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|  |
 | charitable {adj} [public benefit] | 800 gemeinnützig |  |
 | social {adj} [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure] | 607 sozial |  |
 | common {adj} [public] | 113 öffentlich [Besitz, Einrichtung] |  |
 | coxy {adj} [Br.] [public school sl.] | 5 eingebildet [arrogant] |  |
 | pestilent {adj} [archaic] [harmful or dangerous to morals or public order] | 5 verderblich [in sittlich-moralischer Hinsicht] |  |
 | [subject to recoupment of public money spent on local public infrastructure] {adj} | erschließungsbeitragspflichtig |  |
 | public {adj} [open to the public] | öffentlich zugängig |  |
 | socialized {adj} {past-p} [brought under public control] | verstaatlicht |  |
 | unsunned {adj} [fig.] [not open to the public] | unveröffentlicht [nicht an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht] |  |
Verbs |
 | to embarrass sb. [in public] | 917 jdn. blamieren |  |
 | to announce [make public] | 801 bekanntgeben |  |
 | to announce [make public] | 462 veröffentlichen |  |
 | to dedicate sth. [public building, highway etc.] | 285 etw.Akk. einweihen |  |
 | to inflame [situation, public opinion] | 144 anheizen |  |
 | transp. to transfer [in public transit] | 63 umsteigen [Verkehrsmittel wechseln] |  |
 | to streak [coll.] [to run naked in public] | 44 blitzen [veraltend] [unbekleidet in der Öffentlichkeit schnell über belebte Straßen usw. laufen] |  |
 | to post sth. [a public notice, etc.] | 29 etw. anschlagen [eine Bekanntmachung etc.] |  |
 | to muzz [Br.] [public school sl.] | 12 lesen |  |
 | [to be on the level of a public / saloon bar debate] | Stammtischniveau haben [pej.] |  |
 | to announce [make public] | bekannt machen |  |
 | to clipe [Br.] [public school sl.] | sich herausreden |  |
 | to deliver [make public] | bekannt geben |  |
 | to depants sb. [sl.] [rare] [usually in public] | jdm. die Hosen herunterziehen [oft in der Öffentlichkeit] |  |
 | to issue [make public] | in Umlauf setzen |  |
 | to pants sb. [Am.] [sl.] [typical school prank: to yank sb's pants down (or off completely) in a public or semi-public venue] | jdm. die Hosen herunterziehen [oft in der Öffentlichkeit] |  |
 | to pepper [Br.] [public school sl.] | pfeffern [in einer Griechischaufgabe die Akzente einsetzen] |  |
 | to publicize sth. [make public] | etw. bekannt machen |  |
Nouns |
 | restroom [Am.] [toilet in a public building] | 32767 Toilette {f} [Raum (in einem öffentlichen Gebäude)] |  |
 | fair [for public entertainment] | 1085 Volksfest {n} |  |
 | pub [Br.] [coll.] [public house] | 967 Kneipe {f} |  |
 | archi. hall [large public room or building] | 814 Halle {f} |  |
 | restroom [Am.] [toilet in a public building] | 622 WC {n} [Raum (in einem öffentlichen Gebäude)] |  |
 | publicity [state of being public] | 428 Öffentlichkeit {f} |  |
 | admin. fin. allowance [allotted by a public or private entity] | 345 Beihilfe {f} [Zuschuss] |  |
 | reception [by the public, press etc.] | 325 Aufnahme {f} [durch Öffentlichkeit, Presse etc.] |  |
 | community [public at large] | 264 Allgemeinheit {f} |  |
 | declaration [public] | 179 Bekanntgabe {f} [Kundgebung] |  |
 | fin. exchequer [public purse] | 92 Staatskasse {f} |  |
 | presence [in public] | 79 Auftreten {n} [in der Öffentlichkeit] |  |
 | gastr. squish [Br.] [public school sl.: marmelade] | 78 Mus {n} |  |
 | hort. park {sg} [public] | 75 Anlagen {pl} [(öffentlicher) Park] |  |
 | acc. [Austrian profession offering certified public accountant services] | 61 Wirtschaftstreuhänder {m} |  |
 | gastr. pub [Br.] [coll.] [public house] | 52 Bierlokal {n} |  |
 | law grant [privilege, right to use a public good] | 48 Konzession {f} [Nutzungsrecht] |  |
 | eligibility [e.g., for public funding] | 44 Förderfähigkeit {f} |  |
 | restroom [Br.] [a room in a public building for people to relax or recover in] | 43 Aufenthaltsraum {m} [zum Ausruhen, Entspannen] |  |
 | admin. pol. [person likely to threaten public safety, esp. in context of islamistic terrorists] | 42 Gefährder {m} |  |
 | pol. quango [Br.] [semi-public administrative body] | 32 Mittlerorganisation {f} [Quasi-Nichtregierungsorganisation] |  |
 | newbie [Br.] [public school sl.] | 25 Frischling {m} [Internatssl.] |  |
 | rail transp. ridership {sg} [esp. Am.] [number of passengers using a particular form of public transport] | 25 Fahrgastzahlen {pl} [eines bestimmten öffentlichen Verkehrsmittels] |  |