Dictionary English German: [regular]

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
intermittent {adj} [at regular intervals, recurrent]
clean {adj} [regular, even]
glatt [Schnitt, Bruch etc.]
continual {adj} [recurring frequently, esp. at regular intervals]sich dauernd wiederholend [attr.]
rail wildcat {adj} [apart from the regular schedule] [Am.] [Can.]nicht fahrplanmäßig
to deliver [esp. on a regular basis, by a postman or roundsman]
austragen [zustellen] [seitens eines Brief- oder Austrägers]
math. to inscribe sth. [to draw a regular figure within another so as to touch in as many places as possible]
etw.Akk. einbeschreiben [einen Kreis bzw. Vieleck so in ein Vieleck bzw. Kreis zeichnen, dass die Ecken den Kreis berühren]
math. to circumscribe sth. [to construct one regular geometrical figure around another so as to touch as many points as possible]
etw.Akk. umbeschreiben
educ. to mainstream sb. [place disabled children in regular classes]jdn. inkludieren [geh.] [Inklusion behinderter Schüler]
denizen [regular guest, patron]
Stammgast {m}
gastr. snack [between regular meals, e.g. at school, work]
Jause {f} [österr.]
[table reserved for regular guests]
Stammtisch {m}
panhandling [Am.] [regular activity]
Bettelei {f}
beat [regular path or habitual round of a policeman]
Reviergang {m} [eines Polizisten]
educ. mainstreaming [educating disabled students in regular classes during specific time periods]
[zeitweiliger gemeinsamer Unterricht von behinderten und nicht-behinderten Schülern]
mus. performance [often an addition to a regular program]
Einlage {f}
educ. [combination of regular university and "Fachhochschule", 1971–2003]
Gesamthochschule {f} <GH, GHS>
admin. hist. [regular police force of Nazi Germany]Ordnungspolizei {f} <OrPo, Orpo>
hist. [regular police force of Nazi Germany]Grüne Polizei {f} [ugs.]
educ. [regular school for children staying in hospital for an extended period]Heilstättenschule {f} [österr.]
relig. Barnabites [Clerics Regular of Saint Paul] <CRSP>Barnabiten {pl}
purchaser [regular]Bezieher {m}
purchaser [regular]Bezüger {m} [schweiz.] [Bezieher]
2 Words: Others
fully fledged {adj} [regular]richtiggehend
comp. non-greedy {adj} [regular expression]genügsam [regulärer Ausdruck]
2 Words: Verbs
to be off [to be free from work, school, or some other regular occupation]frei haben
to keep doing sth. [frequently, on a regular basis]etw.Akk. ständig tun
2 Words: Nouns
relig. Adorno Fathers [Clerics Regular Minor]Adorno-Fathers {pl} [Mindere Regularkleriker]
journ. publ. RadioTV editorial meeting [regular staff meeting]Redaktionssitzung {f}
hen party [regular gathering for a cup of coffee in the afternoon]Kaffeekränzchen {n}
jour fixe [regular meeting]Jour fixe {m}
comm. jumble sale [Br.] [esp. on a regular basis]Flohmarkt {m}
acc. normal depreciation [regular depreciation]planmäßige Abschreibung {f}
med. psych ward [coll.] [sub-unit of a regular hospital]Irrenabteilung {f} [ugs.] [eines Krankenhauses]
comm. econ. regular discount [discount for regular customers]Stammkundenrabatt {m}
steady john [Am.] [sl.] [regular client of a prostitute]Stammfreier {m} [ugs.]
hist. relig. Windesheim Congregation [Canons Regular]Windesheimer Kongregation {f} [Chorherren]
3 Words: Nouns
fin. lump sum investment [as opposed to regular saving]Einmalanlage {f}
automot. two-star petrol [Br.] [dated for: regular petrol]Normalbenzin {n}
4 Words: Others
econ. naut. on an even keel {adv} [idiom] [regular and well-balanced]auf ebenem Kiel [fig.] [ausgeglichen]
4 Words: Verbs
to be on the pad [Am.] [sl.] [of a police officer etc.: receive regular bribes]auf der Schmierliste stehen [ugs.] [regelmäßig bestochen werden]
4 Words: Nouns
comm. end of business hours [closing at the end of regular business hours]Betriebsschluss {m} [Ende der regulären Arbeitszeit in einem Betrieb]
hist. SS and Police Leader [commander of large units of the SS, Gestapo and of regular German police in a given territory during and prior to WW II]SS- und Polizeiführer {m} <SSPF>
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