| English | German | |
| solemnly {adv} [of a religious ceremony] | 64 weihevoll | |
| relig. devout {adj} [deeply religious] | 41 tiefgläubig | |
| relig. orthodox {adj} [strictly religious] | 28 strenggläubig | |
| philos. [non-religious but having broadly Christian values] {adj} | 12 christentümlich | |
| relig. Dominican {adj} [religious order] | 5 dominikanisch | |
| relig. nullifidian {adj} [rare] [having no faith or religious belief] | 5 ungläubig [nicht religiös] | |
| relig. cultish {adj} [relating to a religious cult] | sektenartig | |
| relig. interreligious {adj} [also: inter-religious] | religionsübergreifend | |
| relig. religiously {adv} [in religious terms] | in religiöser Hinsicht | |
Verbs |
| to attend sth. [school, religious service etc.] | 8345 etw. besuchen [Veranstaltung, Schule] | |
| relig. [to slaughter in a Jewish kosher or Muslim halal way] [religious slaughter] | 17 schächten | |
| relig. to defrock sb. [a religious leader] | jdn. seines / des Amtes entheben | |
| relig. to fellowship [esp. Am.] [participate in religious fellowship] | religiöse Gemeinschaft pflegen | |
| to join [club, Foreign Legion, religious order] | eintreten in | |
Nouns |
| congregation [religious order] | 70 Orden {m} | |
| cloth. habit [religious, professional] | 58 Gewand {n} [religiös, Amtstracht] | |
| relig. dispensation [religious system] | 56 Glaubenssystem {n} | |
| relig. pogrom [persecution of a religious group] | 37 Religionsverfolgung {f} | |
| relig. fellowship [religious community] | 31 Glaubensgemeinschaft {f} | |
| call [to a profession, office, also religious] | 22 Berufung {f} | |
| relig. propagation [of a religious message] | 17 Verkündigung {f} | |
| relig. house [of a religious order] | 11 Niederlassung {f} [eines Ordens] | |
| art creator [in the artistic, not religious sense] | 9 Bildner {m} [Schöpfer] | |
| relig. performance [of religious sacrifice] | 9 Darbringung {f} [eines Opfers] | |
| pol. secularism [principle of state neutrality on religious matters] | 8 Laizitätsprinzip {n} [eines Staats] | |
| relig. profession [to a religious order] | 5 Profess {f} | |
| hist. relig. [emigrants for religious reasons, esp. Protestants] | Exulanten {pl} | |
| relig. [official name of Jewish religious communities in Austria] | Israelitische Kultusgemeinde {f} <IKG> [österr.] | |
| law relig. absolvement [religious absolution / general acquittal] | Freisprechung {f} [von Sünden etc.] | |
| relig. Celestines [religious order] | Zölestiner {pl} | |
| relig. Celestines [religious order] <OSBCoel> | Cölestiner {pl} <OSBCoel> | |
| hist. relig. colloquy [religious disputation] | Religionsgespräch {n} | |
| relig. congregation [at a religious service] | zum Gottesdienst versammelte Gemeinde {f} | |
| relig. conversion [change of religious affiliation] | Religionswechsel {m} | |
| relig. dispensation [religious system] | religiöse Ordnung {f} | |
| relig. exercitation [religious exercise] | Exerzitium {n} [geistliche Übung] | |
| relig. fellowship [religious community] | Religionsgemeinschaft {f} | |
| hist. relig. Feuillants [religious order] | Feuillanten {pl} [Orden] | |
| forerunnership [rare] [the condition of a forerunner] [esp. in a religious context] | Vorläuferschaft {f} | |
| hist. relig. Frankism [Jewish religious movement] | Frankismus {m} [historische religiöse jüdische Bewegung] | |
| relig. generalate [of a religious order] | Generalat {n} [eines Ordens] | |
| relig. Holi [Hindu religious festival] | Holi-Fest {n} [Frühlingsfest, Hinduismus] | |
| med. relig. infirmarian [in a religious house] | Siechenmeister {m} | |
| relig. Inspirationalist [member of a Pietist religious group] | Inspirierter {m} | |
| relig. Inspirationalists [Pietist religious group] | Inspirierte {pl} | |
| hist. relig. Mani [Iranian religious founder] | Mani {m} | |
| relig. Molokans [Russian religious group] | Molokanen {pl} | |
| padayatra [S. Asian] [religious parade] | Prozession {f} | |
| hist. Pelusia [Roman Empire; religious festival on March 20] | Pelusia {f} [Römisches Reich, ein Isisfest] | |
| hist. relig. Philadelphians [members of a religious movement] | Philadelphier {pl} | |