Dictionary English German: [relation]

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towards {prep} [in relation to sb./sth.]
gegenüber [+Dat.] [in Bezug auf jdn./etw.]
to dwarf sth. [in relation to something else]
etw. verzwergen [bewirken, dass etwas im Verhältnis zu etwas anderem sehr klein, nahezu zwergenhaft erscheint]
to relate [establish relation or connection between]einen Zusammenhang herstellen zwischen
order [the way in which people or things are placed or arranged in relation to each other]
Reihenfolge {f}
link [relation]
Beziehung {f}
ling. patient [semantic relation]
Patiens {n} [semantische Rolle]
abecedary [esp. in relation to ancient writing]Alphabet {n} [insbesondere in Bezug auf antike Schriften]
placelessness [without a place of refuge or lacking the customary human relation to a country, area, etc]Ortlosigkeit {f}
ling. recipient [semantic relation]Rezipiens {n} [semantische Rolle]
2 Words
avunculate marriage [third-degree relation]Heirat {f} zwischen Blutsverwandten dritten Grades [Onkel / Nichte, Tante / Neffe]
meteo. Sverdrup relation [also Sverdrup's relation]Sverdrup-Relation {f}
philos. threefold relation [also: three-fold relation]dreistellige Relation {f}
3 Words
to relate sb./sth. to / with sth. [bring into relation]jdn./etw. mit etw.Dat. in Zusammenhang bringen
phys. Clausius-Mossotti relation <CMR> [also: Clausius-Mossotti's relation]Clausius-Mossotti-Beziehung {f}
comp. spec. is-a relationIs-A-Relation {f} [generische Relation, Abstraktionsbeziehung]
anat. spec. part-of relationPart-Of-Relation {f} [partitive Relation, Bestandsbeziehung]
law traffic principle of reliance [principle of mutual reliance in relation to other road users in the German, Austrian and Swiss road-traffic regulations]Vertrauensgrundsatz {m}
math. strict weak ordering [binary relation]strenge schwache Ordnung {f}
5+ Words
mus. to the accompaniment of music {adv} [if artistic relation between action and music is not necessarily intended]unter Musikbegleitung
mus. to the accompaniment of music {adv} [rather if artistic relation between action and music is intended]zu Musikbegleitung
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