| English  | German |  |
 | swift {adj} [reaction, reply also, revenge] | 471 prompt |  |
 | gruff {adj} [reply, answer] | 193 bärbeißig |  |
 | cagey {adj} [coll.] [evasive] [reply, comment, etc.] | 99 ausweichend [Antwort, Bemerkung usw.] |  |
 | swiftly {adv} [reaction, reply also, revenge] | 85 prompt |  |
 | subtly {adv} [argue, reply] | 32 scharfsinnig |  |
 | [humorous reply to someone knocking on the door] | Herein, wenn's kein Schneider ist! [veraltend] [hum.] |  |
 | speedily {adv} [reply, return] | prompt |  |
Verbs |
 | to respond [reply] | 3651 antworten |  |
 | law to rejoin [reply to a charge] | 23 duplizieren [erwidern] |  |
 | to rejoin [reply] | 21 zurückgeben [erwidern] |  |
Nouns |
 | letter [esp. official communication, reply, comment on a subject, fan mail etc.] | 64 Zuschrift {f} |  |
 | riposte [reply] | 42 Replik {f} [geh.] |  |
2 Words |
 | All good! [in reply to "thank you"] | Kein Ding! [ugs.] [Gern geschehen] |  |
 | in chorus {adv} [e.g. to reply in chorus] | alle zusammen [z. B. antworten] |  |
 | in chorus {adv} [e.g. to reply in chorus] | im Chor [gemeinsam, alle zusammen] |  |
 | to bite back sth. [e.g. reply] | etw.Akk. zurückhalten [herunterschlucken: z. B. Antwort] |  |
3 Words |
 | Not too bad. [as a reply to the question "How are you?"] | Es geht (so). [als Antwort auf die Frage "Wie gehts?"] |  |
 | off-the-cuff {adj} [attr.] [coll.] [remark, decision, reply, etc.] | spontan [Bemerkung, Entschluss, Antwort etc.] |  |
 | Pray explain (this). [aggressive reply to an obviously wrong argument] | Erläutern Sie das bitte. [aggressive Antwort auf ein offensichtlich falsches Argument] |  |
4 Words |
 | No offense. - None taken. [Am.] [excuse and reply] | Nichts für ungut. - Kein Problem. [ugs.] [Entschuldigung und Antwort] |  |
 | No offense. - None taken. [Am.] [excuse and reply] | Nix für ungut. - Passt schon. [ugs.] [Entschuldigung und Antwort] |  |
 | répondez s'il vous plaît <RSVP, Rsvp> [please reply] | um Antwort wird gebeten <u. A. w. g.> |  |
5+ Words |
 | Nice to meet you, too. [standard reply to: Nice to meet you.] | Ganz meinerseits. [Standardantwort auf: Nett, Sie kennenzulernen.] |  |