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 | tempestuous {adj} [argument, rage] | 48 heftig |  |
 | undiluted {adj} [fig.] [genuine: feelings, joy, rage, etc.] | 21 unverfälscht [fig.] [echt: Gefühle etc.] |  |
 | mindless {adj} [rage, violence etc.] | 9 blind [fig.] [Gewalt etc.] |  |
 | empurpled {adj} [having a purple complexion because of rage] | zornrot |  |
 | sb. wreaks [rage] | jd. lässt aus [Wut] |  |
Verbs |
 | to stoke sth. [also fig.: hatred, envy, rage, war, etc.] | 673 etw.Akk. anfachen [auch fig.] |  |
 | to fuel sth. [a conflict, rage, fears, etc.] | 463 etw.Akk. schüren [anstacheln, z. B. Konflikte, Wut, Angst] |  |
 | to awaken sth. [rouse] [a feeling, emotions, rage, etc.] | 27 etw.Akk. wachrufen [ein Gefühl, Emotionen, Zorn etc.] |  |
 | to feed [also fig.: rage, hope, etc.] | 27 nähren [auch fig.: Wut, Hoffnung etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | conniption [Am.] [fit of rage] | 114 Wutanfall {m} |  |
 | passion [anger, rage] | 87 Zorn {m} |  |
 | outburst [of rage] | 47 Aufwallung {f} [von Wut] |  |
 | bate [Br.] [dated] [coll.] [spv.] [bait] [an angry mood, a rage] | 28 Wut {f} |  |
 | spleen [rage, fury] | 22 Rage {f} |  |
 | wingding [esp. Am.] [coll.] [dated] [tantrum, outburst of rage] | 11 Wutausbruch {m} |  |
 | bate [Br.] [dated] [coll.] [spv.] [bait] [an angry mood, a rage] | 10 Zorn {m} |  |
 | birse [esp. Scot.] [anger, rage] | Wut {f} |  |
 | fury [rage] | Brass {m} [ugs.] [selten] |  |
 | games ragequit <rq> [also: rage quit] [Am.] [coll.] | Ragequit {m} <RQ> [auch: Rage Quit] [abruptes Verlassen eines Onlinespiels] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | all-consuming {adj} [e.g. rage] | alles verzehrend [fig.] [z. B. Wut] |  |
 | drunken with sth. {adj} [fig.] [with joy, happiness, passion; rarely: with rage, fear, etc.] | trunken vor etw.Dat. [geh.] [vor Freude, Glück, Leidenschaft; selten: vor Wut, Angst etc.] |  |
 | if sb. wreaks [rage] | wenn jd. auslässt [Wut] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be seething [with rage] | kochen vor Wut |  |
 | to bottle sth. up [e.g. rage, anger] | etw.Akk. zurückhalten [z. B. Wut, Ärger] |  |
 | to come over sb. [rage etc.] | sich jds. bemächtigen [geh.] [Wut etc.] |  |
 | to dial sth. down [rage, anger, rhetoric, etc.] | etw.Akk. mäßigen [Wut, Zorn, Rhetorik usw.] |  |
 | to lapse into sth. [e.g. silence, rage, euphoria, hysteria] | in etw.Akk. verfallen [in einen bestimmten Zustand, z. B. Schweigen, Wut, Euphorie, Hysterie] |  |
 | to rein sth. in [passions, rage, etc.] | etw.Akk. im Zaum halten [Redewendung] [Leidenschaften, Wut etc.] |  |
 | to whip sth. up [e.g. people's rage] | etw.Akk. aufpeitschen [z. B. den Zorn der Leute] |  |
 | to whip sth. up [rage] | etw.Akk. aufstacheln [Zorn, Wut] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | flaring up [also fig.: of racial unrest, rage, etc.] | Aufflackern {n} [auch fig.: von Rassenunruhen, Wut etc.] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to be beside oneself (with sth.) [with rage, fury, excitement, joy, etc.] | (vor etw.Dat.) außer sichAkk. geraten [vor Wut, Zorn, Aufregung, Freude etc.] |  |