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|  |
 | appropriate {adj} [proper] | 608 richtig [angemessen] |  |
 | appropriate {adj} [in a proper way] | 585 sachgerecht |  |
 | rash {adj} [without proper consideration] | 216 leichtsinnig |  |
 | kosher {adj} [coll.] [legitimate, proper] | 187 sauber [ugs.] |  |
 | appropriate {adj} [due, proper] | 133 gebührend |  |
 | correct {adj} [proper] [e.g. behaviour] | 25 angemessen [korrekt, einwandfrei] [z. B. Verhalten] |  |
 | good {adj} [proper] | 11 gescheit [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [gut, ordentlich] |  |
 | neatish {adj} [proper, satisfactory] | ordentlich [passabel, zufriedenstellend] |  |
Nouns |
 | collocation [place together, set in proper order] | 471 Anordnung {f} |  |
 | rashness [doing things without proper consideration] | 56 Leichtsinn {m} |  |
 | leafs [rare, dialectal or in proper names (Toronto Maple Leafs)] | 24 Blätter {pl} |  |
 | rail traffic Elevated <L> [in proper nouns] | 12 Hochbahn {f} |  |
 | pol. [the debate about the proper relationship of Switzerland to the EU] | Europafrage {f} [Schweiz] |  |
 | hist. law kanun [Albanian customary law] [capitalized as a proper noun] | Kanun {m} [albanisches Gewohnheitsrecht] |  |
 | urban Zentralplatz [proper name for places in various cities in Germany, Switzerland, Austria] | Zentralplatz {m} [in Koblenz, Biel usw.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | acad. archaeo. hist. antiquarian society [capitalized as part of proper name] | Altertumsverein {m} |  |
 | autumn leafs [rare, dialectal use or in proper names (Toronto Maple Leafs)] | Herbstblätter {pl} |  |
 | libr. cantonal library [capitalized as proper name] | Kantonsbibliothek {f} |  |
 | central prison [capitalized as a proper noun] | Zentralgefängnis {n} |  |
 | geogr. geol. chalk hill [capitalized as a proper name] | Kreidehügel {m} |  |
 | admin. law disciplinary court [capitalized as a proper noun] | Disziplinarhof {m} |  |
 | electr. ind. electricity works [rare or as part of a proper name] | Elektrizitätswerke {pl} |  |
 | educ. free school [also Free School, as a proper name] | Freischule {f} |  |
 | comm. hist. hay market [also: hay-market] [capitalized as a proper noun] | Heumarkt {m} |  |
 | acad. ind. industrial museum [capitalized as a proper name] | Gewerbemuseum {n} |  |
 | educ. hist. relig. Jesuit gymnasium [secondary school] [also as a proper noun: Jesuit Gymnasium] | Jesuitengymnasium {n} |  |
 | Mr. Clean® | Meister Proper® {n} [ugs. {m}] [Reiniger; auch: Mr. Proper] |  |
 | astron. naval observatory [capitalized when part of a proper name] | Marinesternwarte {f} |  |
 | rail North Station [proper name] | Nordbahnhof {m} |  |
 | pol. peace project [capitalized as a proper noun] | Friedensprojekt {n} |  |
 | mus. relig. plenary Mass [Mass with both the Ordinary and the Proper] | Plenarmesse {f} |  |
 | relig. rabbis conference [also: rabbis' conference] [capitalized as part of a proper name] | Rabbinerkonferenz {f} |  |
 | hist. law relig. religious concession [capitalized as a proper noun] | Religionskonzession {f} |  |
 | lit. Schiller society [society capitalized in proper names] | Schillerverein {m} |  |
 | South Bridge [proper name, or a translation of e.g. Südbrücke, Cologne] | Südbrücke {f} [Eigenname bzw. Teil eines Eigennamens, z. B. hier: die Südbrücke über den Rhein in Köln] |  |
 | hist. spinning house [workhouse for women] [capitalized as proper name] | Spinnhaus {n} [Arbeitshaus für Frauen] |  |
 | rail state railway [capitalized as part of a proper name] | Staatseisenbahn {f} |  |
 | archi. art statue court [often capitalized as a proper name, e.g. The Statue Court in the Vatican Belvedere] | Statuenhof {m} [Areal, auf dem Statuen aufgestellt sind] |  |
 | gastr. summit restaurant [capitalized as proper name] [often left untranslated] | Gipfelrestaurant {n} |  |
 | myth. Wild Hunt [proper name for a genre of myth] | Wilde Jagd {f} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | comme il faut {adj} {adv} [proper] | comme il faut [geh.] [veraltend] [wie es sich gehört] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to inquire of sb. where ... [Br.] [rather proper speech] | von jdm. zu erfahren suchen, wo ... |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | acad. oenol. school of viticulture [capitalized as proper name] | Weinbauschule {f} |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | in the fullness of time {adv} [idiom] [at the right and proper time] | zu gegebener Zeit |  |