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 | agr. FoodInd. dairy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cattle, farmer, product, van] | 1849 Milch- [z. B. Vieh, Bauer, Produkt, Wagen] |  |
 | plant {adj} [attr.] [product, tissue, cell, life, etc.] | 203 pflanzlich [Produkt, Gewebe, Zelle, Leben etc.] |  |
 | genuine {adv} [of a product, esp. a brand-name one] | 55 original |  |
 | diet {adj} [as printed on the label of a food product or beverage] | 31 light [Aufschrift auf einer Lebensmittelverpackung] |  |
 | supplied {adj} {past-p} [with the product] | 22 mitgeliefert |  |
 | pharm. medicinal {adj} [e.g. plant, product, substance, tea] | 20 Arznei- [z. B. Pflanze, Mittel, Stoff, Tee] |  |
 | cosmet. med. sanitary {adj} [e.g. article, product, bag, regulations] | 16 Hygiene- [z. B. Artikel, Beutel, Bestimmungen] |  |
 | proverb [Rebranding doesn't change the product.] | ... heißt jetzt Twix™, sonst ändert sich nix. [ugs.] [fig.] |  |
 | cosmet. 12M [bathroom products / toiletries; time in months by which a product should be used after opening] | 12 M [Haltbarkeitsdatum; Wirksamkeit geöffneter kosmetischer Produkte; in diesem Beispiel: 12 Monate] |  |
 | non- [company name PLUS product name, e.g. "non-Microsoft software"] | [Firmenname] -fremde [PLUS Produktname, z. B. "Microsoft-fremde Software"] |  |
 | non- [company name PLUS product name, e.g. "non-Microsoft software"] | Fremd- [Produktname OHNE Firmenname, z. B. "Fremdsoftware"] |  |
Verbs |
 | market. to launch sth. [a product, film etc.] | 4386 etw. einführen [lancieren; Produkt, Film etc.] |  |
 | to canvass [for a party, product, idea etc.] | 855 werben [Wahlwerbung, Kundenwerbung etc.] |  |
 | to establish sth. [a firm, a product, etc.] | 697 etw. einführen [eine Firma, ein Produkt etc.] |  |
 | to launch sb./sth. [an artist, a new product, etc.] | 241 jdn./etw. lancieren [einen Künstler, ein neues Produkt etc.] |  |
 | econ. to streamline [product portfolio] | 215 straffen |  |
 | to discontinue [a product] | 123 abkündigen [ein Produkt] |  |
 | to supply [with a product] | 44 mitliefern |  |
 | comm. spec. to discontinue [drop from product range] | 24 auslisten [aus dem Sortiment nehmen] |  |
 | to commoditize sth. [product] | etw. zu einem Allerweltsprodukt machen |  |
 | comm. to commoditize sth. [product] | etw. zu einem Standardprodukt machen |  |
 | comm. to debut [product] | neu auf den Markt kommen [Produkt] |  |
 | to debut sth. [film, programme, product] | etw. zum ersten Mal vorstellen |  |
 | to debut sth. [film, programme, product] | etw. zum ersten Mal zeigen |  |
 | to discontinue sth. [a product] | etw.Akk. auslaufen lassen [ein Produkt] |  |
 | ind. to discontinue sth. [stop making a product] | die Produktion von etw.Dat. einstellen |  |
 | comm. to discount sth. [a product or service] | einen Rabatt auf etw.Akk. gewähren |  |
 | comm. to discount sth. [give discount on a product] | einen Preisnachlass auf etw.Akk. geben |  |
 | to plug sth. [coll.] [a product, event, etc., in order to promote it] | für etw.Akk. die Werbetrommel rühren [Redewendung] |  |
 | to sell [product] | sich verkaufen [etw. verkauft sich, z. B. blendend, schlecht, ...] |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. noodle [Br.: esp. Asian-style product] | 507 Nudel {f} |  |
 | tech. retooling [of a machine from one product to the next] | 303 Umrüsten {n} [bei Produktionswechsel] |  |
 | comm. commodity [good, product] | 165 Gut {n} [Ware] |  |
 | econ. relaunch [of a product] | 108 Wiedereinführung {f} [eines Produkts] |  |
 | agr. econ. ind. staple [main product] | 85 Haupterzeugnis {n} |  |
 | commodity [fig.] [product] | 84 Allerweltsprodukt {n} |  |
 | successor [product, car] | 72 Nachfolgemodell {n} |  |
 | market. swag [esp. Am.] [free merchandise distributed as part of the promotion of a product, company, etc.] | 58 Gratisgabe {f} [als Produkt- oder Firmenwerbung] |  |
 | manufacture [product] | 53 Erzeugnis {n} |  |
 | comm. nonconformance [product] | 48 Fehler {m} |  |
 | econ. excise [tax levied on the manufacture or sale of a product within a country] | 38 Akzise {f} [früher für Verbrauchsteuer] |  |
 | comm. export [product] | 34 Exportgut {n} |  |
 | manufacture [product] | 19 Manufaktur {f} [veraltet] [Erzeugnis] |  |
 | comm. relaunch [of a product] | 18 Neueinführung {f} [Wiedereinführung eines Produkts] |  |
 | tint [product for hair] | 17 Tönungsmittel {n} |  |
 | comm. econ. ind. manufacture [manufactured product] | 16 Produkt {n} [Erzeugnis] |  |
 | law [rights arising from product defects] | 14 Mängelrechte {f} |  |
 | loaner [unit, product] | 12 Leihstellung {f} [Leihgabe, z. B. Gerät] |  |
 | workmanship [product of skill or workmanship] | 12 Werk {n} [Produkt, Resultat] |  |
 | relaunch [of a website, product, etc.] | 11 Relaunch {m} [auch {n}] [z. B. einer Website] |  |