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 | disburdening {adj} [relieving of a burden or responsibility] | 18 entlastend |  |
Verbs |
 | to assume sth. [responsibility, liability, office etc.] | 3286 etw.Akk. übernehmen [Verantwortung, Haftung, Amt etc.] |  |
 | to release [from responsibility, duty] | 339 entpflichten |  |
 | to exercise sth. [a right, responsibility] | 83 etw.Akk. wahrnehmen [ein Recht, Verantwortung] |  |
 | to duck sth. [coll.] [evade responsibility etc.] | sich vor etw.Dat. drücken [ugs.] [sich der Verantwortung etc. entziehen] |  |
 | to shoulder sth. [fig.] [e.g. responsibility] | etw.Akk. auf sichAkk. nehmen [z. B. die Verantwortung] |  |
Nouns |
 | charge [responsibility] | 1503 Verantwortung {f} [Führung, Leitung] |  |
 | relief [easing of a burden, of responsibility etc.] | 1339 Entlastung {f} |  |
 | liability [responsibility] | 1276 Verantwortung {f} |  |
 | echelon [level of command, responsibility etc.] | 1019 Rang {m} [in Hierarchie] |  |
 | remit [formal] [area of authority or responsibility] | 217 Auftrag {m} [Zuständigkeit, Verantwortungsbereich] |  |
 | liability [responsibility] | 128 Verantwortlichkeit {f} |  |
 | province [fig.] [area of responsibility] | 24 Zuständigkeitsbereich {m} |  |
 | law [responsibility to file one's insolvency petition] | 17 Insolvenzantragspflicht {f} |  |
 | giving [responsibility, mandate] | 8 Übertragung {f} [Vollmacht, Verantwortung] |  |
 | [responsibility for the provision of local public infrastructure] | Erschließungslast {f} |  |
 | hist. protectorate [of responsibility of a Vogt] | Vogtei {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | saddled with sth. {past-p} [bill, responsibility] | belastet mit etw.Dat. [Rechnung, Verantwortung] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to absolve sb. from sth. [obligation, responsibility, one's own tests, etc.] | jdn. von etw.Dat. befreien [von Verpflichtung, Verantwortung, eigenen Tests etc.] |  |
 | to father sth. on sb. [obs.] [place responsibility on] | jdn. für etw.Akk. verantwortlich machen |  |
 | to flinch from sth. [task, responsibility] | sich etw.Dat. entziehen [Aufgabe, Verantwortung] |  |
 | to grow with sth. [e.g. responsibility] | mit / an etw. wachsen [Aufgaben etc.] |  |
 | to lie on sb./sth. [to be the responsibility of sb./sth.] | jdm./etw. obliegen [geh.] |  |
 | to reside with sb. [e.g. responsibility] | jdm. obliegen [geh.] [z. B. Aufgabe] |  |
 | to rest on sb. [e.g. responsibility] | jdm. obliegen [geh.] [z. B. Verantwortung] |  |
 | to rest with sb. [responsibility etc.] | auf jdm. lasten [Verantwortung etc.] |  |
 | to rest with sb./sth. [e.g. competence, decision, responsibility] | bei jdm./etw. liegen [z. B. Zuständigkeit, Entscheidung, Verantwortung] |  |
 | to shove (on) [blame, responsibility] | wälzen (auf [+Akk.]) [fig.] |  |
 | to take on sth. [accept, assume responsibility, etc.] | etw.Akk. auf sichAkk. nehmen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | ecol. econ. sociol. CR report [Corporate Responsibility Report] | CR-Bericht {m} [Corporate-Responsibility-Bericht] |  |
 | law diminished capacity [also: diminished responsibility] | Schuldunfähigkeit {f} [ugs. auch Unzurechnungsfähigkeit] |  |
 | comp. QM registration authority <RA> [body given the responsibility of maintaining lists of codes under international standards] | Registrierungsstelle {f} [eine Instanz innerhalb einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to foist sth. off on sb. [responsibility, task] | etw. auf jdn. abschieben [Verantwortung, Aufgaben etc.] |  |
 | to take over sth. for sb. [assume responsibility for sth.] | etw. für jdn. übernehmen |  |
 | to take sth. over (from sb.) [assume responsibility for sth., continue sth.] | etw.Akk. (von jdm.) übernehmen |  |
 | to take the lead [responsibility] | die Leitung übernehmen |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | failure of responsibility [lack of responsibility] | Verantwortungslosigkeit {f} |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | It's down to you to decide. [your responsibility] | Die Entscheidung liegt bei dir / Ihnen / euch. |  |