| English | German | |
| amber {adj} [attr.] [made of amber, related to the substance] | 322 Bernstein- | |
| connate {adj} [related] | 227 verwandt | |
| incidental {adj} [related] | 72 zugehörig [mit etw. einhergehend] | |
| authoritarian {adj} [related to political authorities] | 21 obrigkeitlich | |
| pol. developmental {adj} [related to development policy] | 12 entwicklungspolitisch | |
| hist. Thespian {adj} [related to the ancient Greek city of Thespiae] | 11 thespisch [bezogen auf die altgriechische Stadt Thespiai] | |
| med. alimentary {adj} [diet-related, nutritional, e.g. disease] | 9 ernährungsbedingt | |
| admin. pol. administrative {adj} [administration-related] | 8 verwaltungsbezogen | |
| climbing avy {adj} [esp. Am., Can.] [sl.] [related to avalanches] | 7 Lawinen- | |
| esot. relig. Wiccan {adj} [related to the Wicca religion] | 7 Wicca- [bezüglich der Religion Wicca] | |
| planning {adj} [planning-related] | 6 planerisch | |
| med. psych. pathic {adj} [related to suffering] | 5 pathisch | |
| proverb [»Every little bean will make its own little sound.« - referring to flatulence related to consumption of legumes] | Jedes Böhnchen gibt ein Tönchen. [hum.] | |
| hist. relig. Eusebian {adj} [related to Eusebius of Caesarea] | eusebianisch | |
| germane {adj} [obs.] [of people, closely related] | nah verwandt | |
| hist. relig. Gorzian {adj} [related to Gorze Abbey] | gorzisch | |
| hist. Italic {adj} [related to ancient Italy] | italisch | |
| zool. murine {adj} [related to the genus Mus or the family Muridae] | zur Gattung der Mäuse oder der Familie der Langschwanzmäuse gehörend | |
| bibl. P {adj} [related to the Priestly Source of the Pentateuch] | priesterlich | |
| VetMed. panzootic {adj} [related to an animal disease] | panzootisch | |
| bibl. Priestly {adj} [related to the Priestly Source of the Pentateuch] | priesterschriftlich [Pentateuch] | |
| hist. relig. spec. Simonian {adj} [related to Simon Magus] | simonianisch [Simon Magus betreffend] | |
| sports sporting {adj} [sports-related] | sportmäßig | |
Verbs |
| to intermarry [between related persons] | Verwandtenehen schließen | |
Nouns |
| constellation [group of related things] | 49 Gruppe {f} | |
| stocks [expectation of higher prices based on industry consolidation related M&A activities] | 10 Konsolidierungsfantasie {f} | |
| comm. [business having short periods of peak activity, generally season- or time-of-day-related] | 6 Stoßgeschäft {n} | |
| audio med. presbycusis [age-related hearing loss] | 6 Presbyakusis {f} | |
| [body of knowledge related to a particular career or job] | Arbeitswissen {n} | |
| sports groundhopping [esp. a football-related pastime] | Groundhopping {n} | |
| intermarriage [between related persons] | Verwandtenehe {f} | |
| jobs karoshi [(in Japan) death caused by overwork or job-related exhaustion] | Karoschi {m} [auch: Karoshi] | |
| jobs karoshi [(in Japan) death caused by overwork or job-related exhaustion] | Karoshi {m} [aus dem Japanischen: Tod durch Überarbeitung, plötzlicher berufsbezogener Tod] | |
| woodcraft [esp. Am.] [skills related to a woodland habitat, especially to outdoor survival] | Kunst {f} des Überlebens in der Natur [bes. im Wald] | |
2 Words: Others |
| law sociol. [related] by marriage {adj} [uncle by marriage] | angeheiratet [angeheirateter Onkel] | |
| hist. intra-German {adj} [esp. border] [related to BRD and DDR] | innerdeutsch [bes. Grenze] [BRD und DDR betreffend] | |
| relig. non-church {adj} [also: nonchurch] [non-church-related] | nichtkirchlich | |
| object-oriented {adj} [object-related] | objektbezogen | |
| jobs work-based {adj} [job-related] | arbeitsbasiert | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| ling. ablative case [grammatical case related to separation] | Ablativ {m} [Kasus der Trennung] | |
| med. aging nose [age-related changes in the nose] | Altersnase {f} | |
| equest. zool. coronary bone [Os coronale, Phalanx media] [small pastern bone of the horse and related animals] | Kronbein {n} | |
| equest. zool. coronary bone [Os coronale, Phalanx media] [small pastern bone of the horse and related animals] | Kronenbein {n} [selten für: Kronbein] | |
| comm. customs matters [all customs-related facilities and procedures] | Zollwesen {n} | |
| electr. discharge voltage [related to cells or batteries] | Entladespannung {f} [einer Zelle od. Batterie] | |
| MedTech. inflow effect [flow-related enhancement] | Inflow-Effekt {m} | |
| acad. inventor's notebook [for recording all information related to an invention] | Laborbuch {n} | |
| acad. inventor's notebook [for recording all information related to an invention] | Laborjournal {n} | |
| biol. island race [genetically related group of people or animals] | Inselrasse {f} | |
| maternal twins [coll.] [the offspring inherited characteristics mainly related to the mother] | [eineiige Zwillinge, die vornehmlich Eigenschaften der Mutter vererbt bekommen haben] | |
| paternal twins [coll.] [the offspring inherited characteristics mainly related to the father] | [eineiige Zwillinge, die vornehmlich Eigenschaften des Vaters vererbt bekommen haben] | |
| personal advantages [related to the body] | körperliche Vorzüge {pl} | |
| acad. professional event [technical, business, etc., but not sports-related] | Fachveranstaltung {f} | |
| audio med. senile deafness [pej.] [age-related hearing loss] | Altersschwerhörigkeit {f} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| business identifier code <BIC> [for financial and non-financial institutions and related entities] [ISO 9362:2009] | Business-Identifier-Code {m} <BIC> [ISO 9362:2009] | |
| med. senile macular degeneration <AMD, ARMD> [obs.] [age-related macular degeneration] | altersbedingte Makuladegeneration {f} <AMG> [altersbedingte Makula-Degeneration] | |
| med. type II osteoporosis [age-related osteoporosis, senile osteoporosis] | Typ-II-Osteoporose {f} | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| dent. oral health-related quality of life <oral health-related QoL, OHRQL> | mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität {f} <MLQ> | |
| art relig. the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit [related to Pentecost; Acts 2] | die Ausgießung {f} des Heiligen Geistes [im Zusammenhang mit Pfingsten; Apg. 2] | |