [z. B. Industrie, Handel, Lager, Dach] |  |
 | collapsed {adj} {past-p} [bridge, roof, etc.] | 78 eingestürzt [Brücke, Dach etc.] |  |
 | turf {adj} [attr.] [e.g. care, roof] | 76 Rasen- [z. B. Pflege, Dach] |  |
 | constr. sheltered {adj} {past-p} [having a roof] | 66 überdacht |  |
 | sliding {adj} [attr.] [e.g. door, ladder, roof] | 62 Schiebe- [z. B. Tür, Leiter, Dach] |  |
 | grass {adj} [attr.] [e.g. seed, stalk, roof, stain] | 55 Gras- [z. B. Samen, Halm, Dach, Fleck] |  |
 | constr. tiled {adj} {past-p} [roof] | 39 gedeckt [mit Dachziegeln] |  |
 | domed {adj} [e.g. roof] | 33 kuppelförmig |  |
 | straw {adj} [attr.] [e.g. straw hat, roof, hut] | 12 strohern [selten] [aus Stroh bestehend, z. B. stroherner Hut, strohernes Dach, stroherne Hütte] |  |
 | constr. sb. roofed [covered with a roof] | 10 jd. überdachte [versah mit einem Dach] |  |
 | flat {adj} [e.g. coast, country, file, glass, roof, screen] | 9 Flach- [z. B. Küste, Land, Feile, Glas, Dach, Bildschirm] |  |
 | archi. constr. raftered {adj} [e.g. ceiling, roof, cellar] | 7 Balken- [z. B. Decke, Dach, Keller] |  |
 | anat. med. zool. orbital {adj} [e.g. fracture, gland, roof, wall] | Orbita- [fachspr.] [Augenhöhlen-] [z. B. Fraktur, Drüse, Dach, Wand] |  |
 | warm {adj} [e.g. air, boot, front, house, periods, roof, water] | Warm- [z. B. Luft, Start, Front, Haus, Zeiten, Dach, Wasser] |  |
Verbs |
 | constr. to tile [roof] | 210 eindecken [Dach] |  |
 | constr. to roof sth. [cover with a roof] | 146 etw. überdachen |  |
 | tech. to insulate (sth.) [e.g. roof, wall, pipe] | 114 (etw.Akk.) dämmen [isolieren, z. B. Dach, Wand, Rohr] |  |
 | constr. to retile sth. [roof] | 8 etw. umdecken [Ziegeldach] |  |
 | to leak [roof etc.] | undicht sein |  |
 | to leak [roof etc.] | nicht dicht sein |  |
Nouns |
 | gutter [beneath the edge of a roof] | 967 Regenrinne {f} |  |
 | gutter [roof] | 573 Dachrinne {f} |  |
 | constr. tile [roof tile] | 315 Ziegel {m} [Dachziegel] |  |
 | constr. crest [top of roof] | 226 Dachfirst {m} |  |
 | constr. truss [roof truss] | 176 Dachstuhl {m} |  |
 | slope [of roof] | 119 Schräge {f} [schräge Fläche] |  |
 | housetop [roof] | 52 Dach {n} [eines Hauses] |  |
 | constr. crown [roof] | 38 First {m} |  |
 | panoply [fig.] [covering, roof] | 27 Baldachin {m} [fig.] |  |
 | archi. attic [underneath a pitched roof] | 26 Spitzboden {m} |  |
 | gutter [roof] | 25 Dachkännel {m} [schweiz.] |  |
 | constr. tiling [tiling a roof] | 23 Dachdecken {n} [mit Ziegeln] |  |
 | archi. constr. gutter [roof] | 11 Dachtraufe {f} |  |
 | sunroof [roof terrace] | 6 Sonnenterrasse {f} [auf dem Dach] |  |
 | archi. hip [of a roof] | 5 Dachgrat {m} |  |
 | archi. boxroom [Br.] [esp. under the roof pitch] | Schlupf {m} [ugs.] [südd.] [kleiner Stau- oder Schlafraum, bes. unter der Dachschräge] |  |
 | archi. palapa [Am.] [open-sided structure with a palm-thatched roof] | Palapa {n} [offene Struktur mit einem Palm-Strohdach] |  |
 | constr. rone [Scot.] [gutter at the eaves of a roof] | Dachrinne {f} |  |
 | meteo. snowslide [avalanche, also from the roof] | Schneeabgang {m} [auch Dachlawine] |  |
 | constr. jobs tiler [roof tiler] | Ziegeldecker {m} |  |
 | archi. truss [supporting framework of a roof] | Gebinde {n} [von Dachsparren] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | meteo. RealEst. hail-damaged {adj} [e.g. roof] | hagelbeschädigt [z. B. Dach] |  |
 | on the {prep} [table, roof etc.] | am [+Dat.] [ostösterr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [auf dem] |  |
 | archi. constr. self-supporting {adj} [structure, roof, etc.] | selbsttragend [Konstruktion, Dach etc.] |  |
 | constr. tech. single-leaf {adj} [e.g. wall, roof] | einschalig [z. B. Wand, Dach] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to sweep sth. away [e.g. storm: the roof] | etw.Akk. wegfegen [z. B. Sturm: das Dach] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | constr. (tile) batten [roof] | Dachlatte {f} |  |
 | cat ladder [Br.] [a lightweight ladder frame for working on a sloping roof] | Steigleiter {f} |  |
 | crawl space [Am.] [under roof] | Zwischendecke {f} |  |
 | archi. constr. eaves trough [esp. Can.] [roof gutter] | Dachhengel {m} [schweiz.] |  |
 | constr. gutter guard [roof] | Dachrinnenschutz {m} |  |
 | automot. pop-top [roof that opens] | Aufstelldach {n} |  |
 | archi. ridge roof [also: ridge-roof] | Satteldach {n} |  |
 | archi. constr. sawtooth roof [also: saw-tooth roof] | Sägezahndach {n} |  |
 | archi. constr. sawtooth roof [also: saw-tooth roof] | Sheddach {n} |  |
 | constr. snow guard [on roof] | Schneefang {m} [Dach] |  |
 | sod roof [turf roof] | Grasdach {n} |  |
 | sod roof [turf roof] | Rasendach {n} |  |
 | constr. storm clip [for roof tiles] | Sturmklammer {f} [bei Dachdeckung] |  |
 | constr. tensile roof [tension membrane roof made of fabric] | Spanndach {n} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | archi. constr. clad with tiles {adj} [postpos.] [roof] | mit Ziegeln gedeckt |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | birch bark roof [also: birch-bark roof] | Birkenrindendach {n} |  |
 | outdoor storage area [without a roof] | Freilager {n} [Lagerplatz ohne Überdachung] |  |
 | archi. constr. sheet-metal roofing [roof cladding] | Bedachung {f} mit Blech |  |
 | archi. sheet-metal roofing [roof cladding] | Metallbedachung {f} aus flachen Blechen |  |
 | automot. three-piece hardtop [auto roof] | dreiteiliges Hardtop {n} [Fahrzeugdach] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | archi. pavilion roof Ardand type polygon roof | Polygonaldach {n} |  |