| English | German | |
| gastr. lingonberry {adj} [attr. adj. for food products containing lingonberries] | 222 Preiselbeer- [attr. Präfix für Nahrungsprodukte aus Preiselbeeren] | |
| recalled {adj} {past-p} [laid-off workers; products to manufacturer] | 82 zurückgerufen [entlassene Arbeiter; Produkte zum Hersteller] | |
| innovative {adj} [ideas, products, etc.] | 29 neu [innovativ, neuartig] | |
| cosmet. 12M [bathroom products / toiletries; time in months by which a product should be used after opening] | 12 M [Haltbarkeitsdatum; Wirksamkeit geöffneter kosmetischer Produkte; in diesem Beispiel: 12 Monate] | |
Nouns |
| produce {sg} [products] | 326 Erzeugnisse {pl} | |
| range [of products] | 215 Palette {f} [an Produkten] | |
| agr. FoodInd. dairy {sg} [milk and milk products collectively] | 210 Molkereiprodukte {pl} | |
| comm. dairy [shop where milk and milk products are sold] | 44 Milchladen {m} | |
| comm. exports [products] | 28 Exportgüter {pl} | |
| cosmet. med. Lysol® [Am.] [hygiene products, cleaning products] | 19 Sagrotan® {n} [Hygiene-Produkte, Reinigungsmittel usw.] | |
| agr. produce [agricultural and other natural products] | 7 Ausbeute {f} [Ertrag in der Landwirtschaft] | |
| cosmet. med. Dettol® [Br.] [hygiene products, cleaning products] | 5 Sagrotan® {n} [Hygiene-Produkte, Reinigungsmittel usw.] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. [German wheat-rye bread, usually white; percentage of rye approx. 20-30%; "Feinbrot" not laid down officially for bread products] | Feinbrot {n} [Weizenmischbrot, meistens hell] [Deutschland] | |
| comm. ecol. [trade fair for organic products] | Biomesse {f} | |
| hist. jobs [woman who bought food products from farmers in order to sell them in town] | Reeftragerin {f} [fränk.] | |
| comm. jobs demonstrator [one who demonstrates products or processes] | Demonstrator {m} [Vorführer (von Waren)] | |
| agr. fair [Am.] [competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc.] | (landwirtschaftliche) Leistungsschau {f} | |
| FoodInd. fatbloom [spv.] [in chocolate products] | Fettreif {m} | |
| telecom. hamfest [radio amateur products exhibition] | Amateurfunk-Ausstellung {f} | |
| comm. tobaccos [tobacco products] | Rauchwaren {pl} [Tabakwaren] | |
2 Words: Others |
| ecol. eco-sensitive {adj} [products] | umweltfreundlich [Produkte] | |
| mid-price {adj} [hotel, products, etc.] | der mittleren Preisklasse [attr.] [nachgestellt] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. par-baked {adj} [Am.] [rare] [partially baked, esp. yeast products (bread, rolls)] | vorgebacken [noch nicht fertig gebacken, meistens Tiefkühlbackwaren] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| agr. FoodInd. agro-products [also: agro products] | Agrarprodukte {pl} | |
| agr. FoodInd. agro-products [also: agro products] | Agro-Produkte {pl} | |
| complete range [e.g. of products] | Komplettprogramm {n} [komplettes Sortiment] | |
| FoodInd. fat bloom [in chocolate products] | Fettreif {m} | |
| comm. ind. line extension [products] | Produktlinienerweiterung {f} | |
| market. long tail [the large number of products that sell in small quantities] | Long Tail {m} [Umsatz mit Nischenprodukten] | |
| comm. milk shop [Br.] [establishment selling milk and dairy products] | Molkerei {f} [österr.] [veraltend] [Milchgeschäft] | |
| ecol. organic produce {sg} [products] | Bioerzeugnisse {pl} | |
| phasing out [e.g. of products] | Auslauf {m} [z. B. von Produkten] | |
| EU risk phrases [for hazardous products] | Risikosätze {pl} | |
| EU safety phrases [for hazardous products] | Sicherheitssätze {pl} | |
| tech. side discharge [of products] | Seitenauswurf {m} [von Produkten] | |
| single application [of persons, products, etc.] | Einzelanmeldung {f} [von Personen, Produkten etc.] | |
| FoodInd. sugar bloom [in chocolate products] | Zuckerreif {m} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| law pharm. German drug law [medicinal products act, Germany] | Arzneimittelgesetz {n} <AMG> | |
| comm. latest product innovations [new products introduced during a trade fair] | Messeneuheiten {pl} | |
| chem. tech. products of reaction [reaction products] | Reaktionsprodukte {pl} | |
| econ. threat of substitutes [products] | Bedrohung {f} durch Ersatzprodukte | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| EU oenol. inwards and outwards registers [list the goods required for the winemaking as well as the products leaving the vinery] | Ein- und Ausgangsbücher {pl} [listen die Güter, die für die Weinproduktion benötigt werden, sowie die das Weingut verlassenden Produkte] | |
| comm. trade in local produce [agricultural products] | Landesproduktenhandel {m} [veraltet] [noch österr. fachspr.] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| gastr. I made it from scratch. [cooked without convenience products] | Ich habe das selbst gemacht. [ohne Fertigerzeugnisse zubereitet] | |
| ecol. over / along their whole life cycle {adv} [sustainability of products] | über ihren gesamten Lebensweg [Nachhaltigkeit von Produkten] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| econ. to squeeze sth. out of the market [products, trendsetters] | etw. aus dem Markt drängen | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| agr. EU organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs | ökologischer Landbau {m} und die entsprechende Kennzeichnung der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnisse und Lebensmittel | |