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| ritzy {adj} [coll.] [high class] | 160 nobel [Hotel, Restaurant, Wohnung] | |
| gastr. off {adj} {adv} [of food in a restaurant] | 87 gestrichen | |
| grimy {adj} | 83 schmierig [Restaurant etc.] | |
| welcoming {adj} | 64 gastfreundlich [einladend] [z. B. Restaurant, Hotel] | |
| upscale {adj} [Am.] [shop, restaurant, dinner, etc.] | 57 edel [Geschäft, Restaurant, Dinner etc.] | |
| gastr. off {adv} [of food in a restaurant] | 30 aus | |
| gastr. divey {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [restaurant, bar etc.] | 16 heruntergekommen [ugs.] [fig.] [Restaurant, Bar, etc.] | |
| gastr. housemade {adj} [made fresh in restaurant, not a private home] | 11 hausgemacht [vor Ort im Restaurant gemacht] | |
| sidewalk {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [artist, cafe, restaurant, sale] | 9 Straßen- [z. B. Maler, Café, Restaurant, Verkauf] | |
| empty {adj} [vacant, e.g. table at a restaurant] | frei [nicht besetzt, z. B. Tisch im Restaurant] | |
| high-toned {adj} [coll.] | vornehm [Person, Restaurant etc.] | |
Verbs |
| gastr. to order sth. [in a restaurant] | 49 etw. anschaffen [österr.] [veraltet] | |
| to change one's order [in a restaurant etc.] | umbestellen [eine Bestellung ändern] | |
Nouns |
| till [Br.] | 4177 Kasse {f} [im Restaurant, Tankstelle, etc.] | |
| gastr. eatery [coll.] [restaurant] | 2869 Restaurant {n} | |
| comm. gastr. register [Am.] | 448 Kasse {f} [im Restaurant, Tankstelle, etc.] | |
| gastr. booth [in a restaurant] | 323 Nische {f} [im Restaurant] | |
| diner | 268 Imbiss {m} [einfaches Restaurant mit Theke und Tischen] | |
| gastr. busboy [Am.] | 265 Bedienungshilfe {f} [Restaurant] | |
| busboy [Am.] | 242 Abräumer {m} [Restaurant, Café etc.] | |
| jobs manager | 235 Leiter {m} [v. Hotel, Restaurant, Geschäft etc.] | |
| jobs busboy [Am.] | 228 Hilfskraft {f} [im Restaurant] | |
| gastr. bill [from a restaurant] | 120 Zeche {f} [Rechnung] | |
| reservation [of tickets, a table in a restaurant, etc.] | 107 Vorbestellung {f} | |
| takeaway [Br.] [shop or restaurant] | 85 Imbissstube {f} | |
| gastr. chit | 73 Rechnung {f} [in Gaststätte, Restaurant] | |
| gastr. carvery | 41 Fleischbuffet {n} [z. B. im Restaurant] | |
| gastr. joint [coll.] [restaurant or bar] | 40 Schuppen {m} [ugs.] [Lokal] | |
| gastr. rotisserie [restaurant] | 19 Rotisserie {f} [auf Spießbraten spezialisiertes Restaurant] | |
| gastr. gastropub [Br.] | 12 [Kneipe mit sehr gutem Restaurant] | |
| Hofbrauhaus [Royal Court Brewery - restaurant and brewery in Munich] | 8 Hofbräuhaus {n} [Restaurant und Brauerei in München] | |
| gastr. [food and drink consumed in a restaurant] | 6 Konsumation {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| diner [Am.] [type of restaurant] | 5 Diner {n} [Restaurant] | |
| gastr. restaurant booth | [abgetrennter Essplatz im Restaurant; bestehend aus einem Tisch mit zwei Bänken] | |
| carhop [Am.] [coll.] [dated] | [Kellner/in in einem Drive-in-Restaurant] | |
| comm. gastr. hole-in-the-wall [Am.] [coll.] | [kleiner, abgelegener, unscheinbarer Ort, z. B. ein Restaurant oder Geschäft] | |
| comm. gastr. service counter [in a grocery store or fast food restaurant] | Bedientheke {f} | |
| gastr. grill [fast-food restaurant, often "bar and grill"] | Braterei {f} | |
| gastr. bar [in a pub, restaurant] | Büfett {n} [Schanktisch] | |
| gastr. Chinese restaurant | Chinese {m} [ugs.] [chinesisches Restaurant] | |
| gastr. market. restaurant voucher | Essensgutschein {m} [Restaurant] | |
| separate room [in a restaurant, pub, bar] | Extrazimmer {n} [österr.] | |
| gastr. French restaurant | Franzose {m} [ugs. französisches Restaurant] | |
| dining area | Gastraum {m} [Restaurant] | |
| gastr. seating area | Gastraum {m} [Restaurant] | |
| gastr. market. ghost kitchen | Geisterküche {f} [virtuelles Restaurant] | |
| gastr. Greek restaurant | Grieche {m} [ugs.] [griechisches Restaurant] | |
| gastr. jobs griller [person, as a cook in a restaurant] | Grillkoch {m} [auch: Grill-Koch] | |
| gastr. grillery | Grillstation {f} [Gerät oder Restaurant] | |
| gastr. Italian place [restaurant] | Italiener {m} [ugs.] [italienisches Restaurant] | |