Dictionary English German: [reach]

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untouchable {adj} [beyond reach, unobtainable]
to crest sth. [reach the top of a hill, etc.]
etw. erklimmen [geh.] [einen Berg ersteigen, den Gipfel erreichen]
to approach [almost reach, attain, come close]
to extend [reach]
langen [ugs.] [sich erstrecken]
to win sth. [fig.] [reach with effort]
etw. erreichen [Ziel, Ansehen etc.]
to make sth. [reach a train, plane etc. in time]
etw.Akk. schaffen [rechtzeitig erreichen]
to climax [to reach orgasm]einen Höhepunkt haben [Orgasmus]
to equal sb./sth. [fig.] [reach the same level of achievement]an jdn./etw. herankommen [fig.] [Niveau, Leistung etc. erreichen]
climbing to summit [reach the summit of a mountain]den Gipfel erklimmen
climbing to summit [reach the summit of a mountain]den Gipfel erreichen
to win sth. [archaic] [manage to reach (a place) by effort]etw. gewinnen [geh.] [ein (räumliches) Ziel mit Mühe erreichen]
directions {pl} [instructions on how to reach a destination]
Wegbeschreibung {f}
sweep [Am.] [range, reach]
Reichweite {f}
fixture [for keeping sth. in easy reach]
Halterung {f}
2 Words: Others
at hand {adv} [in reach]in Reichweite
to hand {adj} [within reach]zur Hand
to hand {adj} [within reach] [postp.]vorhanden
within sb.'s reach {adv} [... the child's reach]innerhalb der Reichweite jds. [... des Kindes etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to agree on sth. [reach an agreement]etw. paktieren [österr.] [eine Vereinbarung treffen, einen Vertrag schließen]
to bottom (out) [reach the bottom]den Boden erreichen
to discuss sth. with sb. [in order to reach an agreement]etw.Akk. mit jdm. abkaspern [ugs.]
to get at sb./sth. [get hold of; reach or gain access]jdm./etw. beikommen [jdn./etw. in den Griff bekommen]
to get at sth. [manage to reach]etw.Akk. erreichen [einen Gegenstand]
to get to [arrive at, reach]gelangen
to get to sb./sth. [reach]zu jdm./etw. kommen [erreichen]
to probe (into) [reach deeply]vordringen (in)
to settle on sb./sth. [reach a decision about]sichAkk. auf jdn./etw. einigen [sich entscheiden für]
law to settle with sb. [reach a compromise in a legal dispute]sich mit jdm. vergleichen [Befriedung eines Streits durch einen Kompromiss]
to turn 40 [to reach the age of ...]40 (Jahre alt) werden
2 Words: Nouns
tech. starting period [time required to reach full power]Anlaufphase {f} [benötigte Zeit bis zum Erreichen der vollen Leistung]
tech. starting period [time required to reach full power]Anlaufzeit {f} [Zeitperiode bis zum Erreichen der vollen Leistung]
3 Words: Others
beyond arm's reach {adv} [not near enough to reach by extending one's arm]außer Reichweite [nicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
sb./sth. cuts the mustard [coll.] [idiom] [come up to expectations; reach the required standard]jd./etw. bringt es [ugs.] [zustande bringen, können, schaffen]
within arm's reach {adv} [near enough to reach by extending one's arm]in Reichweite [leicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
3 Words: Verbs
to come down to [reach, hang]reichen bis
to get to work [arrive at, reach]zur Arbeit kommen [gelangen]
to make terms with sb. [reach an agreement with]sichAkk. mit jdm. einigen
3 Words: Nouns
chem. EU law naturally occurring substance [substance which occurs in nature; REACH regulation]Naturstoff {m} [REACH-Verordnung]
chem. EU phase-in substancePhase-in-Stoff {m} [REACh, REACH]
4 Words: Verbs
to go through the roof [fig.] [to reach extreme heights]in die Höhe schnellen [Preise, Kosten etc.]
5+ Words: Nouns
EU geol. ind. REACH Consortium for lime substances [also: REACH Lime Consortium]REACH-Konsortium {n} der Kalkindustrie
chem. EU substances of very high concern <SVHC>Stoffe {pl} der Kandidatenliste [REACh-Verordnung]
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