| English  | German |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a masculine noun] | 5837 jeder [individualisierend: jeder einzelne] |  |
 | every {adj} [referring to a feminine noun] | 4180 jede [verallgemeinernd: ohne Ausnahme] |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a feminine noun] | 3878 jede [individualisierend: jede einzelne] |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a neuter noun] | 775 jedes [individualisierend: jedes einzelne] |  |
 | every {adj} [referring to a neuter noun] | 447 jedes [verallgemeinernd: ohne Ausnahme] |  |
 | mus. lyrically {adv} [referring to the text] | 337 textlich |  |
 | castle {adj} [attr.] [referring to a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period] | 241 Burg- |  |
 | any {pron} [no matter what kind] [referring to a feminine noun] | 175 jede [jede beliebige] |  |
 | proverb [»Every little bean will make its own little sound.« - referring to flatulence related to consumption of legumes] | Jedes Böhnchen gibt ein Tönchen. [hum.] |  |
 | basilary {adj} [referring to the base of the skull] | [die Schädelbasis betreffend] |  |
 | archi. hist. sociol. Edwardian {adj} [referring to UK history between 1901 and 1910] | Edwardisch [bezogen auf das Vereinigte Königreich zwischen 1901 und 1910] |  |
Nouns |
 | honey [referring to a woman] | 26 Süße {f} [Freundin, Mädchen] |  |
 | circumstance [referring to time or era] | 12 Zeitumstand {m} |  |
 | econ. EU Grexit [portmanteau combining the words Greece and exit, referring to the possibility that Greece could leave the Eurozone] | 7 Grexit {m} [Kunstwort aus Greece und exit; möglicher Austritt Griechenlands aus der Euro-Zone] |  |
 | telco [coll.] [erroneously referring to a meeting over the telephone] | 6 Telko {f} [ugs.] [Telefonkonferenz] |  |
 | [an ethnic slur or hate word referring to a German, usually by a non-German or German not identifying with other Germans; cf. Kraut] | Krautfresser {m} [pej.] [oft Hasswort] |  |
 | [an ethnic slur or hate word referring to a person of Middle Eastern, esp. Turkish, origin] | Kümmeltürke {m} [pej.] [Hasswort] |  |
 | [Swiss pejorative term referring to Germans] | Schwaben {pl} [schweiz.] [pej.] [Deutsche] |  |
 | cheeseheads [coll.] [also pej.] [also hum.] [referring to persons of Wisconsin, Holland] | Käseköpfe {pl} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [auch hum.] [Leute aus Wisconsin, Holländer] |  |
 | colorability [Am.] [referring to color] | Färbbarkeit {f} |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | country-wide {adj} [referring to federal states] | bundesweit |  |
 | med. psych. drug-induced {adj} [referring to intoxicants] | drogeninduziert |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a feminine noun] | jede zweite |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a masculine noun] | jeder zweite |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a neuter noun] | jedes zweite |  |
 | archaeo. geol. Ice Age {adj} [attr.] [referring to the Pleistocene epoch] | eiszeitlich |  |
 | Icelandic-born {adj} [German »in / auf« referring rather to the state / island position] | in / auf Island geboren |  |
 | in silk {adj} [postpos.] [referring to maize / corn] | blühend [Mais] |  |
 | geogr. inner Alpine {adj} [referring to the European Alps] | inneralpin |  |
 | non-native {adj} [referring to non-Native Americans] | nicht-indianisch |  |
 | peri-Alpine {adj} [referring to the European Alps] | perialpin |  |
 | astron. sun-like {adj} [referring to our sun, also: Sun-like] | sonnenähnlich |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to take it [coll.] [referring to criticism, abuse] | damit fertig werden |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. "half cities" [referring to the former cities of East and West Berlin] | Halbstädte {pl} |  |
 | geogr. alpine region [when referring to areas apart from the Alps] | Alpengebiet {n} |  |
 | geogr. Alpine region [when referring to the Alps] | Alpengebiet {n} |  |
 | sociol. urban black belt [Am.] [pej.] [referring to African American population distribution] | Negerviertel {n} [pej.] |  |
 | law pol. body politic [when referring to a smaller political entity of a state] | Gebietskörperschaft {f} |  |
 | geogr. Canary Island [referring to any of the individual islands] | Kanareninsel {f} [einzelne Insel der Kanaren] |  |
 | Chief Burgomaster [when referring to continental European cities] [Br.] | Oberbürgermeister {m} <OB> |  |
 | chinky (eyes) [offensive] [hate word, usu. referring to a person of Chinese ethnicity] | Schlitzauge {n} [rassistische Bezeichnung bes. für eine Person chines. Herkunft] |  |
 | spec. collection data [data referring to collecting an item, specimen, etc.] | Funddaten {pl} |  |
 | phys. copycat-effect [referring to acts of violence and suicide] | Nachahmer-Effekt {m} [bezogen auf Gewalttaten und Suizid] |  |
 | bot. dry fruit [note: 'dried fruit' is the correct term when referring to edible, processed fruit] | Trockenfrucht {f} |  |
 | law pol. emancipation act [capitalized when referring to a specific act] | Emanzipationsgesetz {n} |  |
 | bibl. Holy Land [referring to Palestine and Israel] | Heiliges Land {n} <Hl. Land> |  |
 | admin. jobs job cuts [referring especially, but not exclusively, to the public service] | Postenstreichungen {pl} |  |
 | little mouth [referring to children] | Mäulchen {n} [liebevoll bei Kindern] |  |
 | geol. tech. neutral zone [e.g. referring to soil pH] | Neutralbereich {m} [z. B. bezügl. des Boden-pH-Werts] |  |