| English | German | |
| ind. mass {adj} [e.g. production] | 198 fabrikmäßig [z. B. Herstellung; i. S. v. Massen-] | |
| ind. upstream {adj} [fig.] [in a production scheme, closer to manufacturing processes] | 144 vorgelagert | |
| complex {adj} [e.g. production, method] | 111 aufwändig [kompliziert; z. B. Herstellung, Verfahren] | |
| sweat {adj} [e.g. bead, gland, loss, pore, production, stain] | 43 Schweiß- [z. B. Tropfen, Drüse, Verlust, Pore, Pruduktion, Fleck] | |
| theatre stage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. actor, debut, performance, production, properties] | 11 Theater- [z. B. Schauspieler, Debüt, Vorstellung, Inszenierung, Requisiten] | |
| series {adj} [attr.] [e.g. actor, injection, production, switch, ] | Serien- [z. B. Darsteller, Einspeisung, Produktion, Schalter] | |
Verbs |
| to commission sth. [order the production of sth.] | 1842 etw.Akk. bestellen [etw. in Auftrag geben, z. B. ein Porträt] | |
| to discontinue sth. [production, run, etc.] | 457 etw.Akk. abbrechen [Vorführung, Lauf etc.] | |
| econ. ind. to reduce sth. [production] | 334 etw.Akk. verschlanken [die Produktion] | |
| to overshoot [production target] | 35 übertreffen | |
Nouns |
| fin. mint [coin production facility] | 110 Münze {f} [Münzprägeanstalt, Münzamt] | |
| film theatre premiere [first performance of a production, film] | 62 Premiere {f} | |
| fin. mint [coin production facility] | 45 Münzprägeanstalt {f} | |
| ind. extraction [production] | 32 Förderung {f} [Gewinnung] | |
| ind. mil. supplies [materials needed in war, industrial production, etc.] | 29 Versorgungsgüter {pl} | |
| econ. trimming [of production; staff] | 23 Verschlankung {f} [ugs.] | |
| stoppage [in production etc.] | 17 Stillstand {m} | |
| FoodInd. tempering [chocolate production] | 12 Temperieren {n} [Schokoladenherstellung] | |
| cut [in production, output] | 11 Einschränkung {f} | |
| biol. lactation [production of milk] | 10 Milchbildung {f} [Laktation] | |
| engin. tech. piercing [production of a hole in a sheet of metal by the use of a punch and a die] | 10 Lochen {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden] | |
| psych. changeover [from one production job to the next] | 9 Übergang {m} [von einer Serienfertigung zur nächsten] | |
| law oenol. [law relating to wine and wine production] | 8 Weingesetz {n} | |
| archaeo. spec. debitage [lithic production] | 7 Abschlagmaterial {n} [Abfall, der bei der Grundproduktion von Steinwerkzeugen anfällt] | |
| audio film tech. wigwag [film production] | 6 Rotlichtwarnlampe {f} [vor Film- und Tonstudios] | |
| pharm. pharmacy [preparation, production] | 5 Arzneimittelzubereitung {f} | |
| admin. agr. [agricultural support payments to maintain adequate food production capacity] | Versorgungssicherheitsbeiträge {pl} [in der Schweiz] | |
| ind. [automatic assembly line] [glass production] | Eiserner Mann {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [automatische Fertigungsstraße in der Glasherstellung] | |
| law pharm. [inspection of production sites in third countries] | Drittlandinspektion {f} [bei Produktionsstätten] | |
| [original production plant, based in the company's home region, and still in use] | Mutterwerk {n} | |
| comm. hist. [permitted production of goods for western countries in the former DDR] | Gestattungsproduktion {f} | |
| mus. attack [production of a note on an instrument] | Anschlagen {n} [Tonproduktion auf einem Musikinstrument] | |
| med. hypersalivation [excessive production of saliva] | Hypersalivation {f} | |
| archaeo. tools microburin [stone tool production] | Kerbrest {m} [Steingeräteherstellung] | |
| fin. mint [coin production facility] | Münzamt {n} | |
| audio mus. mixing [a step in sound production] | Abmischung {f} | |
| mus. spec. theatre nut {sg} [production costs] | Produktionskosten {pl} | |
| jobs polymechanic [Switzerland-trained mechanic involved in the production of machinery, tools, prototypes, etc.] | Polymechaniker {m} [schweiz.] | |
| slump [in demand, investment, sales, production] | starker Rückgang {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| QM GMP-compliant {adj} [e.g. production] | GMP-konform [z. B. Produktion] | |
| low-key {adj} [production, film's treatment] | unaufdringlich | |
| low-key {adj} [production, film's treatment] | einfach gehalten | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to crank up [coll.] [stimulate, boost production etc.] | ankurbeln | |
| to kick-start sth. [fig.] [stimulate, boost] [the economy, the production, tourism] | etw.Akk. ankurbeln [fig.] [z. B. die Wirtschaft, die Produktion, den Tourismus] | |
| engin. tech. to scale sth. up [quantities, production volume] | etw. aufskalieren [Produktionsmengen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| film jobs mus. balance engineer [esp. in classical music and movie production] | Toningenieur {m} | |
| hist. ind. boiling house [for salt production] | Pfannhaus {n} [österr.] | |
| film tech. bridging shot [film production] | Passage {f} | |
| archaeo. burin spall [stone tool production] | Stichelabfall {m} [Steingeräteherstellung] | |
| material tech. coil diameter [sheet metal production] | Coildurchmesser {m} [Stahlblecherzeugung] [auch: Coil-Durchmesser] | |