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|  |
 | pol. multipartisan {adj} [relating to or supported by multiple political parties] | 447 parteiübergreifend |  |
 | nasal {adj} [relating to the nose] | 302 Nasen- |  |
 | topical {adj} | 297 thematisch [relating to a particular subject] |  |
 | clerical {adj} [relating to office work] | 170 Büro- |  |
 | relig. sectarian {adj} [relating to denomination] | 167 konfessionell |  |
 | anat. cervical {adj} [relating to the cervix] | 145 Gebärmutterhals- |  |
 | dystopian {adj} [relating to a dystopia] | 111 dystopisch [Gegenteil von utopisch] |  |
 | cervical {adj} [relating to the neck] | 109 Hals- |  |
 | objective {adj} [relating to a material object] | 89 gegenständlich [materiell, stofflich, real] |  |
 | histrionic {adj} [relating to acting] | 62 schauspielerisch |  |
 | law relig. canonical {adj} [relating to canon law] | 59 kirchenrechtlich |  |
 | audio- {prefix} [relating to hearing] | 54 Hör- |  |
 | graphic {adj} [relating to pictorial representation] | 52 bildlich |  |
 | spiritual {adj} [relating to or affecting the soul] | 52 seelisch |  |
 | acad. econ. economic {adj} [relating to economic science] | 51 wirtschaftswissenschaftlich |  |
 | anat. temporal {adj} [of, relating to, or near the temples of the skull] | 37 Schläfen- |  |
 | substantially {adv} [relating to substance, content] | 36 inhaltlich |  |
 | anat. mental {adj} [of or relating to the chin] | 30 Kinn- |  |
 | econ. jobs sociol. [of or relating to the social partnership] {adj} | 21 sozialpartnerschaftlich |  |
 | carrion {adj} [attr.] [relating to something rotten or repulsive, e.g. odour] | 21 aasig [faulig oder ekelhaft, z. B. Geruch] |  |
 | graphic {adj} [relating to pictorial representations] | 19 grafisch |  |
 | hist. thespian {adj} [also Thespian] [relating to the theatre] | 15 thespisch [bezogen auf Theater, die thespische Kunst] |  |
 | hist. philos. relig. Apollonian {adj} [of or relating to Apollo or his cult] | 14 apollinisch [auf Apollo bezogen] |  |
 | relig. Pentecostal {adj} [relating to Pentecostalism] | 13 pfingstkirchlich |  |
 | philos. relig. Apollonian {adj} [of or relating to Apollo or his cult] | 11 apollonisch [auf Apollo bezogen] |  |
 | relig. apostolic {adj} [relating to the Apostles] | 10 apostolisch [von den Aposteln ausgehend, in der Art der Apostel; die Apostel und ihre Lehre betreffend] |  |
 | boreal {adj} [relating to the north] | 10 Nord- |  |
 | law relig. canonically {adv} [relating to canon law] | 10 kirchenrechtlich |  |
 | mil. GI {adj} [attr.] [relating to, or characteristic of United States military personnel, a (former) member of the United States armed forces etc.] | 9 GI- [ugs.] [z. B. GI-Haarschnitt, GI-Kneipe] |  |
 | hist. pol. Caesarian {adj} [spv.] [relating to the Caesars] | 8 cäsarisch |  |
 | graphic {adj} [relating to pictorial representations] | 8 graphisch |  |
 | hist. lit. Norse {adj} [relating to ancient and medieval Scandinavia] | 8 altnordisch |  |
 | hist. Caesarean {adj} [relating to the Caesars] | 7 cäsarisch |  |
 | city {adj} [attr.] [relating to more than one city, e.g. comparison, excursion, network, planning, tour, trip] | 7 Städte- [z. B. Vergleich, Trip, Netz, Bau, Tour, Reise] |  |
 | finny {adj} [literary] [relating to or resembling a fish] | 7 Fisch- |  |
 | archaeo. tools lithic {adj} [of, relating to, or being a stone tool] | 7 Stein- |  |
 | spec. oneiric {adj} [formal] [relating to dreams or dreaming] | 6 Traum- [nicht fig.] |  |
 | med. antepartum {adj} [relating to the period before childbirth] | 5 peripartal [Zeitpunkt um die Geburt herum; in der Spätschwangerschaft] |  |
 | anat. med. crural {adj} [of or relating to the thigh or leg] | 5 krural [zum Schenkel gehörend] |  |
 | med. psych. mnestic {adj} [of or relating to memory or mneme] | 5 mnestisch |  |
 | anat. med. pelvic {adj} [relating to the pelvis] | 5 [auf das Becken bezogen] |  |
 | pol. [of / relating to policy for the disabled] {adj} | behindertenpolitisch |  |
 | stat. [relating to discriminant analysis] {adj} | diskriminanzanalytisch |  |
 | [relating to management consulting] {adj} | unternehmensberaterisch |  |
 | hist. [relating to the Electorate of Trier] {adj} | kurtrierisch |  |
 | [relating to the technicalities of the financial markets] {adj} | finanzmarkttechnisch |  |
 | archi. relig. abbatial {adj} [relating to an abbey, e.g. church] | Abtei- [z. B. Kirche] |  |
 | myth. Aeolian {adj} [relating to Aeolus] | äolisch |  |
 | aero- {prefix} [relating to air] | Luft- |  |
 | bot. meteo. spec. anemo- {prefix} [relating to wind] [e.g. anemochorous, anemophilous, anemophobic] | anemo- [wind-] [z. B. anemochor, anemophil, anemophob] |  |