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| |
| unprecedented {adj} [profit, step] | 604 unerhört | |
| bankable {adj} [sure to bring in a profit] | 383 profitabel | |
| rendered {adj} {past-p} [profit etc.] | 90 erbracht [Profit etc.] | |
| tidy {adj} [coll.] [considerable] | 43 ansehnlich [z. B. Einkommen, Profit] | |
| made {adj} {past-p} [profit, loss] | 13 eingefahren | |
| econ. fin. quaestuary {adj} [obs.] [concerned with profit] | 8 profitorientiert [am Profit orientiert] | |
Verbs |
| to make sth. [a point, profit, etc.] | 847 etw.Akk. erzielen [einen Punkt, Profit etc.] | |
| fin. to fetch sth. [profit etc.] | 753 etw. einbringen [Profit etc.] | |
| econ. to make sth. [profit, losses, etc.] | 429 etw.Akk. einfahren [ugs.] [Profit, Verluste etc.] | |
| to bring sb. sth. [profit, ingratitude, hatred etc.] | 370 jdm. etw.Akk. eintragen [Profit, Undank, Hass etc.] | |
| to benefit [profit from] | 358 nutznießen [geh.] [Nutzen haben] | |
| econ. to yield [profit] | 118 herausspringen [Gewinn] | |
| to boot sb. [obs.] [give profit or advantage to] | 83 jdm. nützen [helfen] | |
| econ. to yield [profit] | 74 abfallen [Gewinn] | |
| fin. to clear sth. [coll.] [earn, profit] | 26 etw. machen [ugs.] [verdienen] | |
| comm. to earn [make a profit] | 17 lukrieren [österr.] [sonst veraltet] | |
| econ. to flip sth. [quickly resell an asset for profit] | 11 etw.Akk. weiterverkaufen [als spekulatives Kurzfristinvestment] | |
| to benefit [profit by] | Nutzen ziehen | |
| to net sth. [earn as clear profit] | etw.Akk. netto verdienen | |
Nouns |
| benefit [advantage, profit] | 3138 Vorteil {m} | |
| haul [yield, profit] | 858 Ausbeute {f} | |
| benefit [advantage, profit] | 853 Gewinn {m} [Vorteil, Nutzen] | |
| win | 69 Gewinn {m} [Sieg; auch: Ertrag, Profit] | |
| econ. takeout [profit withdrawal] | 51 Gewinnentnahme {f} | |
| percentage [gain, benefit, profit, advantage] | 49 Provision {f} | |
| percentage [gain, benefit, profit, advantage] | 30 Vergütung {f} | |
| velvet [Am.] [coll.] [profit, esp. when beyond expectation] | 29 Reibach {m} [ugs., hier im Sinn von: unerwartet hoher Gewinn] | |
| boot [archaic] [advantage, profit] | 28 Vorteil {m} | |
| boot [archaic] [profit, advantage] | 17 Nutzen {m} | |
| benefit [profit, advantage] | 9 Frucht {f} [fig.] [der Arbeit etc.] | |
| killing [coll.] [profit] | 7 Reibach {m} [ugs.] [aus dem Jidd.] | |
| prostitution [debasement for profit or impure motives] | 7 Herabwürdigung {f} [Erniedrigung] | |
| killing [coll.] [profit] | Rebbach {m} [ugs.] [aus dem Jidd.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| ill-begotten {adj} [gains, profit] | illegal [Gewinn] | |
| ill-gotten {adj} [profit] | illegal [Gewinn] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to bring sth. in [harvest, profit] | etw.Akk. einfahren [Ernte, Gewinn] | |
| to cash in [coll.] [to profit from something] | abkassieren [ugs.] [sich bereichern,profitieren] | |
| to dramatically boost sth. [e.g. profits] | etw. sehr stark in die Höhe treiben [z. B. Profit] | |
| to rack sth. up [achieve sth., e.g. points, a high score, profits] | etw.Akk. erzielen [z. B. Punkte, ein gutes Ergebnis, Profit] | |
| to rack up sth. | etw.Akk. hereinholen [ugs.] [Geld, Profit] | |
| to sack up [coll.] [make as a net profit] | einen Profit einsacken [ugs.] [netto verdienen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| comp. jobs circuit rider [traveling IT consultant, esp. for non-profit/non-government organizations] | [reisender IT-Berater, bes. im gemeinnützigen Bereich] | |
| community service [non-profit organisation] | Bürgerhilfe {f} | |
| econ. gross yield [gross profit] | Rohertrag {m} | |
| comm. rake-off [coll.] [profit] | Gewinn {m} | |
| market. social marketing | Social Marketing {n} [oft synonym verwendet mit Sozialmarketing bzw. Non-Profit-Marketing] | |
| econ. third sector [non-profit organizations] | Dritter Sektor {m} [gemeinnützige Organisationen] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to clean up in sth. [coll.] [to make a large profit] | bei etw.Dat. abkassieren [ugs.] [finanziell profitieren, absahnen] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| acad. econ. law board of trustees [of a non-profit organization, esp. in the US] | Verwaltungsrat {m} [einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, insbes. in den USA] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be on the make [for profit] | profitgierig sein | |
| idiom to get mileage out of sth. | Nutzen aus etw.Dat. ziehen [Profit, Vorteil] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| econ. to get a / one's rake-off of sth. [coll.] [to take a percentage from profits] | an etw.Dat. mitschneiden [österr.] [meist pej.] [einen Anteil am Profit kassieren] | |
| econ. to take a / one's rake-off of sth. [coll.] [to take a percentage from profits] | an etw.Dat. mitschneiden [österr.] [meist pej.] [einen Anteil am Profit kassieren] | |