| English | German | |
| thus {adv} [consequently, as a result] | 5808 folglich | |
| thus {adv} [literary or formal] [as a result or consequence of this, therefore] | 528 daher [aus diesem Grund, deshalb] | |
| through {prep} [as a result of] | 476 wegen <wg.> [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.] | |
| thereupon {adv} [formal] [immediately after (and as a result of) that] | 205 daraufhin [direkt danach und infolgedessen] | |
| meager {adj} [Am.] [result, figures] | 127 mau [ugs.] | |
| games game {adj} [attr.] [e.g. console, culture, instructions, partner, result, theory] | 20 Spiel- [z. B. Konsole, Kultur, Anleitung, Partner, Ergebnis, Theorie] | |
| meagre {adj} [Br.] [result, figures] | 11 mau [ugs.] | |
| involving sth. {adj} [postpos.] [including sth. as a result] | etw.Akk. mit sich bringend [etw. zur Folge habend] | |
| through {adv} [as a result of] | aufgrund von [+Dat.] | |
Verbs |
| to achieve sth. [an agreement, a result, success, etc.] | 2671 etw. erzielen [eine Einigung, ein Resultat, einen Erfolg etc.] | |
| to yield sth. [result in] | 2498 etw. ergeben | |
| to obtain sth. [e.g. a result] | 1113 etw.Akk. erzielen [z. B. ein Ergebnis] | |
| to eventuate [formal] [occur (as a result of sth.), arise] | 796 eintreten [sich ereignen (als Folge von etw.)] | |
| to achieve sth. [a particular result] | auf etw. kommen [Resultat] | |
| to lose sth. [as a result of reckless behavior] | sichDat. etw.Akk. verscherzen | |
Nouns |
| outcome [end result] | 706 Ausgang {m} [Endergebnis, Resultat] | |
| issue [result] | 324 Ergebnis {n} | |
| wash [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [situation or result that is of no benefit to either of two opposing sides] | 131 Nullsummenspiel {n} [fig.] | |
| performance [result] | 124 Ergebnis {n} | |
| percept [as a mental result or sensation] | 117 Empfindung {f} [vgl. Perzept] | |
| issue [ultimate result] | 95 Abschluss {m} [Ergebnis] | |
| success [obs.] [outcome or result (of an undertaking, etc.)] | 94 Ausgang {m} [Ende oder Ergebnis (eines Unternehmens, etc.)] | |
| karma [the result, i.e. fate] | 85 Schicksal {n} [Karma, d.h. seine Auswirkungen] | |
| outcome [result] | 60 Erfolg {m} [Ergebnis] | |
| produce [result] | 36 Ergebnis {n} | |
| headache [esp. as a result of boozing] | 28 Brummschädel {m} [ugs.] | |
| fruit [fig.] [result] | 17 Ergebnis {n} | |
| measurement [result obtained by measuring] | 16 Messergebnis {n} | |
| vote [result of voting] | 14 Wahlausgang {m} | |
| fruit [result] | 10 Resultat {n} | |
| product [result] | 9 Ergebnis {n} | |
| vote [result of voting] | 8 Wahlresultat {n} | |
| tracing [result] | 6 Pause {f} | |
| [change that would result in an increase in value] | wertsteigernde Veränderung {f} | |
| blow [result of striking] | Treff {m} [veraltet] [Schlag, Hieb] | |
| mess [esp. as a result of eating] | Kleckerei {f} [ugs.] | |
| omnishambles [Br.] [coll.] [situation, result of mismanagement etc.] | totaler Scherbenhaufen {m} | |
| production [a work created as a result of artistic effort] [also fig.] | (künstlerische) Leistung {f} [künstlerische Arbeit] [auch fig.] | |
| med. stat. scoring [result determination] | (zahlenmäßige) Ergebnisbestimmung {f} | |
| success [positive result] | guter Ausgang {m} | |
| work [result of work] | Resultat {n} der Arbeit | |
2 Words: Others |
| just failed [e.g. a result] | knapp verfehlt [z. B. ein Ergebnis] | |
| anat. single-breasted {adj} [as a result of a mastectomy] | einbusig [ugs.] | |
| so that {conj} [with the result that] | sodass / so dass | |
| sth. came out [as a result] | etw. ist rausgekommen [ugs.] [war das Ergebnis] | |
| wide-eyed {adj} [as a result of surprise or fear] | mit aufgerissenen Augen [nachgestellt] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to add A to B [which may result in reduced quality of B] | BAkk. mit ADat. versetzen | |
| to eventuate in sth. [formal] [result in sth.] | in etw.Dat. resultieren | |
| to keel over [coll.] [fall suddenly as a result of fainting or loss of balance] | umkippen [ugs.] [ohnmächtig werden oder das Gleichgewicht verlieren und umfallen] | |
| to lead to sth. [road, path; also fig.: result in] | in etw. [Akk., auch Dat.] münden [zu etw. führen; auch fig.: in einen / einem Streit münden etc.] | |
| to make for sth. [(tend to) result in sth.] | etw.Akk. herbeiführen [bewirken] | |
| to make for sth. [tend to result in] | für etw.Akk. sorgen [ein bestimmtes Resultat] | |
| to ride on [to depend on the result of] | lasten auf [+Dat.] | |
| to ride on [to depend on the result of] | ruhen auf [+Dat.] | |
| idiom to see stars [as the result of concussion] | Sterne / Sternchen sehen [nach einem Schlag an den Kopf u. ä.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| QM audit conclusion [result of deliberation] | Auditschlussfolgerung {f} | |
| equest. sports dead heat [result] | Unentschieden {n} [bei einem Rennen] | |
| med. fat apron [panniculus as a result of fatty tissue growth (dense layer)] | Fettschürze {f} | |
| med. MedTech. follow-up [procedure, research result, etc.] | Verlaufsbeobachtung {f} | |
| math. Little's law [also: Little's lemma, Little's principle, Little's result, Little's theorem, Little's formula] | Littles Gesetz {n} [auch: Littles Theorem, Formel von Little, Satz von Little] | |
| sports rugby score [coll.] [result of a football/soccer match in which one team has scored an exceptionally high number of goals] | Steinzeitergebnis {n} [Sportjargon] [schweiz.] | |
| sports rugby score [coll.] [result of a football/soccer match in which one team has scored an exceptionally high number of goals] | Steinzeitresultat {n} [Sportjargon] [schweiz.] | |
| med. skin apron [panniculus as a result of loose tissues after pregnancy or massive weight loss] | Bauchschürze {f} [nach einer Schwangerschaft od. starker Gewichtsabnahme] | |
| throbbing head [fig.] [here esp. as a result of boozing] | Brummschädel {m} [ugs.] | |
| sports untidy goal [coll.] [goal scored fortuitously as a result of a confused situation] | Tor {n} aus dem Gewühl [Fußballjargon] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to add up to sth. [result in] | zu etw. führen [zum Ergebnis haben] | |
| to be associated with sth. [result from] | mit etw.Dat. zusammenhängen | |
| to be due to [to be the result of] | sich verdanken | |
| to influence the outcome [end result] | den Ausgang beeinflussen [das Endergebnis, das Resultat] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| econ. fin. earnings {pl} before interest and taxes <EBIT> [operating result] | Gewinn {m} vor Zinsen / Zinsenaufwand und Steuern <GVZS> [operatives Ergebnis] | |