| English | German | |
| corrupt {adj} [text, computer program, disk, CD, etc.] | 358 fehlerhaft [Text, Computerprogramm, Diskette, CD etc.] | |
| comp. source {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, application, code, file, program] | 45 Quell- [z. B. Adresse, Anwendung, Code, Datei, Programm] | |
| comp. bugged {adj} [coll.] [e.g. program] | 31 fehlerbehaftet [z. B. Programm] | |
Verbs |
| comp. to access [program, mask] | 452 einsteigen | |
| comp. to enable sth. [program etc.] | 432 etw.Akk. aktivieren [Programm etc.] | |
| med. phys. RadioTV to transmit sth. [a virus, a disease, heat, a signal, a program, etc.] | 281 etw.Akk. übertragen [ein Virus, eine Krankheit, Wärme, ein Signal, ein Programm etc.] | |
| comp. to run sth. [a program] | 234 etw. ausführen [ein Programm] | |
| RadioTV to syndicate sth. [to sell a program, series, etc. directly to independent stations] | 18 [etw. (eine Sendung, Serie usw.) direkt an unabhängige Sender verkaufen] | |
| comp. to unpin [a program from taskbar] | 5 lösen [ein Programm von der Taskleiste] | |
| comp. to exit sth. [e.g. a program] | etw.Akk. beenden [z. B. ein Programm] | |
Nouns |
| kink [fig.] [spleen, also flaw in program, scheme, etc.] | 799 Macke {f} [ugs.] [auch in Programmen, Plänen etc.] | |
| comp. tech. usage [device, program] | 172 Einsatz {m} [Gerät, Programm] | |
| comp. kludge [Br.] [coll.] [a botched or makeshift program] | 57 Drecksprogramm {n} [vulg.] | |
| placement [in program] | 22 Aufnahme {f} [in ein Programm] | |
| theatre playbill [program] | 18 Theaterprogramm {n} | |
| comp. program [computer program] | 15 Computerprogramm {n} | |
| RadioTV introduction [to a radio or TV program] | 10 Anmoderation {f} | |
| mus. performance [often an addition to a regular program] | 9 Einlage {f} | |
| comp. run [of computer program] | 8 Programmablauf {m} | |
| RadioTV narrowcast [programme/program that is narrowcast] | 7 Spartenprogramm {n} | |
| comp. educ. tutor [computer program or textbook] | 7 Lehrprogramm {n} | |
| comp. run [of computer program] | 5 Programmlauf {m} | |
| theatre [programme/program of (showtime) numbers in variety, circus, cabaret etc.] | Nummernprogramm {n} [im Varieté, Zirkus, Kabarett etc.] | |
| [structural action program] [Am.] | Strukturprogramm {n} [Raumplanung] | |
| hist. journ. [television newscast program of the GDR] | Aktuelle Kamera {f} [Nachrichtensendung des DDR-Fernsehens] | |
| closer [who brings sth. to a conclusion, e.g. a business transaction, program] | [jemand, der etw. abschließt, z. B. eine Transaktion, ein Programm] | |
| deactivating [computer program, allergen, etc.] | Deaktivieren {n} [Computerprogramm, Allergen etc.] | |
| theatre playbill [program] | Programmzettel {m} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to cop out [coll.] [of a scheme, program etc.] | aussteigen [aus einem Projekt etc.] | |
| comp. to force-close sth. [coll.] [forcefully close a program / process] | etw.Akk. hart beenden [ein Programm / einen Prozess] | |
| to switch on [TV program] | reinschalten [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| MedTech. anatomy program [organ-specific program setting] | Anatomieprogramm {n} | |
| naut. basin trial [with completion of the vessel construction program] | Standprobe {f} | |
| comp. math. tech. calculation tool [program] | Berechnungstool {n} [Programm] | |
| educ. dropout risk [drop out from a course or program] | Abbruchrisiko {n} | |
| fall program [Am.] [autumn program] | Herbstprogramm {n} | |
| educ. law legal studies {pl} [often treated as sg. as an institutional program of studies] | Rechtsstudium {n} | |
| hist. New Deal [US economic program under Pres. Roosevelt, 1933-1938] | New Deal {m} | |
| educ. practicum phase [of a training program] | Praxisphase {f} | |
| MedTech. remote selection [e.g. program] | Fernauswahl {f} [z. B. Programm] | |
| educ. summer camp [summer learning program] | Sommerschule {f} [Lernangebot in den Ferien] | |
| comp. text editor [computer program] | Texteditor {m} [Computerprogramm] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| comp. to log off (from sth.) [from program, file, etc.] | sichAkk. (von / aus etw.Dat.) abmelden [von / aus Programm, Datei etc.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. Atoms for Peace [program] | Atome {pl} für den Frieden | |
| med. pol. Indian Health Service <IHS> [federal health program for American Indians and Alaska Natives] | [Indianischer Gesundheitsdienst in den USA] | |
| comp. Internet telecom. Pretty Good Privacy <PGP> [encryption program] | Pretty Good Privacy {n} <PGP> [Verschlüsselungsprogramm] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| comp. to arrive at the menu [of a computer program] | ins Menü gelangen | |