| English  | German |  |
 | frugal {adj} [esp. regarding food] | 681 anspruchslos |  |
 | social {adj} [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure] | 607 sozial |  |
 | punctilious {adj} [regarding etiquette] | 33 förmlich |  |
 | touching {adj} [regarding] | 18 betreffend |  |
 | psych. sociol. homophobic {adj} [regarding lesbians] | 5 lesbenfeindlich |  |
 | Agreed! [regarding price etc.] | In Ordnung! |  |
 | blackguard {adj} [regarding foul language] | roh [sprachlich] |  |
 | Splendid! [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Ganz ausgezeichnet! [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] |  |
Nouns |
 | thoughtfulness [regarding other people etc.] | 93 Rücksichtnahme {f} |  |
 | proportion [regarding size] | 91 Größenverhältnis {n} |  |
 | frugality [esp. regarding food] | 69 Anspruchslosigkeit {f} |  |
 | law [global agreement regarding compensation of damages] | 8 Globalentschädigungsabkommen {n} |  |
 | pol. sociol. [diversity in perception between the conservative German-speaking and the liberal French-speaking parts of Switzerland, especially regarding political and social issues] | 6 Röstigraben {m} [schweiz.] [fig.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | comp. push-oriented {adj} [regarding data] | pushorientiert [in Bezug auf Daten] |  |
 | Quite well. [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Ziemlich gut. [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] |  |
 | really clever {adj} [here iron. or pej.] [regarding oneself as clever] | superschlau [Betonung ' - - - ] [ugs.] [iron. od. pej.] [sich für besonders schlau haltend] |  |
 | well-educated {adj} [regarding manners] | wohlerzogen [geh.] |  |
 | well-educated {adj} [regarding manners] | gut erzogen |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to change tack [regarding tactics] | die Taktik ändern |  |
 | to do sb. proud [Br.] [idiom] [dated] [regarding food] | jdn. königlich bewirten [Redewendung] |  |
 | to do well [regarding performance] | eine gute Leistung erbringen |  |
 | to part company [idiom] [regarding opinions] | sich scheiden [Geister] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | alcohol question [less common form of 'the question about/regarding alcohol] | Alkoholfrage {f} |  |
 | dose limitation [regarding radiation] | Dosisbegrenzung {f} [bezüglich Strahlung] |  |
 | hunting law game law [laws regarding hunting] | Jagdgerechtigkeit {f} [veraltet] |  |
 | hunting law game law [laws regarding hunting] | Jagdgesetz {n} |  |
 | hunting law game law [laws regarding hunting] | Jagdrecht {n} [Gesetz] |  |
 | pol. recognition process [regarding refugees etc.] | Anerkennungsverfahren {n} [bei Flüchtlingen etc.] |  |
 | comp. security posture [situation regarding security] | Sicherheitslage {f} |  |
 | comp. security posture [situation regarding security] | Sicherheitsstatus {m} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Not too bad. [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Na ja, es geht so. [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] |  |
 | agr. bot. hort. out of season {adv} [regarding blossoming or ripening of plants] | zur Unzeit [blühen, reifen] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be washed-up [coll.] [regarding job, career] | weg vom Fenster sein [Redewendung] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | a bottomless pit [idiom] [esp. regarding money] | ein Fass {n} ohne Boden [fig.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | law data subject rights [rights of people regarding data about them] | Betroffenenrecht {pl} |  |
 | philos. doctrine of nature [knowledge regarding the human body, man, the state, etc.] | Naturlehre {f} [des menschlichen Körpers, des Menschen, des Staates, etc.] |  |
 | overly modest person [regarding skills, accomplishments etc.] | Tiefstapler {m} [übermäßig bescheidene Person] |  |
 | hist. Perpetual Public Peace [contractual waiver regarding use of force, 1495] | Ewiger Landfriede {m} [auch: Ewiger Landfrieden] |  |
 | law vital records statutes {pl} [German laws regarding records of birth, death, etc.] | Personenstandsverordnung {f} <PStV> [Kurztitel] [Verordnung zur Ausführung des Personenstandsgesetzes] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | I'll make no exceptions. [regarding people] | Ich nehme keinen aus. [alle, ohne Ausnahme] |  |
 | hunting law in / of game law {adj} [laws regarding hunting] | jagdrechtlich |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | sociol. race to the bottom [among local authorities regarding protective regulations or social support] | Unterbietungswettbewerb {m} [von Kommunen] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to be out of sync with sb./sth. [regarding efforts, ideas etc.] | nicht konform sein mit jdm./etw. |  |